The ACA/ Obamacare Website Fiasco Thread

At the risk of being dramatic, the ACA is like the Titanic. No one would argue with a massive luxury liner equipped with modern comforts, but that same liner with bad metal, poor leadership, and no lifeboats? Danger, Will Robinson!

Like the Titanic or any ship, if you have a bad hull you can't patch it, you have to start over. So you eat the cost or accept that your concept isn't worth the hassle.

Personally, I think this is something we should get right and we should fix, even if it means starting over. The fear I have, as I've posted earlier, is I don't trust the system to get it right. It will go back to the shipyard and have a fresh coat of paint applied and new china in the first class lounge. BAM! Titanic 2.0
Maybe this guy can join the fired Admiral and Generals support group?

A day after he questioned President Obama’s decision to unwind a major tenet of the health-care law and said the nation’s capital might not go along, D.C. insurance commissioner William P. White was fired.

White was called into a meeting Friday afternoon with one of Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s (D) top deputies and told that the mayor “wants to go in a different direction,” White told The Washington Post on Saturday.
So, how wrong is this guy ? ;-)
(note: the video is from 1978 but that adds to it's value and despite being nearly 10 min. it's worth a watch/listen)

Obama's poster mom just found out the real cost of Obamacare.
A few weeks ago, I noted that nearly all of the early Obamacare applicants on the Washington State Health Benefit exchange had been given bad information. They were told they qualified for large subsidies to pay their insurance premiums, but it was all the result of a computer error that was massively underreporting the applicants’ income.

Jessica Sanford of Federal Way, Wash., a freelance court reporter. She isn’t just any enrollee. As it happens, President Obama once mentioned her by name. She was so thrilled at getting a “gold” level insurance plan for herself and her son for just $169 per month that she had written Obama to thank him. And then he read from her letter and gave her a name-check in his October 21 Rose Garden speech. He told her story — one of the few positive ones out there — as part of his sales pitch...

Unfortunately, Washington State did finally got back to Sanford about her application. That $452 subsidy we said you’d get? That was a mistake. You actually get zero. So for that gold plan, instead of paying $169 per month, you’d pay $621 per month.
Sooooooo, at the sake of sounding partisan, where are the good news sories to this fiasco?? Are there any Libs that care to share the good news?? So far we've seen the last 3 pages on this thread alone with ZERO backbone from the Liberals who so whole heartedly supported the what now? Skip town?? Delete / scrub your posts?? "We The People" haven't forgotten.

Must have had a pretty terrible plan. I pay 400 a month for myself.

ETA: How is it that you're a Special Forces Medic (E-6), eligible for TriCare even when on inactive status, and you pay $400 a month for healthcare insurance?? Not calling you out or calling you a liar or anything.........:thumbsdown:.........but the numbers don't quite add you so eloquently stated before to someone else.
You know, at this point you would think that POTUS would watch that technology snafu thing, as well as take great care to NOT embellish, the numbers. He just digs himself deeper.

The White House did not respond to an email asking whether it would correct the president's claim that 100 million Americans have enrolled already.

Twittersphere was not kind.

@WhiteHouse Waiting for the OFA website conference call to work? #utterfailure #unqualified #inept #corrupt #SerialLiar
Needless to say, it will be interesting to see what the "numbers" are, once Sebelius finally presents them. With everything that has happened, I don't know how they think they will get the numbers needed to make Obamacare viable. Everything else has been a fail, I can't imagine that the numbers will even approach what is needed.
Sooooooo, at the sake of sounding partisan, where are the good news sories to this fiasco?? Are there any Libs that care to share the good news?? So far we've seen the last 3 pages on this thread alone with ZERO backbone from the Liberals who so whole heartedly supported the what now? Skip town?? Delete / scrub your posts?? "We The People" haven't forgotten.

ETA: How is it that you're a Special Forces Medic (E-6), eligible for TriCare even when on inactive status, and you pay $400 a month for healthcare insurance?? Not calling you out or calling you a liar or anything.........:thumbsdown:.........but the numbers don't quite add you so eloquently stated before to someone else.

