The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

So, I judged 14.5 all day yesterday, and did it today, which is how I have done all the open workouts. After watching yesterday, I knew I could go sub-16 if I gamed it right and stuck to the plan. I knew some pretty valuable truths- don't go out fast, at all, for any reason. 2 second thrusters, 3 second burpees at the very fastest. Keep moving, at all times. Big chunks of thrusters when you need to break them up, never anything short of sets of 5. When you hit singles, you had to leave it on the floor. No turning away from the bar, and keep your burpees tight and be as close as possible.

Anyway, got in the gym today, went in the second heat, got through the round of 21 in just under 2 minutes. Right on plan/time. I hit 18 thrusters in 2 sets of 9 with a 10 second break in between. I'm about 6 burpees in- and the lights go out in the gym. Clock turns off. I stop for 3 or 4 seconds, and looked at the head coach (a good friend of mine), and basically gave him the WTF hands. I just decided to keep going (but had lost 15 seconds or so of time and 3 or 4 reps on the guys behind me). Power comes back on and people start playing the guessing game about what time the power went off, what time we are at now, so on. They also didnt re-start the clock, which I had literally been staring at the entire time.

In the round of 12, power goes off again. They had started a backup clock on a phone, so no worries there. I press through the singles like I had planned and finished strong. I ended up getting beat by about 10 seconds by one guy that did exactly what Froning did to Briggs- he just paced off me and went harder in the 9/6 round. No issues.

So the time I have to submit? 16:45. Now, I don't give a shit about where that puts me in the open. But as I sit here and estimate, I start tallying up the guesswork and pauses and whatnot, and it pissed me off. I met my goal last week, and felt great about my goal this week.

Worst part about it is that everyone else was rolling around on the floor for an hour afterwards, and I had planned it so well that I was smoked, but immediately felt better (and then immediately wondered if I could have pushed it harder). Realistically, I dont think I could have, but it was a pretty disappointing way to end it.

Either way, I'm the coach of the team going to regionals in Salt Lake, so that'll be a good time in general. I will be drinking heavily.
So, I judged 14.5 all day yesterday, and did it today, which is how I have done all the open workouts. After watching yesterday, I knew I could go sub-16 if I gamed it right and stuck to the plan. I knew some pretty valuable truths- don't go out fast, at all, for any reason. 2 second thrusters, 3 second burpees at the very fastest. Keep moving, at all times. Big chunks of thrusters when you need to break them up, never anything short of sets of 5. When you hit singles, you had to leave it on the floor. No turning away from the bar, and keep your burpees tight and be as close as possible.

Anyway, got in the gym today, went in the second heat, got through the round of 21 in just under 2 minutes. Right on plan/time. I hit 18 thrusters in 2 sets of 9 with a 10 second break in between. I'm about 6 burpees in- and the lights go out in the gym. Clock turns off. I stop for 3 or 4 seconds, and looked at the head coach (a good friend of mine), and basically gave him the WTF hands. I just decided to keep going (but had lost 15 seconds or so of time and 3 or 4 reps on the guys behind me). Power comes back on and people start playing the guessing game about what time the power went off, what time we are at now, so on. They also didnt re-start the clock, which I had literally been staring at the entire time.

In the round of 12, power goes off again. They had started a backup clock on a phone, so no worries there. I press through the singles like I had planned and finished strong. I ended up getting beat by about 10 seconds by one guy that did exactly what Froning did to Briggs- he just paced off me and went harder in the 9/6 round. No issues.

So the time I have to submit? 16:45. Now, I don't give a shit about where that puts me in the open. But as I sit here and estimate, I start tallying up the guesswork and pauses and whatnot, and it pissed me off. I met my goal last week, and felt great about my goal this week.

Worst part about it is that everyone else was rolling around on the floor for an hour afterwards, and I had planned it so well that I was smoked, but immediately felt better (and then immediately wondered if I could have pushed it harder). Realistically, I dont think I could have, but it was a pretty disappointing way to end it.

Either way, I'm the coach of the team going to regionals in Salt Lake, so that'll be a good time in general. I will be drinking heavily.

I would be so pissed off....
I would be so pissed off....
In the grand scheme of it, I am only really mad because I failed to meet my self imposed goal. And if you wanna get real grown up about it, it's sort of like MMA- wanna win the fight? Don't let it go to the judges.

If I am upset about :45 seconds, then maybe I should have gone :50 seconds faster.
I haven't done any xfit in several months. Too much reading the opinions of others and indecision.

Ah and money.

I like the workouts and the community.
I haven't done any xfit in several months. Too much reading the opinions of others and indecision.

