The Trump Presidency

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I agree with everything except the court challenge. It is unprecedented for an executive order to have been challenged so quickly. It usually takes weeks or months to go before a court. Something that I cannot recall happening in the previous administration. I could be wrong, I just cannot recall an instance. Additionally, the circuit that issued the ruling had a 70-80% overturn rate when appealed. It is all about the long game when it comes to court matters.
True, but I would bet my BAH that the ACLU began preparing amicus briefs the minute that Trump announced the Muslim ban during a campaign rally back in June of last year. This would give them months to prepare for a legal challenge.
...then again I admit I am biased. :troll:

Just because it's happened before doesn't mean this current 'shit show' (to quote Harward, if his friend is to be believed) isn't just that. Kellyanne Conway blatantly broke the law on international TV by helping Ivanka Trump personally profit from an elected officials endorsement.

President Trump's administration had inappropriate contact with Russia throughout the election and after. Gen Flynn resigned over it. Bringing up Daschle's tax evasion to say, 'oh how soon we forget our history' really doesn't mean anything valuable. They don't cancel each other out- they're both individually and separately wrong. Trying to make it seem as if they aren't is silly.

I know we talked about this before the election, but when does the accountability kick in? President Trump whined (again) today about the press, the election (why? You won, get over it), inheriting a 'mess', etc. during a weird ranting press conference which he openly lied again ('biggest electoral victory since Regan') and when he was called out in it? Sidestepping. Lies. Excuses. He said, "Somebody told me that."

Just because Nixon (and Regan and Bush and Obama and whoever else) lied before while in office, its still completely true to say, 'President Trump lied today and didn't own his words when called on it and that's bullshit. This 100 days so far has been really, really concerning.'

Just because it's happened before doesn't mean this current 'shit show' (to quote Harward, if his friend is to be believed) isn't just that. Kellyanne Conway blatantly broke the law on international TV by helping Ivanka Trump personally profit from an elected officials endorsement.

President Trump's administration had inappropriate contact with Russia throughout the election and after. Gen Flynn resigned over it. Bringing up Daschle's tax evasion to say, 'oh how soon we forget our history' really doesn't mean anything valuable. They don't cancel each other out- they're both individually and separately wrong. Trying to make it seem as if they aren't is silly.

I know we talked about this before the election, but when does the accountability kick in? President Trump whined (again) today about the press, the election (why? You won, get over it), inheriting a 'mess', etc. during a weird ranting press conference which he openly lied again ('biggest electoral victory since Regan') and when he was called out in it? Sidestepping. Lies. Excuses. He said, "Somebody told me that."

Just because Nixon (and Regan and Bush and Obama and whoever else) lied before while in office, its still completely true to say, 'President Trump lied today and didn't own his words when called on it and that's bullshit. This 100 days so far has been really, really concerning.'
So, why or how exactly did Trump lie? Because MSM told you? We can take a new conference, press release, report, etc... and get at least two different spins on the story. This is as much a "shit show" as Obama's 8 years was a "crap filled failure" It is all a matter of perspective. KC made an error that violated ethics rules, and should be reprimanded. Flynn resigned over not disclosing his conversations with his counterpart. Not for having contact with them, which is common to begin with. At least as I understand it and have seen in the "news". At the moment I cannot recall where I read it, and it isn't important enough for me to expend the energy on it.

With all due respect, I don't recall you asking for Obama's accountability when he started throwing GW under the bus almost right away. Honestly, a lot of this argument sounds like the chicken little story. If the sky didn't fall for the last administration, it is not likely to fall for this one. I brought up Daschle's evasion as an example of ethics, which you first brought up. The Russians did no more or no less than what we have done in the past with other foreign elections. Is it right? No, but it happens. It isn't an excuse, just a fact.
So, why or how exactly did Trump lie? Because MSM told you? We can take a new conference, press release, report, etc... and get at least two different spins on the story. This is as much a "shit show" as Obama's 8 years was a "crap filled failure" It is all a matter of perspective. KC made an error that violated ethics rules, and should be reprimanded. Flynn resigned over not disclosing his conversations with his counterpart. Not for having contact with them, which is common to begin with. At least as I understand it and have seen in the "news". At the moment I cannot recall where I read it, and it isn't important enough for me to expend the energy on it.

