The Trump Presidency

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That was my first question, the second being whether use of NG troops under Federal (not State) orders is a Posse Comitatus issue? I'm not an SME on the delineation between the different types of orders guard personnel can be activated under, but it would seem that if called to act as a federal military force that some lines may be crossed.

Many of those states can't afford to pay their normal bills, much less activate the NG based on a federal request or mandate. If I was a governor, I wouldn't do it...but that's just me.
Fuck it, round them up and send them home. Street gangs vs the Untied States Army National Guard? Really? O_o Yeah, me thinks the Guard can handle the hommies. And honestly who gives a fuck about gang bangers, use those fuckers for target practice. }:-)

Barricaded family? We got toys and tactics for that too.8-)

I just hope they use special train cars...:sneaky:

Lol. Going on 16 years now and the active component supplemented by the guard and reserve can't win an insurgency OCONUS. See what happens when it happens here.

Forced entry for a misdemeanor? Good luck with that in court.

Sometimes people really need to think before they post. In the words of Herm Edwards: "Don't press send."
That was my first question, the second being whether use of NG troops under Federal (not State) orders is a Posse Comitatus issue? I'm not an SME on the delineation between the different types of orders guard personnel can be activated under, but it would seem that if called to act as a federal military force that some lines may be crossed.

Federal activation is tile 10. Active duty.
State activations are title 32. State Active Duty. Ive done both, my SAD time was in uniform, on the streets of a major US city, carrying a loaded firearm, with the sames rules of engagement I had when I was deployed in OEF. Not a Posse Comitatus issue.

So any federal call up would be a Posse Comitatus issue.
However it seems with the right support in Congress that wouldn't be a problem at all.

Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

Or the Feds could ask the states to do the mission themselves with troops operating on title 32 orders, avoiding the need to go through congress. My question would be, would those states be willing to hold that particular hot potato though...
Many of those states can't afford to pay their normal bills, much less activate the NG based on a federal request or mandate. If I was a governor, I wouldn't do it...but that's just me.

Don't worry, that money is coming from the feds one way or another. At least in large part.
Okay, so no joking around on SS today. Mention special train cars and everyone loses their shit...:hmm::D

There wasn't a whole lot (if anything) in your post to indicate humor and given the tone of the rest of the post, it appeared to be 100% serious.
Fuck it, round them up and send them home. Street gangs vs the Untied States Army National Guard? Really? O_o Yeah, me thinks the Guard can handle the hommies. And honestly who gives a fuck about gang bangers, use those fuckers for target practice. }:-)

Barricaded family? We got toys and tactics for that too.8-)

I just hope they use special train cars...:sneaky:

Dude this post is so off even for this thread. I saw a few posts further where you say you are joking. But still.

Clean it up man.
Alright, I don't want the military deployed against my own country or people, don't want to use human people as targets and I would never approve of people being put on train cars and sent off to anywhere. I was making a joke, as I see nobody saw that.

I'll take a break...
Alright, I don't want the military deployed against my own country or people, don't want to use human people as targets and I would never approve of people being put on train cars and sent off to anywhere. I was making a joke, as I see nobody saw that.

I'll take a break...

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Okay, so no joking around on SS today. Mention special train cars and everyone loses their shit...:hmm::D

Possibly because you've offended every Jew ever, especially those with people in their family with tattoos.

I've been in one of those special train cars (Holocaust Museum in DC) and find nothing funny in your post.

I'm honestly surprised Prime Minister Little Potato wasn't there in person to hand out hugs and parkas. ;-)

This is honestly out of control and happening at all sections of the border; even the Yukon/Alaska border. But I think they are smart enough up there not to travel this time of year. There's a "Safe Third Country" agreement between the US and Canada, so if they claimed asylum at a border crossing; they are processed through your system. If they cross a farmers field, they get detained, medical care and once they pass a criminal background check, released. There's been private immigration lawyers offering services to any of them that cross, if not they get legal aid. In a few weeks they can apply for a work permit or as most do, collect social assistance. It's turning into the European situation, they keep travelling to whatever country offers the better/easier benefits.
This guy makes a very compelling case and I somewhat agree with him.

