The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

Getting ripped like that is all about clean nutrition, to an extent once you get there it's all about macros, based on the fact that one of my friends just got pro card as a Physique competitor, dude eats shit I can't do at all.
Today was a quite interesting workout day. We did two WODs:


box jumps: 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
KB (20kg) GTO: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24

After a couple of minutes rest we did WOD#2

4 time:
-5 x 5 reps
-DL 100% BW, HSPU (I did STO with 50% BW since I don't know how to do a HSPU)
-every round we added 10kg to the DL.

Broke my PR (not my back ;-)) and made it up to 5 reps of 110kg DL.

6 months ago if you told me I would be lifting 150% of my BW, I would think you are eighter crazy, drunk or on crack.
Time for some fun :-)

In Poland, Easter is celebrated for two days. On Easter Monday we ususally meet with our families, eat, drink, catch up and stuff like that.
The other aspect is poaring watter on people (more HERE).
This year Polish crossfitters decided to do something special. A nation-wide campaign was set up to celelbrate Easter Monday with watter, but watter from our bodies ;-)
Fitmania was no different.
The WOD was being done in pairs, it consisted of:

150 thrusters (20/15 kg plate)
200 SDHP (30/20 kg)
200 push-ups
200 sit-ups
200 squats
50 burpees

We had 35 people participating in thje event. Best time was 24:11, and it was done by our oldest croffit pair. They showed us young guys/galls how to put out.
Here is a video:

Today my CF gym friends did one of crossfits "Hero Workouts". We did "DT" in honor of SSG. Timothy P. Davis (a Combat Controller from 23rd STS) who succumbed to his woundes whem his vechicle was hit by an IED Feb 20th 2009.
It was an honor to do this workout.
Seeing some of the form I've seen in xfit gyms... I don't know if you'd be any worse teaching yourself the lifts :p

Well, when you are first learning the lifts - most do not look very pretty. And that goes whether you are in barbell club or a CF gym. It takes a lot of time and practice to even look half way decent on the snatch.
Small man, big load :-)


140% BW in DL.
So if the guy wearing the sweet socks weighs 160#, he's only lifting 225#. And why the gloves? I am not that strong at all and I can lift 150% my BW (no straps) when doing DL.