The self identity thread.

What a bunch of attention whores that family is. Well I want to be a chick, because hell that news worthy, but I still dig chicks, and now that my headlines have died out, I guess I'll be a dude again, because its also hard to pick up chicks as a dude pretending to be a chick.

I got in a discussion about this today. People brought up danger to their kids, morality, etc, but I realized I don't care about that. What I don't like is that trans people (and the US gov't) are trying to force us to recognize trans people, in some weird, twisted award ceremony where the prize is the ability to use whatever bathroom they choose. I don't give two shits what they do, and I empathize with whatever hardship their deal causes them, but they were quietly using bathrooms for the last 500000 years, why the need for recognition now? Do you feel like a woman today? So go use the woman's restroom, and you don't need to remind me you were a man, as you head on in there. If you feel like a woman, fucking own it, and remember, being a woman doesn't make you special, or deserving of a fucking prize. You're just part of the other 50% of the population out there.
I got in a discussion about this today. People brought up danger to their kids, morality, etc, but I realized I don't care about that. What I don't like is that trans people (and the US gov't) are trying to force us to recognize trans people, in some weird, twisted award ceremony where the prize is the ability to use whatever bathroom they choose. I don't give two shits what they do, and I empathize with whatever hardship their deal causes them, but they were quietly using bathrooms for the last 500000 years, why the need for recognition now? Do you feel like a woman today? So go use the woman's restroom, and you don't need to remind me you were a man, as you head on in there. If you feel like a woman, fucking own it, and remember, being a woman doesn't make you special, or deserving of a fucking prize. You're just part of the other 50% of the population out there.

The push is coming from the opposite direction. They were doing like you said before these new state laws.
I got in a discussion about this today. People brought up danger to their kids, morality, etc, but I realized I don't care about that. What I don't like is that trans people (and the US gov't) are trying to force us to recognize trans people, in some weird, twisted award ceremony where the prize is the ability to use whatever bathroom they choose. I don't give two shits what they do, and I empathize with whatever hardship their deal causes them, but they were quietly using bathrooms for the last 500000 years, why the need for recognition now? Do you feel like a woman today? So go use the woman's restroom, and you don't need to remind me you were a man, as you head on in there. If you feel like a woman, fucking own it, and remember, being a woman doesn't make you special, or deserving of a fucking prize. You're just part of the other 50% of the population out there.

There is no government or transgender "forcing."

Federal laws already on the books protect transgender person's use of bathrooms in schools, workplaces, public places and health care facilities; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Occupational Safety and Health Act; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Affordable Care Act.

Nonsense arguments based on ideas of sexual predation and assault, privacy, and religion are driving the attention on this non-issue. It is inviting costly litigation at a time when there isn't a federal budget for such things, and making business owners hesitant to align with states that have identified themselves as afraid of a changing world.
What a bunch of attention whores that family is. Well I want to be a chick, because hell that news worthy, but I still dig chicks, and now that my headlines have died out, I guess I'll be a dude again, because its also hard to pick up chicks as a dude pretending to be a chick.

That made me laugh. Thanks for that. :)
So Kurt Schilling gets fired for posting this on his Facebook page. My initial reaction is to be outraged, but....he is a public figure who represents ESPN (or did anyway). Their company, their rules...but he didn't even post the original image, he just shared it. Hell, I'm not a public figure and I am VERY careful about what I tweet or Facebook - he should know better. Especially since the image is such an exaggeration of the issue.

Stupid way to lose your job.

ESPN fires analyst and former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling

View attachment 15312
I see nothing wrong with the post. I tend to agree and I think the inmates are running the asylum if anyone thinks he deserves to be fired for posting that.
I see nothing wrong with the post. I tend to agree and I think the inmates are running the asylum if anyone thinks he deserves to be fired for posting that.

Mr. Schilling was fired because his views are well out of line with the policy and environment ESPN maintains in it's workplace and the image they wish to project.

A company's success or failure depends upon it's market, though, so feedback can be directed to the 'Contact ESPN Customer Care' section of their website.
Mr. Schilling was fired because his views are well out of line with the policy and environment ESPN maintains in it's workplace and the image they wish to project.

A company's success or failure depends upon it's market, though, so feedback can be directed to the 'Contact ESPN Customer Care' section of their website.

Nah, that's BS. They claim that is why they fired him, but somehow other people within the ESPN organization...David Pollack, Keith Olbermann, Tony Kornheiser, Steven Smith...have all said racist/misogynistic/crude stuff and they get a free pass. For whatever reason they had a bone with Schilling and they used this as an excuse to give him the axe. Honestly I don't care one way or the other, private company and all, but let's be fair about it all.
Nah, that's BS. They claim that is why they fired him, but somehow other people within the ESPN organization...David Pollack, Keith Olbermann, Tony Kornheiser, Steven Smith...have all said racist/misogynistic/crude stuff and they get a free pass. For whatever reason they had a bone with Schilling and they used this as an excuse to give him the axe. Honestly I don't care one way or the other, private company and all, but let's be fair about it all.

Conneticut is an At-Will employment state; discussing the fairness of his termination is a dead end unless ESPN did something illegal or he had a contract stating that he couldn't be fired for intolerant comments.
What a bunch of attention whores that family is. Well I want to be a chick, because hell that news worthy, but I still dig chicks, and now that my headlines have died out, I guess I'll be a dude again, because its also hard to pick up chicks as a dude pretending to be a chick.


Quite the clusterfuck.
In Jenner's pursuit of kicks and identity, the next step might be to "revert"back to being Bruce but with a caveat regarding his new cavity.
If Babawawa is still alive when this rolls around, the interview will show Jenner rocking back and forth in the chair.
Babawawa, misreading the signs, will ask whether talking about this new round of surgery makes Jenner nervous. Jenner will explain that he experienced a revelation of sorts after watching "the human centipede" and chose to skip the colpocloeisis.
Instead he would go straight (no pun intended) for the plastic dick, but no balls, as they would be "in the way".
As he rocks back and forth, he explains he is "literally fucking [him]self as they speak".
Nah, that's BS. They claim that is why they fired him, but somehow other people within the ESPN organization...David Pollack, Keith Olbermann, Tony Kornheiser, Steven Smith...have all said racist/misogynistic/crude stuff and they get a free pass. For whatever reason they had a bone with Schilling and they used this as an excuse to give him the axe. Honestly I don't care one way or the other, private company and all, but let's be fair about it all.

I don't argue that he was fired because he pissed off ESPN, or that CT is an at-will state. I will argue that he was fired explicitly because of his views when those with similar views have been overlooked for their transgressions. But then, ESPN has a history of cherry-picking who they fire. Again, as I said, it's a private company and I largely don't care whom they fire, but let's not pretend it's only because his views were so egregious with regard to the company line.
ESPN as a news site of any note is laughable. It makes CNN look competent and balanced. Schilling should be happy he's away from that abortion.
Quite the clusterfuck.
In Jenner's pursuit of kicks and identity, the next step might be to "revert"back to being Bruce but with a caveat regarding his new cavity.
If Babawawa is still alive when this rolls around, the interview will show Jenner rocking back and forth in the chair.
Babawawa, misreading the signs, will ask whether talking about this new round of surgery makes Jenner nervous. Jenner will explain that he experienced a revelation of sorts after watching "the human centipede" and chose to skip the colpocloeisis.
Instead he would go straight (no pun intended) for the plastic dick, but no balls, as they would be "in the way".
As he rocks back and forth, he explains he is "literally fucking [him]self as they speak".

Mind blown.