Ah and money.

I like the workouts and the community.
Just get the WOD and do them at home or at your gym. There is a guy that comes to my gym all Crosfitted up and does the WOD. He looks funny wearing all his neon and neoprene and his CF gym shirt but does the workouts.
Just get the WOD and do them at home or at your gym. There is a guy that comes to my gym all Crosfitted up and does the WOD. He looks funny wearing all his neon and neoprene and his CF gym shirt but does the workouts.

I disagree with that method if you don't already have a foundation. I thought I could teach myself how to do a snatch off of youtube videos... I was wrong.
I disagree with that method if you don't already have a foundation. I thought I could teach myself how to do a snatch off of youtube videos... I was wrong.
Marine0311 had stated he hadnt done Crossfit in several months. I would hope that he would have the foundation before attempting anything on his own. This is not limited to Crossfit, anything done at the gym alone you should know how to execute the movements properly before starting on your own.
Marine0311 had stated he hadnt done Crossfit in several months. I would hope that he would have the foundation before attempting anything on his own. This is not limited to Crossfit, anything done at the gym alone you should know how to execute the movements properly before starting on your own.

I did one class months ago where I was taught the movements. I am not confident in my ability to do it on my own so I would prefer to go to the classes. 8-)
Too much reading the opinions of others and indecision.

Ah and money.

People's opinions are why I really hate the internet, especially social media.

As for the money aspect, look around and see if you can find a groupon for your local CF gym. That or take a foundations class and hit the local CF gym once a week and workout elsewhere the rest of the time.
People's opinions are why I really hate the internet, especially social media.

As for the money aspect, look around and see if you can find a groupon for your local CF gym. That or take a foundations class and hit the local CF gym once a week and workout elsewhere the rest of the time.

Well played good sir.

Money isn't a problem now. I just got a text from the owner offering discounts.

Win for me.
Speaking of CrossFit:

ACLU defending officer suspended for 'not shutting up about Crossfit'

Pat Meyback is commonly considered the fastest and strongest officer working the streets of Pleasantburg. He’s now going to have to work on becoming one of the quietest.
Officer Meyback has been placed on one week of paid administrative leave for ‘Not shutting up about Crossfit,’ according to an internal agency document obtained by the Straight Shooter.
Complaints about Pat Meyback’s vocalization about his exercise routine have been stacking up, according to the department document. Of the 25 sworn and ten non-sworn personnel working Pleasantburg PD, only two have not filed complaints about Meyback’s “constant conversation about Crossfit.”
“There’s no doubt that Officer Meyback can outswim, outrun, and out-cycle every cop on this department, but there’s also no doubt that he can’t shut the hell up about it,” growled Chief Chuck Stern.
Officer Meyback’s disciplinary action has raised the attention of the ACLU.
“This is clearly a First Amendment violation,” said ACLU attorney I.M. Vulger, who practically swooned when she spoke about Meyback.
“Pat Meyback is an exemplary office — I mean, look at the guy, he’s just dreamy. You see those arms? Those buns? How could anyone with that muscle tone not talk about their amazing muscle tone? To limit his speech like this is uncalled for and unconstitutional.”
Chief Stern doesn’t agree. Stern told the Straight Shooter that Crossfit is only the most recent topic on which Meyback is stuck.
“A few years back is was rock climbing. Couple years before that, it was all about doing triathlons. Last year it was Bikram Yoga, whatever the hell that is,” Stern said.
No legal action has been taken, but Stern and Vulger appear now to be on a collision course most likely to end up in a courtroom confrontation. We at the Straight Shooter will keep you posted.

CrossFit is not like Fight Club! :D

Well, nice to see they do ruck marches.
Most crossfitters I know don't even run .... Seriously, the people from my crossfit gym hate running, they think running will cause injuries more than weight lifting :-/:wall:O_o

Well, nice to see they do ruck marches.
Most crossfitters I know don't even run .... Seriously, the people from my crossfit gym hate running, they think running will cause injuries more than weight lifting :-/:wall:O_o

"Crossfit"... I don't think you know what that means.... haha

I would tell them "so much for attacking your weaknesses... you know... one of those tenants of cross fit..."
I know. And yes you are right about the lack of proper view on the subject. But then again I don't blame them. You can't look cool when you are choking and grasping for air while doing something as 'simple' as running. Nah, lifting big weights makes you look much, much cooler than that.
On the flip side, running is actually absent in most of the crossfit workouts in Poland - at least from what I've read and heard from other people. Guess it's all about being 'ripped'