The ACA/ Obamacare Website Fiasco Thread

I just read this on Fox so I went over to to take a look for myself. Sure enough..there it is.

For Americans with insurance coverage who like what they have, they can keep it. Nothing in this act or anywhere in the bill forces anyone to change the insurance they have, period.

So I took a screen shot for posterity because Im sure that sentence wont stay there for long.
Hypothetically, let's say that tomorrow the President, the House, the Senate, and SCOTUS formed some magical swirling vortex of reason and said "The ACA is broken and we're repealing it. From today we're starting over with a clean slate."

How many of you would be fine with that? Even those of you who have supported the ACA from the beginning, at least the concept, and I know I'm one. I support the intent.

But me personally? Even hint at another opportunity for these clowns to get it right? Not a chance in hell. Therein lies one of the many, many tragedies about to hit. The next time the gov't says it will administer a program to do xxxx who in their right mind would support that? "We'll pass a bill." Uh, fuckyouverymuch.

I have to wonder if Americans are smart enough to remember this...but I think I know the answer to that too.

ETA: Fire up Google and type repealing. You'll love the first suggestion....
What blows my mind is the money that has been wasted. Just on the website alone. How much is the "fix" costing?
Hypothetically, let's say that tomorrow the President, the House, the Senate, and SCOTUS formed some magical swirling vortex of reason and said "The ACA is broken and we're repealing it. From today we're starting over with a clean slate."

How many of you would be fine with that? Even those of you who have supported the ACA from the beginning, at least the concept, and I know I'm one. I support the intent.

But me personally? Even hint at another opportunity for these clowns to get it right? Not a chance in hell. Therein lies one of the many, many tragedies about to hit. The next time the gov't says it will administer a program to do xxxx who in their right mind would support that? "We'll pass a bill." Uh, fuckyouverymuch.

I have to wonder if Americans are smart enough to remember this...but I think I know the answer to that too.

ETA: Fire up Google and type repealing. You'll love the first suggestion....
I am not against socialized or national health care systems.

ACA will not work without tort reform, and the Dems will not include tort reform into a healthcare package.

Cheap low cost plans for folks without insurance is what the supporters thought they were getting. Bring a mediCare type of insurance plan for catastropic events, and add a $50.00 co-pay for non emergency ER visits, and $10.00 co-pay for other visits.
This morning I pulled up "the big 3" as I like to think of online news sites: Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. I use those as a high level smattering of what's going on (and which side is reporting what) before going into the weeds on other sites.

Yesterday, CNN considered the President's mea culpa to be the top story for less than an hour before replacing it and moving it down to the #2 or #3 story on the left-hand side. Today the President's apology (as I type this) is buried towards the bottom under "Politics".

Fox has the story on the second row of articles to go with Petraeus' blocking/ downgrading of Swenson's MOH and some crap about McDonald's. Both Fox and CNN carry the Philippine typhoon as their lead story.

MSNBC is carrying the apology as their #2 story.

So, "My bad" from the leader of the free world doesn't even rate a full news cycle? After months of personal reassurances his admission of "misinformation" is buried in less than 12 hours? Well, at least we can catch up on hazing in the NFL...:rolleyes:
Did you know this? How is this "shared responsibility" if only one party is responsible for paying the cost?

Basic Information
1. What is the individual shared responsibility provision?

Under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government, state governments, insurers, employers and individuals are given shared responsibility to reform and improve the availability, quality and affordability of health insurance coverage in the United States. Starting in 2014, the individual shared responsibility provision calls for each individual to have minimum essential health coverage (known as minimum essential coverage) for each month, qualify for an exemption, or make a payment when filing his or her federal income tax return.

2. Who is subject to the individual shared responsibility provision?

The provision applies to individuals of all ages, including children. The adult or married couple who can claim a child or another individual as a dependent for federal income tax purposes is responsible for making the payment if the dependent does not have coverage or an exemption.

