The self identity thread.

There aren't enough K-cups for me....I go through 3/4 pot before work, another couple cups at work....

But I do like the variety.....
I'd rather drink a Redbull than keurig. I've never had a decent cup from those,so bitter, watery, and gross.
I'd rather drink a Redbull than keurig. I've never had a decent cup from those,so bitter, watery, and gross.

Yeah I agree they taste like shit. My wife got into them a about 2-3 years ago and when my coffee pot quit I started using it too, I just haven't gotten another brewer yet.

The only time I drink Redbull is when I'm drinking vodka. lol
If I'm drinking Redbull I might as well drink the vodka too, seeing as it's apparently a fucked up day anyway. :D
I disagree with this ad campaign. "Accepting" is one thing. Encouraging is something else, and the wording "No Questions Asked..." is only going to cause problems.

Bill de Blasio spends more than $250,000 on transgender bathroom ads

Briefly watched the news this morning..."Wayne University dumps math requirements, replaces with diversity curriculum". Hmm I think this was part of that Idiocracy movie plot line.
Briefly watched the news this morning..."Wayne University dumps math requirements, replaces with diversity curriculum". Hmm I think this was part of that Idiocracy movie plot line.

This isn't anything crazy or "SJW-like". Most top tier programs have different math requirements for different majors. I don't need to take the same math as Econ or CS majors, as it's not relevant to what I'm studying.
This isn't anything crazy or "SJW-like". Most top tier programs have different math requirements for different majors. I don't need to take the same math as Econ or CS majors, as it's not relevant to what I'm studying.

To drop math requirements and sub it for diversity training seems a bit on the to much sensitivity training side.
Well, first people need to recognize that college is a cash cow, a business. Otherwise you could learn your "major" subjects with supporting classes in a quarter the time. But I have no problem with dropping math if it's a humanities program. I DO have a problem with having to take a "diversity requirement" if that was what math was being replaced with.