The ACA/ Obamacare Website Fiasco Thread

Favorite quote from Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI): “Amazon would never do this. ProFlowers would never do this. Kayak would never do this. This is completely an unacceptable level of security.”

ROFLMAO @ ProFlowers reference.

Obamacare. Less secure than your tulip order.
Perhaps this was intentional to distract from the real issue at hand: how bad the law REALLY is? :whatever: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...
And this just the website to sign on for this fiasco..I can hardly wait for the implementation of the actual healthcare delivery part. :rolleyes::wall::thumbsdown:
What part is that?
The part where a bean counter is responsible for granting if you get your healthcare or not based upon the "guidelines". Ive seen with my own eyes an appointment card for an individual in the UK healthcare system, for an MRI scan...three years from now. This is in our future.
I don't think it is alarmist to believe the ACA will fail. Look at the bill's passage, challenge in the court, the lies and half-truths about what was promised, and now the website. What has gone right with this thing? I'm sure something has and I want to believe something has, but everywhere you turn there's another WTF? moment. Success breeds success.
The part where a bean counter is responsible for granting if you get your healthcare or not based upon the "guidelines". Ive seen with my own eyes an appointment card for an individual in the UK healthcare system, for an MRI scan...three years from now. This is in our future.

So something that has not happened yet.
Well actually it has. Via the IPAB.

The board is charged with developing specific detailed proposals to reduce per capita Medicare spending in years when spending is expected to exceed target levels, beginning with 2015. The DHHS must implement these proposals unless Congress adopts equally effective alternatives. The board is also charged with submitting to Congress annual detailed reports on health care costs, access, quality, and utilization. Finally, the IPAB must submit to Congress recommendations regarding ways of slowing the growth in private national health care expenditures.

Each year, beginning April 30, 2013, the chief actuary of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will make a determination as to whether the projected average Medicare growth rate for the 5-year period ending 2 years later will exceed the target growth rate for the year ending that period. For years before 2018, the target growth rate is the projected 5-year average of the mean of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the medical care CPI; for 2018 and later years, the target is the nominal per capita growth rate of the gross domestic product plus 1 percentage point. If the CMS actuary determines for any given year that the projected Medicare growth rate will exceed the target rate, the board must make proposals that would reduce Medicare spending overall by either a percentage set in the statute (1.5% after 2017) or the projected excess, whichever is less.

Beginning January 15, 2014 and every year thereafter, the law requires the board to submit specific recommendations to the President and Congress to “slow the growth” in national health expenditures. However, decisions by the panel are not simply recommendations to Congress; if the Senate, the House, and the president do not concur on an alternative proposal, or if Congress does not act at all, the HHS Secretary is required to implement the board’s recommendations. The Secretary’s actions are immune from any administrative modification, presidential veto, or judicial review. As of August 15, 2014, if the IPAB does not submit such recommendations and Congress does not enact its own Medicare payment restrictions, the Secretary of HHS, an unelected official, is authorized to make and implement them unilaterally, i.e. without any other approval.

Just a reminder, the current Secretary of HHS is Kathleen Sebelius. The one taking the blame(but no apparent consequences other than a dressing down by Congress) for the website mess.
You personally know several people with low deductible plans that are losing them? That's surprising. As the ultimate goal of the ACA is to get people into plans with low deductibles.

I do the benefits administration for a small business with 35 - 50 employees. One of the 1st things I do when we are approaching our renewal is go to the major insurers and run individual quotes on myself. (Relatively healthy, not too old, no long term diagnosis that require treatment or Rx). This gives the business owners and myself a point of comparison so that when we receive our group plan quotes, we have something to bounce it off of in regard to monthly premium & plan selection to see if our benefits offering is in the market of what someone coming on board could get for themselves.

I am not sure what Capitol Hill considers "low deductible" but the lowest deductible plan available as quoted by 1 carrier for individuals coverage was $3650 with 100% coinsurance after the deductible was met. Another individual quote I received this year had the lowest deductible plans at $1500 but were 3x the monthly premium of our 2013 group plan with a $1500 deductible.

Also - we received our group plan termination letter from our current carrier - as we are not going to be able to keep the plan that we like moving into 2014. These were both low deductible ($500 & $1500 respectively) in which the cost to the individual on the $1500 deductible plan in their monthly premium was only $150/mo (we pay the other $150/mo). The carrier also provided our renewal plans quoted with higher deductibles, higher copays, higher Rx copays and much higher monthly premiums than what we pay now. So... less benefits, higher deductibles, and higher cost.

The "ultimate goal" has stopped way short of the finish line.
Duffelblog win.

Sebelius Threatens To Put VA In Charge Of Obamacare If Critics Don’t ‘Back The Fuck Off’

“You think this is bad now? You think this is bad now?! You ain’t seen nothing!” Sebelius says in the two-minute video posted early this morning.

“They’ve [the VA] been in business for decades and have only a few million customers. It takes them six months just to lose your application. Their website is a Kafkaesque labyrinth straight out of Dante. You will fucking BEG me to be in charge again.”

“The VA takes strong men and women who’ve survived IEDs, privation, disease and in a matter of days breaks their spirit,” she continues. “Subpoena me one more time and I will fucking do it, bitches.”

Read more:
We just received our group plan renewal rates & rates from competing carriers for 2014. This was dismal. I would like for President Obama to come sit down with me, in my office, for the 2-3 weeks that I work through the renewal process for a small business. I think it'd be an eye opening experience for him and would maybe help him see that the law, as it's written, benefits only a very select segment of the population.

Edited: I should say group plan quotes from our current carrier, instead of renewal rates. We can't renew our existing plans, since they are no longer offered. :(
We just received our group plan renewal rates & rates from competing carriers for 2014. This was dismal. I would like for President Obama to come sit down with me, in my office, for the 2-3 weeks that I work through the renewal process for a small business. I think it'd be an eye opening experience for him and would maybe help him see that the law, as it's written, benefits only a very select segment of the population.

I suspect he knows.
He's the only voice of moderation nowadays.

Which is a scary thought. I liken Obama's "you can keep it, period" comment to GHWB's comment "read my lips. No new taxes" comment. And maybe they both meant the comments at the time they were said. However, GHWB at least acknowledged that what he said and what he and Congress ended up doing were two different things, and they had to react to the situation. Obama never acknowledges anything. He is in perpetual spin mode.

Obamacare was to be the jewel of his presidency, and so far, it is a big fail. His administration has been chock full of scandal after scandal, differing from the Clinton WH of attempting to cover up extramarital affairs and issues surrounding corruptness and greed. The scandals of the Obama administration show a complete disregard for American values.

I obviously didn't vote for Obama, but after he won the first time, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he would do. He has been a profound disappointment to me, and it makes me sick to see what he is doing to our country's reputation on a global scale. I am hoping America has some common sense the next time we have an opportunity to vote for President. If the blinders haven't been lifted from the collective citizens's eyes by this administration, the wake up call was a waste. I am hoping the collective we is smarter than that.
We just received our group plan renewal rates & rates from competing carriers for 2014. This was dismal. I would like for President Obama to come sit down with me, in my office, for the 2-3 weeks that I work through the renewal process for a small business. I think it'd be an eye opening experience for him and would maybe help him see that the law, as it's written, benefits only a very select segment of the population.

Edited: I should say group plan quotes from our current carrier, instead of renewal rates. We can't renew our existing plans, since they are no longer offered. :(

+1 we got the same notice. We're going through the options to see what we will have.