With all due respect, I don't recall you asking for Obama's accountability when he started throwing GW under the bus almost right away. Honestly, a lot of this argument sounds like the chicken little story. If the sky didn't fall for the last administration, it is not likely to fall for this one. I brought up Daschle's evasion as an example of ethics, which you first brought up. The Russians did no more or no less than what we have done in the past with other foreign elections. Is it right? No, but it happens. It isn't an excuse, just a fact.
To the bolded, in order-

- You can re-watch the entire video and read the transcript here. The lie was, "270 which you need, that was laughable. We got 306 because people came out and voted like they’ve never seen before so that’s the way it goes. I guess it was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan. " His electoral win margin was not the biggest win since Reagan, so either he is completely ignorant or he willingly stated an untruth. When pressed if the American public should trust him when he throws out information so demonstrably false as if it was true, he replied: "Well, I don’t know, I was given that information. I was given — I actually, I’ve seen that information around. But it was a very substantial victory, do you agree with that? OK thank you, that’s..." Not only did he not own his lie; he doubled down and said someone told him AND he'd seen that information around.

- Agree.

- I'll wager you also don't recall me defending President Obama or blaming President Bush, because I didn't. Their administrations were responsible for their behavior, in my opinion, and they shouldn't be able to benefit OR be burdened by the previous administration. That's just my personal opinion.

- I brought up Conway's ethics breach (along with Flynn and the Russian involvement and the other administration's missteps) as an example of how poorly this administration is doing in it's first 100 days, which is the topic of the thread.

- Again, just because it's happened before does not excuse culpability now.

I know we've discussed H1B visas before and this article drives home the point. What they are doing/ have done to the IT industry is worse than people realize.

Research verifies Trump stance on H-1B for U.S. tech workers

The study Understanding the Economic Impact of the H-1B Program on the U.S., led by John Bound at the University of Michigan, estimates that domestically-sourced tech talent would have earned 3%-5% more in the period studied without the H-1B scheme, with overall American employment in the sector projected 6% to 11% higher than it actually was.

In 2014 approximately half of 120,000 H1-B visas given by the U.S. went to computer science employees.
One small silver lining from this whole situation: I'm good friends with a professor at the Columbia Journalism School, which is one of the oldest graduate journalism programs in the United States. He told me that the school has seen nearly triple the applications for this year than in previous years. He also said that other programs are reporting similar increases in applications. It seems as though interest in professional journalism is being renewed by this administration, even as trust in traditional media is falling.
One small silver lining from this whole situation: I'm good friends with a professor at the Columbia Journalism School, which is one of the oldest graduate journalism programs in the United States. He told me that the school has seen nearly triple the applications for this year than in previous years. He also said that other programs are reporting similar increases in applications. It seems as though interest in professional journalism is being renewed by this administration, even as trust in traditional media is falling.

To add -

I am also finding friends and acquaintances becoming more discerning about the types of stories they forward me, for no reason other than to not be accused of sending "fake news".
I know we've discussed H1B visas before and this article drives home the point. What they are doing/ have done to the IT industry is worse than people realize.

Research verifies Trump stance on H-1B for U.S. tech workers

When all the major IT companies in the US freak out due to the temp ban, you know it's fucked up. Foreign workers aren't just picking berries. There's talk of some moving things up here but we have similar visa requirements. Although I'm sure our Drama Teacher in Chief will make exceptions for all of them though.
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Ummm yeah. So this just hit the wire...

Trump may use up to 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegal immigrants


A draft memo obtained by The Associated Press Friday outlines a Trump administration proposal under consideration to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants. Millions of those who would be affected in 11 states live nowhere near the Mexico border.

The 11-page document calls for the unprecedented militarization of immigration enforcement as far north as Portland, Oregon, and as far east as New Orleans, Louisiana. If the proposal is implemented, governors in the affected states would have final approval on whether troops under their control participate.

Earlier this week, immigrant rights activists and Democrats raised concerns about recent immigration enforcement actions -- though immigration officials maintain that only routine actions targeting criminals were underway.
Ummm yeah. So this just hit the wire...

