The Trump Presidency

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Reince Priebus apparently communicated a request to the FBI to publicly comment on a story alleging WH/Russia ties. The FBI declined
FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories -

The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump's associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign, multiple US officials briefed on the matter tell CNN.

But a White House official said late Thursday that the request was only made after the FBI indicated to the White House it did not believe the reporting to be accurate.
White House officials had sought the help of the bureau and other agencies investigating the Russia matter to say that the reports were wrong and that there had been no contacts, the officials said. The reports of the contacts were first published by The New York Times and CNN on February 14.
The direct communications between the White House and the FBI were unusual because of decade-old restrictions on such contacts. Such a request from the White House is a violation of procedures that limit communications with the FBI on pending investigations.
Late Thursday night, White House press secretary Sean Spicer objected to CNN's characterization of the White House request to the FBI.
"We didn't try to knock the story down. We asked them to tell the truth," Spicer said. The FBI declined to comment for this story.

According to the Guardian, Priebus might be in trouble
The administration is certainly making no friends at the FBI.
Another March and this time with their very own militant manifesto.

How can the majority of smart women in America not see their cause has been co-opted by terrorists and Communist sympathizers?

Here's their manifesto.
Women of America: we're going on strike. Join us so Trump will see our power

The terrorist lady mentioned in the article got co-author credit for the Guardian article. From what I can tell, she has absolutely no organizational role with the strike. She's not even mentioned anywhere in the list of organizers for the strike, nor is she listed on the committee page for the Women's March. For all intents and purposes, she's just listed in the by-line in this article and is in no way "behind the next women's march." This is just cherry-picking clickbait from NYPost, which I suppose we should come to expect.

As for the other contributors, I just ask: So what? Angela Davis is bad because she supported the Black Panthers at some point and was acquitted of gun charges? Tithi Bhattacharya is bad because she once wrote a pithy comment about Maoists? Hell, she's a cultural theorist. That's what these kind of intellectuals do. Check out her entire list of publications:

The Post is reaching reeeeeeeeally hard.

Let us not for this whole section, which is just a hilarious strawman fallacy
The bristling tone of the manifesto and its call for a “militant” uprising are yet another indicator that liberals are increasingly willing to justify violence in the name of opposing Trump. After the Berkeley campus erupted in flames and violence to protest the planned appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos, many progressive activists took to Twitter to cheer them on. Hollywood stars Debra Messing and Sarah Silverman both tweeted their support, with Messing saying, “RESISTANCE WORKS” and Silverman ranting: “WAKE UP & JOIN THE RESISTANCE. ONCE THE MILITARY IS W US FASCISTS GET OVERTHROWN. MAD KING & HIS HANDLERS GO BYE BYE.”

Progs are equally enthusiastic about the idea that it’s OK to punch people as long as you hate them: “Stranger Things” star David Harbour said at the Screen Actors Guild awards, “We will, as per Chief Jim Hopper [the character he played on the show], punch some people in the face when they seek to destroy the weak and the disenfranchised and the marginalized.”
@Salt USMC, what are you saying is the fallacy? Are you saying that liberals are NOT increasingly justifying violence?
Correlating the tone of the manifesto with a rise in leftist violence. The clear message is "Hey, you saw what happened at Berkeley, right? This shit is gonna get violent"
It doesn't help when the lede is basically "A TERRORIST IS ORGANIZING THE STRIKE!!"
Reince Priebus apparently communicated a request to the FBI to publicly comment on a story alleging WH/Russia ties. The FBI declined
FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories -

According to the Guardian, Priebus might be in trouble
The administration is certainly making no friends at the FBI.

There's something quite amusing about Trumps Chief of Staff using anonymous sources to refute the Russian links to the Trump campaign, while Trump continues his crusade against the press and demands that anyone using anonymous sources should have to name them publicly.
Correlating the tone of the manifesto with a rise in leftist violence. The clear message is "Hey, you saw what happened at Berkeley, right? This shit is gonna get violent"
Gotcha. I agree with you there.
Dems choose DNC chair.

Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez beat U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison in a closely fought race to lead the Democratic Party as it tries to figure out how to take on GOP President Trump.

Rep. Keith Ellison loses Democratic chair race, will stay in Congress

And for the first time I am aware of, Keith Ellison says something that I agree with:

“Organizing is how we’re going to win,” Ellison said Saturday in a speech to the more than 400 DNC delegates, before voting started. “We believe we would rather have a million donations of $10 than 10 donations of $100,000.
This is interesting.

Majority of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president: Poll

It's broken down by race and education also.

A majority of Americans disapprove of the way President Donald Trump is handling his job after a month in office, according to results from the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll, though divisions are wide along party, gender and racial lines.

Since when was Survey Monkey a scientific poll?

Can someone who is lightyears smarter than me explain why calling Islamic Terrorists what they are is somehow not helpful as stated by the new National Security Advisor: Trump's national security adviser reportedly says label 'radical Islamic terrorism' not helpful
Since when was Survey Monkey a scientific poll?

Can someone who is lightyears smarter than me explain why calling Islamic Terrorists what they are is somehow not helpful as stated by the new National Security Advisor: Trump's national security adviser reportedly says label 'radical Islamic terrorism' not helpful

I wouldn't trust anything NBC was behind either.

Good points. I'll look to find something else. I did like the headline also.

Overall the other polls I have looked at say about the same thing.
I can see that being a double edged sword for him. On one hand, he will avoid the inevitable taking of the piss that happens with all Presidents attending. That would be good for his own ego since he can't stand any kind of comment or joke about him. I would wager that is the main reason.

On the other hand he'll alienate the press corps even more- and that's not in his best interest at all.
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