The self identity thread.

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I don’t necessarily disagree with them on this one, but hearing them say:

"One does not go about saying 'you will think this or else you're not part of us,' that's not how people operate."

I mean…isn’t that pretty much the opposite what they’ve been preaching to “us” about their faith from day 1?
You mean like how Mormons do? I think you're reaching. (I get the whole going on jihad thing, but I never had Muslim missionary knock on my door)

But I think it's important for us to recognize how much the alphabet people throw around the term bigot. Because they are the greatest bigots in the world. These kids who decided not to participate in brainwashing are not bigots. They just don't have anything left in their bullshit tank.
NickMercs Part 3: A long time friend of Mercs and professional gamer/ streamer asked Activision/ Blizzard to remove his skin or promo pack or whatever from CoD; the company did so within hours.

Here's where it gets funny. I don't recall the details, but I know A/B had this big PR/ ad campaign touting its support of women in general and specifically those in the company. Problem is, A/B was later hit with a massive lawsuit over sexual harassment at A/B headquarters. The main perpetrator? The CEO. But wait, there's more!

The CoD franchise has killed a metric shitton of Arabs and Muslims over the years. As to not offend Muslims, A/B removed...LGBT references from copies sold in the ME.

But now the compassionate, "coexist" fans of the game, aided by A/B, are cancelling a couple of guys over "leave kids out of this."
Anyone listen to Megyn Kelly on Sirius? She's been having a few different speakers this week on talking about trannies in women's sports and a child psychologist who talks about how screwed up the medical associations are for "affirming" this type of behavior.