The self identity thread.

You don't have to:

an act or instance of deluding.
the state of being deluded.
a false belief or opinion
the definition of delusion

Yes, Gender Identity Disorder was indeed removed from the DSM (although gender dysphoria remains) But this was not a decision made based off research, but rather a fear of backlash from the transgender community, and wanting to spare their feelings. To date, there has not been a single solid study showing transgender suicide rates can be comparable to those of the general public under favorable conditions. Some studies have made those claims, but so far every one of them has been plagued with flaws:Study: Transgenderism Not A Mental Illness

Why Gender Dysphoria Should No Longer Be Considered a Medical Disorder
"Yet critics of the “GID” category respond that, in fact, the DSM inclusion of what amounts to their identities results in more harm than good. They likenthe inclusion of “GID” to the DSM’s former inclusion of homosexuality, saying that it medicalizes them and treats them as diseased rather than just different."

These are not scientific arguments based on research, And the likening this to homosexuals once being on the DSM neglects the fact that that was MANY years ago and gays don't have a suicide rate of 40%.

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

Well, there is an example of one of the most respected psychologists alive, who studies specifically transgenderism and has for most of his career saying exactly that.

Carlo, I don't need to justify anything here. You are being a troll, at best...

Everything you posted backs me up. The medical community, as an enormous percentage backs transgendered people as having a legitimitate non-sick state. Psychology, and psychiatry are different, one is backed by medicine(psychiatry), the other is a soft science, thanks for pointing that out for us.

I won't be the one who bans you, but when you are banned I want you to imagine it was me who did it...
@carlo amedio I will not respond to your PM.
Post anything you want to say here.
I sent you a PM because I did not want to derail this thread, as all of my questions were off topic. I honestly believe everything I said and those are my genuine opinions, but now that I've seen this:
I won't be the one who bans you, but when you are banned I want you to imagine it was me who did it...

I will not be posting anything anymore for fear of being banned. I'm sorry if I've upset anyone, I was genuinely just trying to share my opinions. Thank you all.
It seems kinda weird that society loves trans-gender people, hates trans-racial people, and hasn't made up its mind about trans-abled, otherkin, etc...
If rachel dolezal told everyone she was a man they would lionize her and bend over backward to accommodate her, the difference being there are far fewer differences between race than between gender. Also, I'll just post this here because I found it pretty entertaining and it's relevant, Ben Shapiro went on Dr. Drew a while ago to debate Caitlyn genders courage award if anyone missed it.

I've read all your posts. It seems to me that you don't know what you don't know, so here is my recommendation to you.

Go find college classes in anthropology, biology, psychology, anatomy/physiology and history. I suspect political science wouldn't hurt either.

This will mean going back to school and finishing what you started. That, by the way, is a prerequisite to success in the military regardless of MOS.
From Time Magazine... Bearded dude with hairy boobs breastfeeding his kid.


It's not your mom or your dad. It's both. I'm sorry, but that's some fucked-up shit right there.
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I tried to read the whole PDF, but couldn't snag a copy on the smart phone. I'll try to find it later before I register my opinion.
The abstract makes the point of the article much clearer, and it has little to do with gender roles

Medical and public health organizations recommend that mothers exclusively breastfeed for at least 6 months. This recommendation is based on evidence of health benefits for mothers and babies, as well as developmental benefits for babies. A spate of recent work challenges the extent of these benefits, and ethical criticism of breastfeeding promotion as stigmatizing is also growing.1 Building on this critical work, we are concerned about breastfeeding promotion that praises breastfeeding as the “natural” way to feed infants. This messaging plays into a powerful perspective that “natural” approaches to health are better, a view examined in a recent report by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.2 Promoting breastfeeding as “natural” may be ethically problematic, and, even more troublingly, it may bolster this belief that “natural” approaches are presumptively healthier. This may ultimately challenge public health’s aims in other contexts, particularly childhood vaccination.

The measles outbreak of 2014–2015 sparked intense, condemnatory discussion of vaccine refusal. This public discussion often emphasized that some in the antivaccine camp believe that vaccines cause autism or contain harmful levels of toxins and impurities. Beneath the concern of many Americans over vaccine safety, a specific …

TL;DR: The medical community's emphasis on breastfeeding as the "natural" solution may cause scientifically illiterate dummies to reject other types of "unnatural", yet effective, child care.
From Time Magazine... Bearded dude with hairy boobs breastfeeding his kid.

View attachment 18682

It's not your mom or your dad. It's both. I'm sorry, but that's some twisted fucked-up shit right there.

Mentally deranged people are being glorified by the far left and the media right now. I don't get it, it's so far outside of my universe of understanding I can't begin to comprehend why.

It's like a bunch of fucked up people watched that TV show Taboo and decided "hey that's a good idea, I wannabe like that".