Trump may use up to 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegal immigrants


A draft memo obtained by The Associated Press Friday outlines a Trump administration proposal under consideration to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants. Millions of those who would be affected in 11 states live nowhere near the Mexico border.

The 11-page document calls for the unprecedented militarization of immigration enforcement as far north as Portland, Oregon, and as far east as New Orleans, Louisiana. If the proposal is implemented, governors in the affected states would have final approval on whether troops under their control participate.

Earlier this week, immigrant rights activists and Democrats raised concerns about recent immigration enforcement actions -- though immigration officials maintain that only routine actions targeting criminals were underway.

That's a VERY slippery slope. What's the ROE for a barricaded family? What happens if more street gangs start forming to try and stand up to these troops? What happens when the first illegal is killed by a NG troop, or vice versa? How much military equipment will be used? You gonna start doing call outs with Bradleys/Strykers/M1s etc.? I think this is a bad idea.
After that last press conference I am afraid to even watch the news anymore. I am about to leave for basic and I am wondering what going to happen in the next 3 months while I am gone lol.
He needs to slow his roll on this one and seriously contemplate it before putting it into action. This one could have really bad results.
...and the bullshit begins to fly...

My problem with the response of, "Calm down, it's just a draft memo" is that I see it as a 'testing the waters' memo.

Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 9.46.02 AM.png
I find all of the crap happening this week insane.

One small silver lining from this whole situation: I'm good friends with a professor at the Columbia Journalism School, which is one of the oldest graduate journalism programs in the United States. He told me that the school has seen nearly triple the applications for this year than in previous years. He also said that other programs are reporting similar increases in applications. It seems as though interest in professional journalism is being renewed by this administration, even as trust in traditional media is falling.

To be honest I'm not sure that's that awesome. I think journalists shouldn't go to school to be journalism majors. I was a journalist once, some 11 years ago I was a staff writer and then editor-in-chief for the school paper. I think journalists need to cut their teeth as an extra-curricular activity, although I will point out that college papers can make significant change. The business side of the house always makes the change, but the writers do get a cut eventually. I think if someone actually wants to be a journalist they work on the college paper writing staff, takes some journalism classes but major in something else.
Fuck it, round them up and send them home. Street gangs vs the Untied States Army National Guard? Really? O_o Yeah, me thinks the Guard can handle the hommies. And honestly who gives a fuck about gang bangers, use those fuckers for target practice. }:-)

Barricaded family? We got toys and tactics for that too.8-)

I just hope they use special train cars...:sneaky:
Fuck it, round them up and send them home. Street gangs vs the Untied States Army National Guard? Really? O_o Yeah, me thinks the Guard can handle the hommies. And honestly who gives a fuck about gang bangers, use those fuckers for target practice. }:-)

Barricaded family? We got toys and tactics for that too.8-)

I just hope they use special train cars...:sneaky:

I mean, you're joking, right? This one of those #IKIS posts. Right? You can't actually believe what you just said.
Fuck it, round them up and send them home. Street gangs vs the Untied States Army National Guard? Really? O_o Yeah, me thinks the Guard can handle the hommies. And honestly who gives a fuck about gang bangers, use those fuckers for target practice. }:-)

Barricaded family? We got toys and tactics for that too.8-)

I just hope they use special train cars...:sneaky:

"Hate" cause...
Street gangs vs the Untied States Army National Guard? Really? O_o Yeah, me thinks the Guard can handle the hommies.

You might be surprised.

who gives a fuck about gang bangers, use those fuckers for target practice.

It's not just the "gang bangers" who would be rising up

I just hope they use special train cars...:sneaky:

Dude you didn't just say that?
It would be interesting to see how the States in question, particularly the Governors of those States would react to a Federal call up if it were to happen.
However Sean Spicer has denied that it is true. So there's that.
That was my first question, the second being whether use of NG troops under Federal (not State) orders is a Posse Comitatus issue? I'm not an SME on the delineation between the different types of orders guard personnel can be activated under, but it would seem that if called to act as a federal military force that some lines may be crossed.
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