6. What are the statutory exemptions from the requirement to obtain minimum essential coverage?

  1. Religious conscience. You are a member of a religious sect that is recognized as conscientiously opposed to accepting any insurance benefits. The Social Security Administration administers the process for recognizing these sects according to the criteria in the law.
  2. Health care sharing ministry. You are a member of a recognized health care sharing ministry.
  3. Indian tribes. You are a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe.
  4. No filing requirement. Your income is below the minimum threshold for filing a tax return. The requirement to file a federal tax return depends on your filing status, age and types and amounts of income. To find out if you are required to file a federal tax return, use the IRS Interactive Tax Assistant (ITA).
  5. Short coverage gap. You went without coverage for less than three consecutive months during the year. For more information, see question 22.
  6. Hardship. The Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as the Affordable Insurance Exchange, has certified that you have suffered a hardship that makes you unable to obtain coverage.
  7. Unaffordable coverage options. You can’t afford coverage because the minimum amount you must pay for the premiums is more than eight percent of your household income.
  8. Incarceration. You are in a jail, prison, or similar penal institution or correctional facility after the disposition of charges against you.
  9. Not lawfully present. You are not a U.S. citizen, a U.S. national or an alien lawfully present in the U.S
Not lawfully present. You are not a U.S. citizen, a U.S. national or an alien lawfully present in the U.S

I thought one of the major reasons we needed universal coverage was because of all of the (3 million +) uninsured people living in the US illegally? So illegal residents can garner the benefits of the system, yet not have to pay into it?
I thought one of the major reasons we needed universal coverage was because of all of the (3 million +) uninsured people living in the US illegally? So illegal residents can garner the benefits of the system, yet not have to pay into it?

Holy Fawk!

I had no idea it was $1.3B (in 2011 dollars) bad.

It isn't widely known, but taxpayers already do subsidize health care for illegal immigrants. That's been true for years and is likely to expand under Obamacare.

The program doesn't really have a name, but it is referred to colloquially as emergency Medicaid. It is reimbursement offered to hospitals to provide emergency and maternity care to people who, based on their income and other factors, would be eligible for regular Medicaid if only they weren't a) in the country illegally, or b) in the country legally but not lawful long enough to join Medicaid (five years).
How 'bout this? I tried it out. It works very well IMHO. With the added benefit that I didnt have to enter any personal info.

While the Obamacare website still remains broken, three 20-year-old programmers have shown the government how it should be done.

Ning Liang, George Kalogeropoulos and Michael Wasser developed a site in matter of days - and it does things the expensive and faltering can't do.

From a San Francisco office the men have built, which presents the Affordable Health Care Act data in a much simpler way to the government website.
Billary steps up with his thoughts. I'm cynical enough to think this for his wife's benefit, but it is nice to see him come out and say something instead of spouting a party line.

“I personally believe, even if it takes a change in the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they’ve got,” Clinton said during an interview with the website

The House of Representatives is slated to vote later this week on a GOP-backed measure that would enact changes to Obamacare allowing insurance companies to continue offering individual plans that are currently being canceled because they don’t meet the Affordable Care Act’s standards for coverage.
While congressional Democrats are largely standing by the law, a number of them are trying to distance themselves from problems tied to the rollout. Among other things, some Democrats are pushing for an extension of the enrollment period or a delay in the penalty for not obtaining coverage.
What blows my mind is the money that has been wasted. Just on the website alone. How much is the "fix" costing?
I find it interesting the JUST THE ENROLLMENT process is being looked comes BILLING CYCLES. The gubmint run VA fucks up so many, you are not enrolled in UnitedHealthcare, ot TriCare is not your primary healthcare.....etc, etc. Trust me as a 21 year vet, between the doctors office and TriCare, I'm at about 50% of getting it right, at my expense.

What happens when the doctor bills SKYROCKET for the already administered healthcare, all because the insurance companies want their cut? Where's the taxpayer recourse......."Well, you signed up for THIS deductible, but the doctor is now asking for double the quoted price"...(because he can, and will) The onus will fall back on the taxpayer to pay the bill in full and THEN fight the insurance company / credit bureau to keep the late payments off the books and avoid a lower (all important) credit score. Credit score goes down, premiums go up......ouch....and all because the government lied to the masses, force fed us a bogus healthcare plan that won't work, and REFUSES to take the blame and at least re-structure / delay the penalties for not enrolling in their FAILED ACA healthcare plan.

FM.....can anyone see anything wrong with this picture? :wall:O_o