Telepathy: Science Fiction No More


Verified Military
Aug 14, 2007

This is the technology that will revolutionize the world.
The US Army is developing a lightweight scanner that can read your electrical brain patterns, translate them, and then transmit those signals. The technology will allow you to transmit emails, play a video game, or control a vehicle using only your thoughts:

Vocal cords were overrated anyway. A new Army grant aims to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone. No need to type an e-mail, dial a phone or even speak a word.

Known as synthetic telepathy, the technology is based on reading electrical activity in the brain using an electroencephalograph, or EEG. Similar technology is being marketed as a way to control video games by thought.

"I think that this will eventually become just another way of communicating," said Mike D'Zmura, from the University of California, Irvine and the lead scientist on the project.

It isn't hard to imagine combining this technology with an armored version of the SARCOS DARPA suit. In 10 years, this is going to be freaky.
The progression:

Current EEG brain scanning technology:

SARCOS Prototype in current development


The first projected use for the SARCOS suit, a utility suit that can aid in loading and unloading extremely heavy equipment:

In 10- 20 years?

please dont ever post a picture or mention Matrix 2 ever again. I like to convince myself they only made 1. Those were the worst sequals of all time.
... The US Army is developing a lightweight scanner that can read your electrical brain patterns, translate them, and then transmit those signals. The technology will allow you to transmit emails, play a video game, or control a vehicle using only your thoughts: ...
I examined the UCI program during the MindWar project. It does not result in conscious thought telepathy of the sort imagined in the linked news story, for the simple reason that "thought architecture" does not function that way.

In brief overview, human thinking is 95% subconscious, 5% conscious. The former manifests as "pattern thinking", the latter as "algorithmic thinking". The PSYOP/MW terms for these are "subliminal" and "liminal". Hence there are different Psychologicl Controls (PSYCONs) applicable to each.

UCI made the same mistake that the CIA did with the MK-series: trying to translate SL EMR (electromagnetic radiation) patterns into L algorithms: the sort of "telepathy" you'd get if you could have a telephone conversation by mere thought. While fun for sci-fi, this completely misses the SL/L differentiation, and it is why MKULTRA was a failure before it started, as Bragg could easily have told Langley. SL EMR are at the level of emotions, alertness, sensations, and [reality pattern] recpgmotopms. In the realm of the EMS (electromagnetic spectrum), SL EMR are both detectable and adjustable through BWR (brainwave resonance), which is pretty basic at JFK but not, evidently, at Langley or UCI.

To approach telepathy at the SLIMC (SL involuntary mind control) level, it's necessary to focus on the magnetic side of EMR, e.g. TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation):

As the phenomenon of magnetism is integral with electricity, and human mental activity is electric, it is unsurprising to find that magnetic fields, while not affecting the body’s metabolism to a significant degree, due to the extremely small amount of ferromagnetic material therein, can influence thought itself.

As discovered through MRI imaging, the area of the brain in which evaluations and opinions about others’ beliefs and morality are made is the tempero-parietal junction (TPJ). In 2010 MIT neuroscientists discovered that application of a magnetic field to the right TPJ, by means of a noninvasive technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) temporarily disrupts an individual’s ability to make judgments based upon previously-learned morality. In effect, pre-indoctrination is suppressed, resulting in the subject’s tending to judge situations more on a discrete cause-and-effect basis. In theory, TMS could be used to condition personnel to make decisions unencumbered by prior moral, social, or ethical indoctrination; and to remove that same protective indoctrination from a hostile individual being interrogated. TMS thus approaches in scientific reality the mythical “brainwashing” of classic conspiracy legend.

The present limitations of TMS from a MW perspective are that its effects are only temporary, and that the magnetic field needs to be precisely created in close proximity to the TPJ. The establishment of a direct cause-and-effect relationship between magnetism and morality, however, opens the MW door to the long-sought “holy grail” of SLIPC: the removal of preexisting moral beliefs.

Unlike BWR, magnetic fields can be generated and focused directionally, in precisely-calculated strengths. A precisely-configured TMS field directed at hostile humans motivated by intense moral conditioning (as in a deeply-held religious belief or irrational political ideology) can instantly dismantle or at least substantially weaken this barrier to communication and situational reasoning.

The 1990s’-emergent technique of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) opens new potential for both the reading of human thoughts and the implantation of them. In fMRI magnetic sensors detect blood-flow activity within the brain with such precision and accuracy that the result can be used by a computer to assemble an accurate image of the subject’s visualization from a database of standardized components. In reverse, fMRI may eventually be able to transmit them.
If I learned nothing else in my Army career, it was to never argue with a Marine.

In my experience, the difference between Marine and a Rottweiler is that after awhile the Rottweiler lets go.
If I learned nothing else in my Army career, it was to never argue with a Marine.

In my experience, the difference between Marine and a Rottweiler is that after awhile the Rottweiler lets go.

Are you disagreeing with a meme with no words? Come on buddy.
If I learned nothing else in my Army career, it was to never argue with a Marine.

In my experience, the difference between Marine and a Rottweiler is that after awhile the Rottweiler lets go.
Colonel, I have to apologize a bit. You're new to the forum, and my response was a little flippant.

Carry on.
To be a cis-gender/non-binary being in today's Army.

Mawashi - UPRISE Tactical Exoskeleton - Soldier Systems Daily

I've seen a bunch of these and a slew of companies are developing the exoskeleton prototypes...or Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS). There's a long, long way to go in R&D before any of them become technologically (or financially) practical for military applications. Admiral McCraven, before he left SOCCOM, wanted to outfit special operators with this by 2018...that may be a bit too optimistic.

Right now civilian-application exoskeleton designs show promise in the medical field for people who are unable to walk, but they're clunky and awkward.

Some day soldiers will be bopping around in these. Hopefully they can come up with a design that can take the punishment of combat and still function, even after some frag damage.