I keep telling myself, it's a sign, maybe God, Allah, or fucking aliens, are going to show up, see this stupid shit and just wipe these loony tunes out, take the rest of us off to the great starship in the sky, or maybe at least Mars. I think I'd rather learn a whole new species, than try to understand these whack jobs...

But if you read the above, maybe I am the one who is crazy? Martians? Come on man, you know there ain't no Martians...or is there?O_o:hmm::sneaky:

The abstract makes the point of the article much clearer, and it has little to do with gender roles

TL;DR: The medical community's emphasis on breastfeeding as the "natural" solution may cause scientifically illiterate dummies to reject other types of "unnatural", yet effective, child care.

Again with the far left liberal lunacy - trying to get people to read and understand before jumping to conclusions, getting angry, and attacking the imagined political beliefs of their enemies. How dare you Sir, how dare you...
There is a push to have women breastfeed, but even in my current community(nursing) there is an increased effort to not force or even suggest it as a primary option for women to go this route. Some women through no fault of their own find it difficult to breastfeed. Feeding;) a narrative that the only natural way feed a child is via the breast is both not realistic, and emotionally harmful to women who aren't able to breastfeed.. and can lead to long term issues with attachment, specifically post parting depression.

But fuck a nuanced take on a complicated issue. I just read a shorty version of an abstract on a news webiste and I say these damn deranged trannies are fucking up 'Murica....
I learned a new term last week: deadnaming. That's when you call a transgender person by their given name and not their post-transformation name. So, calling Caitlyn Jenner "Bruce" is deadnaming and both insulting and demeaning.

I am very supporting of the gay community and their rights...because they right we enjoy, but like @amlove21 I'm not playing the game. Everyone's butthurt over everything these days and I refuse to participate in that sort of nonsense. Maybe that makes me a hypocrite or a bigot, but FFS how far does this go?
I learned a new term last week: deadnaming. That's when you call a transgender person by their given name and not their post-transformation name. So, calling Caitlyn Jenner "Bruce" is deadnaming and both insulting and demeaning.

I am very supporting of the gay community and their rights...because they right we enjoy, but like @amlove21 I'm not playing the game. Everyone's butthurt over everything these days and I refuse to participate in that sort of nonsense. Maybe that makes me a hypocrite or a bigot, but FFS how far does this go?

I'm on a college campus right now where this is big. I don't understand why if someone says call me "Bruce," I would go out of my way to call them by another name. That is spending mental energy on someone who I just probably need to communicate an idea with. I'm very libertarian though, so the motto is live and let live. If you want to be called "blue elephant," no, I'm not going out of my way to figure out your real name because you are now blue elephant to me. I fail to see the big issue.

Put this another way in analogy form:
1. X's government name is Dick. Dick wants to be called "Chad" because he doesn't like the name, Dick. Do you call him Dick anyway even though you know he likes to be called Chad and answers to Chad?

If your answer is yes, then I suppose we just will never agree. Although, if someone could explain this from a conservative standpoint, I would love to understand it.
Put this another way in analogy form:
1. X's government name is Dick. Dick wants to be called "Chad" because he doesn't like the name, Dick. Do you call him Dick anyway even though you know he likes to be called Chad and answers to Chad?

If your answer is yes, then I suppose we just will never agree. Although, if someone could explain this from a conservative standpoint, I would love to understand it.

No, your example is understandable and one with which I agree. The article I saw however broad-brushed with every instance. A good friend of mine went from Sherri to Sammi (to be fair she isn't transgender) and it took me a bit to make the change. Bruce Jenner may be Caitlyn but if we call her "Bruce" on occasion, because for 50-something years she was Bruce, we shouldn't take a beating over an honest mistake. That's the problem I have with the concept because some people are looking for reasons to be butthurt over every little slip. I have a high-pitched, nasally voice and was called "ma'am quite a bit over the phone. So what? Yet I know people who lose their shit when it happens. The person on the other end hears a high-pitched voice and they make the assumption. I don't care and it hasn't happened in years. If it happened tomorrow? So what?

Part of this rant is within the context of transgender people but to me it is symptomatic of a larger problem in our society today. Practically everyone is supposed to be personally offended over everything, no matter how small. We are creating a society of victims.
Do some research on biology, and how sex is determined at an embryonic stage.
There is far greater/some "justification" for transgender, and none for transspecies.
What about:
It seems kinda weird that society loves trans-gender people, hates trans-racial people, and hasn't made up its mind about trans-abled, otherkin, etc...
If rachel dolezal told everyone she was a man they would lionize her and bend over backward to accommodate her, the difference being there are far fewer differences between race than between gender.
Are the two bolded identities equally as 'justified' as the transgender identity to not being referenced as psychological disorders? If not, why? If so, what rational justification do all three (or two total if you include only one of the additional two) have for not being recognized as psychological disorders?