The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

What the fuck has this place become? Legitimate discussions taking place about the Open? Defending Crossfit when people take the piss out of it, even if the defence in question is right? I remember a time where nothing was safe, when men were men and sheep were nervous around Pardus.

This is bullshit. You bastards used to be cool.
Lol. Oh, dont get me wrong- I dont like CF. I dont train CF during the year, I dont like their business practices, structure, etc. I dont offer any defence for it!
So I showed my BDE MFT the programs I'd been on and the one I'm about to start. He's a Crossfit disciple and we've sparred on this when he was a platoon sergeant in my old troop...he said: Sir, are you ready for this path, and I said...we've already gone down the path before if you recall. I still think xFit HQ is full of shit.
Did the 15.1 workout - had a ton of fun. Did three atempts at the C&J - got to 100% fo my BW. Stoped there because going furhter, being as exhaused as I was, was pointels and dangerous. Train hard but train smart.

Btw.....this dude is in serious need of a better job....

The amount of people tearing hands and such was INSANE. I purposely went slow enough where I knew my hands weren't going to rip, but others did not share my caution. It was pretty funny/amazing to see these people go that hard for a fitness competition.

Actually in the place where I train it's a sort of 'badge of honor' to have your hands torn like that.....I just laugh.
The whole hour long announcements crap is's the vid and the lift:
15.2 Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 10 reps
10 sternum pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 12 reps
12 sternum pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 14 reps
14 sternum pull-ups

So basically add two pull-ups until exhaustion and you're done?

The whole hour long announcements crap is's the vid and the lift:
15.2 Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 10 reps
10 sternum pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 12 reps
12 sternum pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 14 reps
14 sternum pull-ups

So basically add two pull-ups until exhaustion and you're done?
Two reps, yea. This workout is really, really shitty. It's not fun, it doesn't really show anything, and it's a repeat of last year's workout to boot.

Exhausting muscles Vs. Exhausting lungs/cardio vascular system
I can do 15 or so dead hang pull ups, 8-10 weighted depending on the weight. I can string together 6-8 butterfly pull ups. I'm not saying one is better than the other, they serve different purposes. I also think these guys are more well rounded than you give them credit for.
How do you recommend incorporating dead hang pull ups into a timed workout?
You could do it in this one...once you reach exhaustion...just keep it at ten. What do you mean well rounded...the former gymnast definitely had it easy as that's a pretty regular movement. Either way: NO REP as they say.
It's a timed event. Once they hit their numbers for the round, they get to "rest" until the next round begins. Why would they waste time with dead hang pull ups? And by well rounded, I mean I'm sure any of the guys you see competing in the games on TV can probably knock out plenty of DHPU as well as kipping/butterfly pull ups.
Your defense of kipping is hilarious.

So I'm watching the 15.1 footage...the deadlift form of both Froning and Fraser makes me cringe.
I wasn't defending anything, I was explaining the difference. If you read my post I even said that one is not better than the other.
So why does Crossfit do this bullshit kipping stuff, because I think dead hang would wreck these people.
Cause crossfit? Next you're going to ask what's up with the board shorts, stupid workout programming and dumb terminology.

Dead hang pullups would wreck the CF community the same as doing butterfly pullups would decimate the normal military population. Imagine 90% of the military (regular forces) trying to do 15 unbroken butterfly pullups? Shit show. But the debate that it's a "no rep" is more "who the shit actually cares" more than it is "what's physiologically the most adaptable and useful movement pattern" to measure fitness.

It's CF.

So I'm watching the 15.1 footage...the deadlift form of both Froning and Fraser makes me cringe.

Lol. You're adorbs. Have you never watched this stuff before?
Watched Crossfit? Yes, And I said the same thing about deadlift form last year. I guess it comes from having a lower back injury and knowing no matter how much the weight, a deadlift is basically the most draining lift there is.

All of these lifts existed before CrossFit the brand, so how does that qualify your statement.

If all I had to do was lift in this world, lord it would be awesome.
Watched Crossfit? Yes, And I said the same thing about deadlift form last year. I guess it comes from having a lower back injury and knowing no matter how much the weight, a deadlift is basically the most draining lift there is.

All of these lifts existed before CrossFit the brand, so how does that qualify your statement.

If all I had to do was lift in this world, lord it would be awesome.
So this is year two of you armchair quarterbacking a group of dudes you're watching exercise for no perceivable reason other than raising global good form awareness? Kidding, that's what this thread is about, but let's not get too serious about it.

How does what qualify my statement? I believe my statement equates to, "Why are you pretending like you can't believe some Crossfit athletes are working out with 40% of their max fast as shit with questionable form in what equates to a fitness competition." Know why? Cause that's what Crossfit is.

I wish I could work out for a living too. Or just play a game, or anything else like that, it would be sweet.

ETA- cause phone
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How does what qualify my statement? I believe my statement equates to, "Why are you pretending like you can't believe some Crossfit athletes are working out with 40% of their max fast as shit with questionable form in what equates to a fitness competition." Know why? Cause that's what Crossfit is.
Point taken.
Sooo how did 15.2 go? Can't do more than 5 ch2b pull ups so I basicly did regular pull ups. If I wanted to climb a skid of a helo while hanging from it above a pit full of tigers, I would have become Indiana F-king Johnes.
Exhausting muscles Vs. Exhausting lungs/cardio vascular system
I can do 15 or so dead hang pull ups, 8-10 weighted depending on the weight. I can string together 6-8 butterfly pull ups. I'm not saying one is better than the other, they serve different purposes. I also think these guys are more well rounded than you give them credit for.
How do you recommend incorporating dead hang pull ups into a timed workout?

When it comes to CF, hasn't it always been a case of dead hang pull up's for strength and kipping for work capacity?

I enjoy taking the piss out of Crossfit as much as the next person but realistically, if you're gonna be hit with a WOD involving high rep pull up's, you want to carry out the movement as efficiently as possible without roasting yourself. You could just programme workouts sensibly and not have people do 1 billion pull up's for time but it's Crossfit... Fuck sensible programming.

Now, back to slagging Rich Froning's efforts at the 5k run at the Games last year...