The ACA/ Obamacare Website Fiasco Thread

What is this? MSNBC throwing down on Obamacare??:-o

President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.

Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC NEWS that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.”

None of this should come as a shock to the Obama administration. The law states that policies in effect as of March 23, 2010 will be “grandfathered,” meaning consumers can keep those policies even though they don’t meet requirements of the new health care law. But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date -- the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example -- the policy would not be grandfathered.

So why then did POTUS so famously keep saying "if you like your health insurance you can keep it"?

Do you happen to know what will be the difference in his deductibles? Some of those are absolutely shocking.

"same 80/20 coverage, after 1500 deductible, all the other "grades" , silver, bronze, are way less coverage and more money than what I pay now...."

From him. We've got tricare so we don't have to deal with it, but it's still bullshit.
New York Magazine throws down. The thing that bothers me is how many times POTUS preached this mantra. And who the hell is he to tell us what we can and cant keep? Those of us that work and pay for "our health care plan"? Imagine this: "If you like your car, you can keep your car". "If you like your house, you can keep your house". Was the expected response "Oh thank you Mr. President". Like we are some sort of subjects, not a free people?"If You Like Your Plan..." Supercut
More news regarding amateur hour. :rolleyes:

The New York Post reports the state health department erroneously listed the numbers as belonging to locations for the so-called ObamaCare “navigators,” who are supposed to help people sign up for health insurance.
Instead, they are reaching businesses such as Brooklyn Cupcake. The cupcake shop’s owner, Carmen Rodriguez, tells the Post she has received over 100 calls from people seeking information on health insurance.
“I have nothing to do with this,” Rodriguez said. “I run a very busy establishment, and I’m like, what is going on?”
Rodriguez tells the Post her phone has been ringing off the hook and she is at wits’ end.
“There has to be somebody who can help with ObamaCare; that’s their own mess,” she said.
South Park went after it last night. It was one of the funniest enemies I've seen in a while. Needless to say, they shit all over the current situation.
I was on the phone with a customer yesterday listening to him rant for over 20 minutes about his coverage. Small business owner who made good but now has insurance premiums 3 times his original coverage having been dropped by his insurance co, he is trying to sign up for this abortion of a bill. He also does stand up on the side, so it was rather entertaining at times. This is FUBAR.

Remember when Nancy Pelosi said: “We have to pass it, to find out what’s in it” ?

A physician called into radio show and said: "that's the definition of a stool sample"

That pretty well sums it up.
Interesting points on this EDITORIAL:

The individual and small group markets are made up largely of healthy people who don’t use a lot of services. The administration needs at least 2 million healthy people who don’t use a lot of services to join the exchanges in order to subsidize coverage for the poor and the sick. If they don’t join, the risk pool gets worse, prices go up, eventually insurers will flee the exchanges — and the whole thing collapses.

While the individual mandate is supposed to coerce uninsured healthy people without insurance to join the exchanges, the problem is that the penalties are too weak — just $95 in the first year. Why would a healthy person who does not think they need insurance pay $55 a month (or $660 a year) for a $6,000-deductible plan when they could just pay a $95 penalty instead?

So the administration needed some way to force currently insured healthy people into the exchanges. How serendipitous, then, that millions of mostly healthy people are suddenly seeing their health plans cancelled. If they cannot afford the skyrocketing prices to keep similar coverage, they have no choice but to join the exchanges. The result? A massive involuntary transfer of Americans out of private health insurance they were happy with into Obamacare plans.
Another little wrinkle. Who exactly is going to participate in your Obamacare exchange plan. Will your doctor/hospital accept the plan you have and/or will you have additional out of pocket charges in order to utilize the caregivers you prefer?

Americans who sign up for Obamacare will be getting a big surprise if they expect to access premium health care that may have been previously covered under their personal policies. Most of the top hospitals will accept insurance from just one or two companies operating under Obamacare.

ObamaCare was supposed to offer more choices — but New Yorkers shopping for medical coverage stand to be shut out of two of the city’s most prestigious hospitals.

Only three of the nine plans being offered on the New York State Health Exchange cover bills at NYU and New York-Presbyterian medical centers, The Post has learned.

Those who opt for the other six plans will either have to go elsewhere or pay steep out-of-pocket costs, officials said.
Another little wrinkle. Who exactly is going to participate in your Obamacare exchange plan. Will your doctor/hospital accept the plan you have and/or will you have additional out of pocket charges in order to utilize the caregivers you prefer?

So this only applies to people who are losing their cheap extremely high deductible health insurance. People who were probably kept from going to those hospitals/couldn't afford to go previously anyways. It's not like a whole lot of people who can afford medical bills don't have insurance already through their employer.

I think it is funny this system we have. Where people can be indignant about losing the choices they didn't even really have to begin with...
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So this only applies to people who are losing their cheap extremely high premium health insurance. People who were probably kept from going to those hospitals/couldn't afford to go previously anyways. It's not like a whole lot of people who can afford medical bills don't have insurance already through their employer.

I think it is funny this system we have. Where people can be indignant about losing the choices they didn't even really have to begin with...
Ignore the promise of being able to keep what you have, then finding out they knew 80% would lose their coverage.
So this only applies to people who are losing their cheap extremely high premium health insurance. People who were probably kept from going to those hospitals/couldn't afford to go previously anyways. It's not like a whole lot of people who can afford medical bills don't have insurance already through their employer.

I think it is funny this system we have. Where people can be indignant about losing the choices they didn't even really have to begin with...

