Darn, the kid in Mara's post dances better than I do.
As for @Ooh-Rah and @RackMaster...
Modern culture is both frightening and nauseating.
Why not fat horse faced lesbian broad's?
@SaintKP I'm all out of sorry's.
Darn, the kid in Mara's post dances better than I do.
As for @Ooh-Rah and @RackMaster...
Modern culture is both frightening and nauseating.
I'm not running this time around, I need a break. for the correct amount of cash, I will divulge embarrassing info about admins and mods, or help craft desultory philippics that debase the character of others... this will not be cheap, and it will be cash upfont.
x 1,000,000
Sorry buddy, but that's a big ol Saskatchewan nope.
I suspect 'LL got him a thesaurus for Christmas and he's just now gotten around to using it....WOW
hav som pitee sum ov us iz moreens.
I'm a firm believer in everyone get's a voice. Might as well use it. Say something funny, say something serious, Just say something so your voice is heard.
I'm a firm believer in everyone get's a voice. Might as well use it. Say something funny, say something serious, Just say something so your voice is heard.
On a side note I'm a PSYOP guy and weird is kinda my thing but your post has officially thrown me for a loop. And the mouse is creepy.
What if they’ve only done enough legwork in research to look like this?!?!?View attachment 32203
Here is a small description, from Simon and Garfunkel,WOW
hav som pitee sum ov us iz moreens.
...And the mouse is creepy.
How dare you assume his/her/their species!that's because it's a rat.
This one he can embed, go figure!