I'm not eligible for tricare anymore. When I ETS I had insurance provided by my job for free(so why pay for tricare?), now that I am in school and the enrollment period for tricare had elapsed I'm not eligible. We actually pay 421 a month for just me.

As to the other stuff, yeah I'm going to skip town and delete my posts because of a bad rollout to a law... I still think that there should be at a minimum a requirement for insurance, and no bar on things like pre-existing conditions. It's too bad this is not going well because I had really high hopes. But I'm not ashamed to say that the law is bad, and it needs to be fixed.
Sooooooo, at the sake of sounding partisan, where are the good news sories to this fiasco?? Are there any Libs that care to share the good news?? So far we've seen the last 3 pages on this thread alone with ZERO backbone from the Liberals who so whole heartedly supported the what now? Skip town?? Delete / scrub your posts?? "We The People" haven't forgot.

For the people that the law was generally targeting (the young and poor) insurance is ridiculously cheap. A few other vet friends and I have signed up recently (using California's excellent exchange website) and we hardly pay anything for policies. I think the most expensive premium I saw among us was about 150$. Personally, my policy will cost 77$ a month when coverage takes effect. Some guys were covered under the expanded Medicaid, so they aren't paying anything. So for us, who typically would have a hard time affording insurance, its been great.
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For the people that the law was generally targeting (the young and poor) insurance is ridiculously cheap. A few other vet friends and I have signed up recently (using California's excellent exchange website) and we hardly pay anything for policies. I think the most expensive premium I saw among us was about 150$. Personally, my policy will cost 77$ a month when coverage takes effect. Some guys were covered under the expanded Medicaid, so they aren't paying anything. So for us, who typically would have a hard time affording insurance, its been great.

I'm honestly happy to hear that it went right for someone. How much of this is Fed. vs. State success I'm not versed enough in the details to measure, but I am happy it works.

The problem is Atlanta's burning and you and a few friends just showed up with buckets of water. I'm glad this worked for you and others, but if you think of this as a computer system, the MTTF rate is through the roof.

I'm glad you brought it up though. This morning I was thought "Where are the success stories?" Surely even liberal media sources would carry those front and center to offset the negatives? Facts which could be verified and agreed upon by other sources?

The parasite liberals are now confused. This was supposed to be free and hard working people pay for it. It's supposed to be cheaper and save you up to "2500" average per year. Got duped again by the liar and chief. This has just begun, this is the tip. Employer mandates will body slam America. "Elections have consequences"
For the people that the law was generally targeting (the young and poor) insurance is ridiculously cheap. A few other vet friends and I have signed up recently (using California's excellent exchange website) and we hardly pay anything for policies. I think the most expensive premium I saw among us was about 150$. Personally, my policy will cost 77$ a month when coverage takes effect. Some guys were covered under the expanded Medicaid, so they aren't paying anything. So for us, who typically would have a hard time affording insurance, its been great.
Is that a subsidized rate?
Lady in Oregon(?) just found they erroneously gave her a subsidy, and then tripled her rate when the subsidy was taken away.
This plan in its current form is completely unsustainable which was the plan all along. Single payer and a complete take over of medical care and services is the goal. Obama has always said this and supported this, always has been and always will be the ultimate goal. The website is a wind fall for this administration right now. As soon as the facts and numbers are known as well as the cancellations they will wish for a website problem.
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More "success" stories.

At Bowie State University in Maryland, the cost of student health insurance policies went from roughly $100 a year to $1,800 a year.

The cancelled plan offered $5,000 worth of medical coverage to students for just $54 per semester. University administrators said an acceptable replacement under the Affordable Care Act would have cost $900 per emester, a 1,500 percent increase.

The sticker shock didn’t sit well with some students who spoke out against the price hike.

“You’ve haven’t done anything Obama and I am disappointed in you,” one student said. Another told Campus Reform, “We don’t have that money. We can barely afford books.”

The frustration has been felt across the country as colleges and universities have to decide whether to cut coverage or offer sky-high plans that in some cases triple the cost of premiums.