I see motivational scenarios for these leaks: The first is a group of ideologically-driven intel professionals, aggrieved by their loss in November, have made it their partisan mission to destroy the administration via media assassination. They may or may not have enough damning material for impeachment, but they will leak just enough information to make it look like they do.
The second is that you have a group of intelligence professionals who, while politically aware, have nonetheless accepted the election results. However, they've seen enough damning material on the administration that they feel it must be acted upon. Some might have even gone through official whistleblower channels, although this is probably less-likely. They also are likely distressed at the very slow pace in which current investigations are progressing, and are using this slow drip of leaks in order to force the investigators' hand. In this scenario, it's not the scope of the material which is lacking, but the speed at which it is being investigated.

The truth is that the leakers are probably a mix of both groups - ideologically driven, as well as frustrated. Regardless of who is doing the leaking, the author is right - the Washington "deep state" deciding who has power is highly problematic. Our intelligence and diplomatic corps were not appointed to act as a check on executive power. That's what the other two branches are for. While it's important for these professionals to keep their eyes open to this kind of stuff, they should not be acting as a de facto fourth government branch.

Bill Moyers' site has this great (and long) piece about the evolution of a deep state: Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |
It was put out about two years ago some of the references may be a little dated, but it's a fascinating and somewhat prescient read.
This guy makes a very compelling case and I somewhat agree with him.

I see motivational scenarios for these leaks: The first is a group of ideologically-driven intel professionals, aggrieved by their loss in November, have made it their partisan mission to destroy the administration via media assassination. They may or may not have enough damning material for impeachment, but they will leak just enough information to make it look like they do.
The second is that you have a group of intelligence professionals who, while politically aware, have nonetheless accepted the election results. However, they've seen enough damning material on the administration that they feel it must be acted upon. Some might have even gone through official whistleblower channels, although this is probably less-likely. They also are likely distressed at the very slow pace in which current investigations are progressing, and are using this slow drip of leaks in order to force the investigators' hand. In this scenario, it's not the scope of the material which is lacking, but the speed at which it is being investigated.

The truth is that the leakers are probably a mix of both groups - ideologically driven, as well as frustrated. Regardless of who is doing the leaking, the author is right - the Washington "deep state" deciding who has power is highly problematic. Our intelligence and diplomatic corps were not appointed to act as a check on executive power. That's what the other two branches are for. While it's important for these professionals to keep their eyes open to this kind of stuff, they should not be acting as a de facto fourth government branch.

Bill Moyers' site has this great (and long) piece about the evolution of a deep state: Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |
It was put out about two years ago some of the references may be a little dated, but it's a fascinating and somewhat prescient read.

I think the descriptor 'deep state' is a useful model when describing countries like Turkey and Russia - where elements in and out of government wield power in ways that are illegal, even in their own countries. I think it's an extreme exaggeration and disservice to use it in the United States - especially when it's almost exclusively done in the national security arena. Nobody is talking about the HUD deep state.

There are a lot of mechanisms by which leaks make their way into the press. IC members are one - and that certainly could be at the heart of the leaks in the administration - but I doubt it. Congress, the Senate, cabinet officials, and the administration themselves are replete with people with regular access to the same information, close and continuing contact with members of the media and/or other people who talk to the media, and frequently with objectives in releasing information, rumors, and speculation. In truth there is at least some access to sensitive information being a member of Mar E Lago as we saw with the DPRK debacle the other week. It could be the Trump administration is facing an insurgency of liberal hacks seeded into the government, that his administration is caught up in bitter in-fighting, that the members of his administration's disdain for expertise are setting a new bar for ineptness and lack of security consciousness, that these factors are making professionals at every level of the government complain to anyone who will listen - or any combination of all or none of these things. The nature of most of these leaks - one or more sources reporting on what they heard/know/believe to be true - rather than releasing sensitive documents means there is a very wide swath of people with the placement, access, and accessibility to report on it accurately.

It could absolutely be 100% the IC - or even a smaller portion. However, as someone who works in the IC I'll need a little more proof than the latest round of tweetstorms. As always, everyone is free to believe what they want with as much burden of proof as they desire.
Read an ok-ish article today with a great quote.

"Motion does not equal progress. A rocking chair has near constant motion, but doesn't get anywhere."
That's a pretty good description of the first 100 days so far. Lots of flail, lots of news, lots of bluster- not a lot of concrete changes or progress, IMO.
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