Your argument fails.

2 words that will fuck anyone in that area:

Implied Consent.

Anyone who's been through State or National Registry training knows exactly what I am talking about. Unless a hospital is at capacity or otherwise shunting off patients elsewhere due to a multitude of situations... anyone who has an incident/accident (and WILL have a pricy bill due to) incurring loss of consciousness or obvious composure to make their own decisions at the scene of the call, will be transported to the nearest hospital UNLESS they're in need of facilities/care levels that are above and beyond what that nearest hospital can perform. These are high end hospitals. Top of the food chain. There isn't much "better levels" above them... so people WILL be going there in these situations.

This specifically means that exactly when they need insurance most due to having a theoretically serious medical emergency, they'll be going to the place where it's now forced to be hugely out of pocket, in lieu of a high deductible that while a gamble (yet not so much of one for a physically healthy family/individual who takes care of themselves so they don't get sick/injured as a general rule) they could cover by disposing/leveraging personal property that they owned.

Informed risk. My daughter, my wife, and myself all are healthy individuals through the gamut of hygiene both locational and physical, nutrition, and a gamut of other things we take into account. The only reason we even want/need insurance is specifically for catastrophic events. Not for day to day shit, because you can avoid getting sick and needing doctor's visits in the first place simply through environmental and personal controls.

It's the difference between being able to max out your credit card (that you specifically had an "oh shit" card for) and being able to just pay it off on your own time because some shit happened , versus having to sell your home/car/other large valuables immediately and most likely at a loss due to timeframe of payment required in order to be able to cover said bills.

It's flat out retarded.
So this only applies to people who are losing their cheap extremely high premium health insurance. People who were probably kept from going to those hospitals/couldn't afford to go previously anyways. It's not like a whole lot of people who can afford medical bills don't have insurance already through their employer.


I personally know several people that had very good policies at what they considered to be fair prices losing their coverage. Wait until the employer mandate kicks in next year. This very same scenario is going to happen with the group policies offered by employers.
I personally know several people that had very good policies at what they considered to be fair prices losing their coverage. Wait until the employer mandate kicks in next year. This very same scenario is going to happen with the group policies offered by employers.

You personally know several people with low deductible plans that are losing them? That's surprising. As the ultimate goal of the ACA is to get people into plans with low deductibles.

My point in my previous post was that if you had a low premium high deductible insurance you weren't going to NYU on the reg anyways. It's like being upset that while making payments on a pinto, you don't get to drive a Ferrari.

@Ranger Psych your point about implied consent makes zero sense as well. If someone is going to that level 1 trauma center chances are, they take this insurance. Further your example is absurd for a couple of other reasons, 1 if I am hurt so bad and have no insurance my bills would be so overwhelming the govt likely will be forced to come in and pay for them anyways. 2 who says that "catastrophic"insurance is taken wherever the accident takes place? What if it isn't? You are now up the same shit creek without a paddle you are up in The ACA or without insurance. Some if these absurd loopholes we are finding out about are due to how fucking shady insurance companies are.

It does piss me off to no end that people are losing some benefits, but a cheap high deductible plan is rolling the dice no matter how you look at it. And it is part of the reason they are doing away with it. Not to sound like a beating drum, but some people are a fall on the basketball court or a slip on the stairs away from a lifetime of medical debt.
You personally know several people with low deductible plans that are losing them? That's surprising. As the ultimate goal of the ACA is to get people into plans with low deductibles.

My point in my previous post was that if you had a low premium high deductible insurance you weren't going to NYU on the reg anyways. It's like being upset that while making payments on a pinto, you don't get to drive a Ferrari.

@Ranger Psych your point about implied consent makes zero sense as well. If someone is going to that level 1 trauma center chances are, they take this insurance. Further your example is absurd for a couple of other reasons, 1 if I am hurt so bad and have no insurance my bills would be so overwhelming the govt likely will be forced to come in and pay for them anyways. 2 who says that "catastrophic"insurance is taken wherever the accident takes place? What if it isn't? You are now up the same shit creek without a paddle you are up in The ACA or without insurance. Some if these absurd loopholes we are finding out about are due to how fucking shady insurance companies are.

It does piss me off to no end that people are losing some benefits, but a cheap high deductible plan is rolling the dice no matter how you look at it. And it is part of the reason they are doing away with it. Not to sound like a beating drum, but some people are a fall on the basketball court or a slip on the stairs away from a lifetime of medical debt.

Find someone who had an individual policy who's premium went down under ObamaCare, Find an individual whos deductible went down, and is paying the same rate.

In TX a 20-something male just saw his premium DOUBLE and his deductible TRIPLE.

Then explain how that is more affordable?

Do you have employer insurance?
Find someone who had an individual policy who's premium went down under ObamaCare, Find an individual whos deductible went down, and is paying the same rate.

In TX a 20-something male just saw his premium DOUBLE and his deductible TRIPLE.

Then explain how that is more affordable?

Do you have employer insurance?

I'm not saying it is cheaper. I don't think healthcare/insurance is affordable at all, for almost any middle income family.

I have insurance through my wife's university, because she is on a fellowship she gets pretty good insurance, I pay 400 dollars a month to be on her low deductible plan, which is a significant portion of our monthly(GI bill for me+ fellowship stipend for her which is exactly the same as GI bill) you can add up what we make and what percentage of our income goes to health insurance/care. Health insurance is and has been expensive as fuck for a long time, nothing will change that except lowering the cost of care.