The Trump Presidency

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I can see that being a double edged sword for him. On one hand, he will avoid the inevitable taking of the piss that happens with all Presidents attending. That would be good for his own ego since he can't stand any kind of comment or joke about him. I would wager that is the main reason.

On the other hand he'll alienate the press corps even more- and that's not in his best interest at all.

I'm not sure it's possible for him to alienate the press any more than he already has. This dinner would have been different than any WHC Dinner I have ever seen. The press fawned over Obama, and while many of them took issue with George Bush, the remarks/satire/jokes/ have always been in relatively good fun. This would have been awkward, tense, and full of animosity from both sides.

The press has long been in need of reigning in, and while I do not necessarily agree with how POTUS is going about it, at least someone who matters is calling BS.
I'm not sure it's possible for him to alienate the press any more than he already has. This dinner would have been different than any WHC Dinner I have ever seen. The press fawned over Obama, and while many of them took issue with George Bush, the remarks/satire/jokes/ have always been in relatively good fun. This would have been awkward, tense, and full of animosity from both sides.

The press has long been in need of reigning in, and while I do not necessarily agree with how POTUS is going about it, at least someone who matters is calling BS.

See, this is the one major issue I have with how Trump is dealing with the press.

He's talking about "fake news" and what not, is now at the stage where Spicer is banning certain media outlets from gaggles, Trump is demanding sources in stories being named etc.

Yet I don't see how they can keep a straight face and continue to talk about "fake news" when they speak just as much, if not more, utter bollocks than anyone else.
I'm not sure it's possible for him to alienate the press any more than he already has. This dinner would have been different than any WHC Dinner I have ever seen. The press fawned over Obama, and while many of them took issue with George Bush, the remarks/satire/jokes/ have always been in relatively good fun. This would have been awkward, tense, and full of animosity from both sides.

The press has long been in need of reigning in, and while I do not necessarily agree with how POTUS is going about it, at least someone who matters is calling BS.

It probably would not have happened, but Trump could have been the cool dude in the room and use it to maybe even dial down the animosity. It feels to me to be a missed opportunity for POTUS Trump.
I can see that being a double edged sword for him. On one hand, he will avoid the inevitable taking of the piss that happens with all Presidents attending. That would be good for his own ego since he can't stand any kind of comment or joke about him. I would wager that is the main reason.

On the other hand he'll alienate the press corps even more- and that's not in his best interest at all.
Yeah, it was probably the right thing to do. If he went, the correspondents would've torn him apart and made him look (more) foolish. Meanwhile, his supporters would just double (triple?) down on their hatred of the press.
By not going, he kinda sticks his thumb in the press' eye, and looks like a big man to his supporters. Of course, people on the left are going to say that his ego is too fragile to stand up to the correspondents' roasting, but it's not like his base is going to care. They see this as a win, and that's what matters.
I play trivia games on a website called Sporcle. Tonight, the home page showed this as one of the most popular games of the day: Donald Trump or Adolf Hitler? Quiz - By zachHu1

This type of bullshit, regardless of which side pulls it, does nothing but further divide an already divided country.
Sounds like the Father was against Trump from the start and the media's definitely taking advantage of his grief. Plus I'm pretty sure the mission will have a mandatory AAR anyway, the Father just won't be entitled to all the answers; probably won't be the answers he's looking for anyway.

Well if he wasn't against Trump before, he certainly will be following Trumps comments on Fox News where he pretty much washed his hands of the Yemen raid.
Well if he wasn't against Trump before, he certainly will be following Trumps comments on Fox News where he pretty much washed his hands of the Yemen raid.

Cooking dinner and will fact check in a bit, but please tell me that he "<Trump> did not find a way to blame Obama for the mission going south because it had already been presented to him once. I shouldn't even have to guess that, but I am still not past the whole "alternative facts" thing.
I am wholeheartedly against a legal pathway on principle. I'm a descendent of relatively recent legal immigrants from Mexico, they hated the illegal immigration problem in SoCal. But they also felt that Mexican immigrants were targeted at a significantly higher rate than say anyone from Asia or Europe and that needed to be fixed. In SoCal there may be illegal immigrant problem from Mexico, but we also have problems with people coming from all over Asia and making it through in Cargo containers. Some of that is Human trafficking and some of that is people taking chances.

However, is it practical to deport all of them? Probably not.
Cooking dinner and will fact check in a bit, but please tell me that he "<Trump> did not find a way to blame Obama for the mission going south because it had already been presented to him once. I shouldn't even have to guess that, but I am still not past the whole "alternative facts" thing.

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Basically, the entire thing didn't really have much to do with him and when it comes to the Generals who planned the raid, "they lost Ryan".
I would just be happy to hear someone say that sometimes, things are what they are. Why does he have to be responsible for what happened? Why does anybody but those who were involved -- our side and the bad guy side. After all, like it's been said, the bad guy gets a vote too.

Honestly, I'm just tired of the blame game! People need to get over it and let's move forward!
@Agoge - Disagree because he is the Commander-in-Chief of our Military. If something goes south on his watch, the President should own it. Everyone knows he didn't have any real influence over what did or did not happen to Chief Ryan, but he should own it.

Perception is reality, and what I perceive by his saying, "the Generals lost Ryan" is a man who will not take the fall for his Generals when the "whatever" hits. I've always feared Trump as a person who liked to spread blame and take credit; I'm still on the "anyone but Hilary" train, but times like this I think Trump is in way over his head.
@Agoge - Disagree because he is the Commander-in-Chief of our Military. If something goes south on his watch, the President should own it. Everyone knows he didn't have any real influence over what did or did not happen to Chief Ryan, but he should own it.

Don't get me wrong, Brother...I agree the buck stops with him. But, like you noted...he isn't responsible for it. I think he acted like a clown by blaming it on someone else, but, with that's time to move on.
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