The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

Recently my (for lack of a better word for it) decided to participate in the first in my region obstacle run, something like the Spartan Race. It will be held on the 1st of May. Needles to say, running in most crossfit gyms (at least in my country/region) is held mostly during the summer, even then they gerneally don't do this. I still can't wrap my head around it, but I'd guess it has something to do with the fact you can't take a lot of photos with your phone when you are running - go figure.
Then again when someone is naming him/her self 'fit at an elite level' but has neve atempted to run more than 2 miles (even then took time to take a selfie :wall: ), then eighter I live on a different planet or we have two distinctly different definitions of being 'fit'.
The run it self will be over 8 miles, with 65 obstacles. Needles to say it will be quite interesting.
Recently my

Crossfit community? :ack: I bike all season long and feel douche-chills every-time I hear the term biking community. This has to be the most overused politically correct buzzword out there today. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to meet up with some bros from the drinkin' community :thumbsup:
15.1 has been announced...

9 minute AMRAP
15 toes to bar
10 deadlifts
5 snatches
(115# M/75# F, for both lifts)

1RM Clean & Jerk
6 minute time cap
It's 1RM...why would there be a time only do one.
The open has to be structured like that for timing purposes. You can't say, "build up to a 1RM", because dudes will sit in the gym for an hour getting there, you need to have time caps for heat arrangement.

As RP pointed out, you build up to a 1RM... :rolleyes:
It's also immediately after the 9 minute AMRAP.
I am not building to shit. I am going to hit this 9 minute portion at a nice, controlled pace and go for a single or maybe 2 attempts in those 6 minutes. Anyone doing more than 3 lifts (and not coming up with a huge PR) is pretty dumb. Waste of effort.
I am not building to shit. I am going to hit this 9 minute portion at a nice, controlled pace and go for a single or maybe 2 attempts in those 6 minutes. Anyone doing more than 3 lifts (and not coming up with a huge PR) is pretty dumb. Waste of effort.
That's what my brother suggested doing, said he kept his pace good but controlled for the AMRAP and got 127 reps. He then tied his C&J PR at 225# in 5-6 attempts.
Also, make sure to wear your WODKILLA shirt (that you'll of course take off for the WOD) and your shin gators...can't have your shins getting all scraped up with those snatches!!
The open has to be structured like that for timing purposes. You can't say, "build up to a 1RM", because dudes will sit in the gym for an hour getting there, you need to have time caps for heat arrangement.

I am not building to shit. I am going to hit this 9 minute portion at a nice, controlled pace and go for a single or maybe 2 attempts in those 6 minutes. Anyone doing more than 3 lifts (and not coming up with a huge PR) is pretty dumb. Waste of effort.

If you already know where you are, you have a good place to start and can gauge what you can do from there. If you don't, then I guess you're going mungo and will probably end up hitting lower than your true 1rm due to inherent fatigue from multiple lifts.
That's what my brother suggested doing, said he kept his pace good but controlled for the AMRAP and got 127 reps. He then tied his C&J PR at 225# in 5-6 attempts.
Also, make sure to wear your WODKILLA shirt (that you'll of course take off for the WOD) and your shin gators...can't have your shins getting all scraped up with those snatches!!
I did the exact same thing. Got 235#, but my overhead positioning was really shitty. I was about 15 lbs lighter than where I wanted to be. Mid 120s for the AMRAP, i really wasn't pushing hard enough. There is no freaking way I am retesting it, so it's standing.

I lol'd at the WODKILLA comment.
I did 15.1 as Rx. 115# is very close to my previous PR for snatches, I think it was 140#. Anyhoo, the snatches were heavy singles for me. Enough for the excuses...
I got 85 reps. I was pissed at myself for not getting to those last 5 snatches to complete 3 full rounds. The T2B just destroy your shoulders. The DL at such a light weight were easy enough. Then I got 175# on the C&J. My OH was shitty as well, but I was happy to get 175# up and OH at all. I'm going to be redoing the WOD later in the week to try and get 3 full rounds. I'm not in the Open so all this is just for fun for me.
I will say that while CrossFit has a litany of problems, memes like the one above show more ignorance on the part of the creator than anything. I've seen several instances where the fat bar clean is used to mock CrossFit. The fat bar clean is A) a strongman movement and B) it DOES require awkward positioning that looks pretty weird unless you know what it is.

Ignorance comment not directed at you @RackMaster.
The amount of people tearing hands and such was INSANE. I purposely went slow enough where I knew my hands weren't going to rip, but others did not share my caution. It was pretty funny/amazing to see these people go that hard for a fitness competition.
What the fuck has this place become? Legitimate discussions taking place about the Open? Defending Crossfit when people take the piss out of it, even if the defence in question is right? I remember a time where nothing was safe, when men were men and sheep were nervous around Pardus.

This is bullshit. You bastards used to be cool.

The amount of people tearing hands and such was INSANE. I purposely went slow enough where I knew my hands weren't going to rip, but others did not share my caution. It was pretty funny/amazing to see these people go that hard for a fitness competition.

Yeah but think of all the "cool" pics they got to put up on Facebook of how they tore their hands during the #Open as they #putitallontheline. #wod #crossfit #icanrunaquicker5kthanrichfroning

The pricks.
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