The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

Well a thruster is not a Clean and's a squat and press...and can we stop calling that compound movement that stupid name. Front Squat into Press tells me everything, thruster does not.

My Strength coach gives his clients metcons all the time that resemble a tend to do one once a week if you're in his gym. Also, deadlifting...primal movement, do it. KB swings, good shit, do them. We've said most of those things ad nauseum in this thread...I'm still impressed by the elites, but I have no wish to do what they do.
Well a thruster is not a Clean and's a squat and press...and can we stop calling that compound movement that stupid name. Front Squat into Press tells me everything, thruster does not.

My Strength coach gives his clients metcons all the time that resemble a tend to do one once a week if you're in his gym. Also, deadlifting...primal movement, do it. KB swings, good shit, do them. We've said most of those things ad nauseum in this thread...I'm still impressed by the elites, but I have no wish to do what they do.

Yeah. I like some things and not others. I have read at least a dozen articles of the Anti CF/Don't Do It so I am looking at things from another POV.
Sometimes I question WHT I do CF. I do like the people though.

That kinda answers your own question doesn't it? You do it because you like the people that train in your gym. If it works for you and you enjoy the training environment... Keep on trucking.

I enjoy taking the piss out of Crossfit because HQ constantly act like retards and Dave Castro is a gimp. However, a good coach whos programming follows the Crossfit principles is still a good coach.

There's as many shit coaches in the S&C world as there is in the Crossfit world. Crossfit just gets more abuse because HQ are mongos and they're making mega money.

As much as it pains me to say, Crossfit has done more for the popularity of oly lifting, mobility work and S&C methods than any Joe Bloggs who attended a Mike Boyle seminar and follows Klokov on instagram.... HQ are still retards though.
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Well a thruster is not a Clean and's a squat and press...and can we stop calling that compound movement that stupid name. Front Squat into Press tells me everything, thruster does not.

My Strength coach gives his clients metcons all the time that resemble a tend to do one once a week if you're in his gym. Also, deadlifting...primal movement, do it. KB swings, good shit, do them. We've said most of those things ad nauseum in this thread...I'm still impressed by the elites, but I have no wish to do what they do.

Thruster is far quicker to say than Front Squat into Press.

Ever done Bird Dogs as part of a warm up? Do you have an issue with that name? Since if you wish to be told everything, a Bird Dog suddenly becomes a very long name.
I stopped reading after the "I don't do deadlifts or KB swings" spiel. She comes off as way too smug for my taste.
She seems like a "general population" caterer. Fuck that, the general population sucks.
She seems like a "general population" caterer. Fuck that, the general population sucks.

Some of these articles are clearly slanted towards a normal people who works a 9 to 5 and sits at a desk, or is just lazy, or something like that. I just disagree that CF is bad and will rot your soul and cause your heart to explode. Sure there are wacky elements about it so oh well. 8-)
Some of these articles are clearly slanted towards a normal people who works a 9 to 5 and sits at a desk, or is just lazy, or something like that. I just disagree that CF is bad and will rot your soul and cause your heart to explode. Sure there are wacky elements about it so oh well. 8-)
Yeah, people know it's not ideal in terms of safety. Neither is skydiving, motorcycles, hockey, or the Army.

For the people who want safe, try Pilates, shuffle board, minivans, and accounting.
Thruster is far quicker to say than Front Squat into Press.

Ever done Bird Dogs as part of a warm up? Do you have an issue with that name? Since if you wish to be told everything, a Bird Dog suddenly becomes a very long name.
I do bird dogs every day, I also drink bird dog from time to time.
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When she drops things on the floor, there they stay.

That's exactly what I was thinking. She only shops on shoulder to waist height shelves as well. Back would be too compromised by bending down or reaching up. Safety first.
I actually injured my back doing some of MA stuff twice...the first time I probably had rhabdo I was in so much pain (before I knew what that was), the second time was a spasm...both are my fault. That's just what I was doing at the time.
I actually injured my back doing some of MA stuff twice...the first time I probably had rhabdo I was in so much pain (before I knew what that was), the second time was a spasm...both are my fault. That's just what I was doing at the time.
Let's not confuse DOMs with a serious medical condition.

Rhabdo from exercise is extremely rare, it's also more prevalent in untrained athletes. If this were something that 20-30 minute CrossFit or MA workouts caused, think of how many people in military training would get it.

It's something that CrossFit'ers talk about in an attempt to make their workouts seem more extreme. But let's be honest, dive school, SFAS, Ranger School- you'd really see it if it were easily induced by exercise.
Fit people get it less because their muscles have been conditioned over time. They don't go from zero-to-hero; they ramp up. But if they switch exercise types, it's actually just as common as getting it if one had never exercised (i.e., from swimming to running). Although there are a metric shit-ton of articles about rhabdo with CF (many of a dubious nature), I have seen it in well-trained runners who are packing on distance for a marathon who otherwise didn't do high-mileage training.

One may see it more with CFers may because they have a higher percentage of "weekend warriors"? I don't know.