The "CrossFit Culture" is a bunch of DORKS!!!

I have a question about strengthening the wrists, and by following this thread I've seen that a lot of people here know about a lot about cleaning. I started MA's Fortitude last week and the first day was effectively establishing a max on what they call the Craig Special, what I can only describe as a clean from the ground to perform 2 Front Squats(FS) or a Squat Clean+FS.

My max FS is 230 done with only using 2 fingers per hand to steady the bar, and I never clean but I can get definitely get more than 185. It seemed that my limiting factor was the transition from clean to FS that absolutely blasted my wrists in painful this isn't supposed to feel like this way.

Here's the question: Should I 1. do it as prescribed or 2. say screw the clean and just focus on getting stronger at FS because my limiting factor on this particularly exercise causes me to lift at sub-optimal weights for stimulating gain at this lower rep scheme, and I don't want to waste my time working on form at the cost of gaining strength. If the suggestion is 1. What are some ways to strengthen my wrists for this or is it just a recommendation of stop being a bitch, your wrists will adjust by performing more of this exercise? In essence as I've seen here multiple times "performing XYZ makes you better at XYZ". I ask because I'm no stranger to lifting and probably do it more than I should at the expense of running(which is why I started MA), and I know when something is pain and when it is gain.
Get wrist wraps. Even done correctly, cleans can cause a massive amount of strain on the wrists. Improving your technique will help as well, and is well worth the time, IMHO. The Craig Special is a hang clean followed by an additional front squat. It is not a clean from the ground.
I gotcha. That's what I was doing purely because I had no idea how to clean from the ground so I figured I was way off, but I guess I'll have to look around and invest in some quality wraps. Thank you
I don't do power cleans often, I tend to cross may arms when doing front squat. I'm going to test my 1RM in a week on it, and for said above: wrist wraps.
I gotcha. That's what I was doing purely because I had no idea how to clean from the ground so I figured I was way off, but I guess I'll have to look around and invest in some quality wraps. Thank you

There are a lot of videos about clean form and drills for improving it. I am largely self taught when it comes to the Olympic lifts, and many others are as well. You might be able to find coaches in your area, but learning solid form on the Oly lifts without a professional coach is very doable.
I gotcha. That's what I was doing purely because I had no idea how to clean from the ground so I figured I was way off, but I guess I'll have to look around and invest in some quality wraps. Thank you
Wrist wraps are a bandaid for poor form when it comes to cleans. They are usually worn more to support the wrists in the jerk than in the clean.

The whole weight of the bar should be supported by your delts during the clean. If your wrists hurt in that position, your problems probably start with poor shoulder mobility- you need enough external rotation to get your hands outside of your delts.
@CDG, I'm usually very good with form having powerlifted in high school, but we never did cleans so I just have to develop that form with the bar through doing it. I'm not one of those that goes to high in weight before I'm safely able to. I just wasn't aware that poor form could be hurting my wrists. I think some YouTube videos ought to remedy this huh?

@Etype, It's funny that you mention that because I have been having a serious problem with my shoulders just in the past couple weeks. I've done a lot of looking into it, and I'm thinking that I've developed a muscular imbalance that led to a shoulder impingement now in both shoulders. A couple of weeks ago before finals, I benched -305 and only strict pressed- 165.

From what I've read and tried to self-diagnose, I think it's in the sub-acrimonial region just in front of my joint. I'm out of town for the summer, but when I come in this weekend, I'm getting my copy of Kelly Starrett's book and bringing it with me. I've also been trying to look for some shoulder rehab and shoulder exercises, but I don't know much about those as I've never really done them. Any suggestions?
Anyone watch this yet? I'm far from a Cross-fitter, but did find the documentary itself pretty interesting. And motivating.

From the 2015 competition....

Fittest on Earth | Netflix

I watched it this weekend. I thought it was well done. I liked how much they focused on the competitors and there was minimal talking from HQ personnel. Plus, Brooke Ence is just unbelievable.
Anyone watch this yet? I'm far from a Cross-fitter, but did find the documentary itself pretty interesting. And motivating.

From the 2015 competition....

Fittest on Earth | Netflix

I watched it and thought it was well done. The Murph portion was fascinating.

I would never suggest someone pursue CF as a form of fitness but I support their right to do circus snatches if they want.