The Trump Presidency

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I am wholeheartedly against a legal pathway on principle. I'm a descendent of relatively recent legal immigrants from Mexico, they hated the illegal immigration problem in SoCal. But they also felt that Mexican immigrants were targeted at a significantly higher rate than say anyone from Asia or Europe and that needed to be fixed. In SoCal there may be illegal immigrant problem from Mexico, but we also have problems with people coming from all over Asia and making it through in Cargo containers. Some of that is Human trafficking and some of that is people taking chances.

However, is it practical to deport all of them? Probably not.

What is the percentage of illegals from the southern border (more than just Mexicans) compared to Asian? I'm fairly certain that Latin America is responsible for the vast majority of illegal immigrants to the USA. Therefore they should be targeted more.
That's a non brainier.
Yeah one giant land border with lots of cross border travel versus limited illegal immigration via containers (which is reasonably rare).

I know where I'd put my resources.
I would just be happy to hear someone say that sometimes, things are what they are. Why does he have to be responsible for what happened? Why does anybody but those who were involved -- our side and the bad guy side. After all, like it's been said, the bad guy gets a vote too.

Honestly, I'm just tired of the blame game! People need to get over it and let's move forward!

I would be perfectly fine with some version of "I ordered the raid and this is on me. Our men performed brilliantly and with exceptional courage. With that said we need to remember nothing is perfect in war and that situations are dynamic and complex. I ordered the raid and the family and teammates of the deceased have my sincere condolences for their loss."

He can own it while reminding everyone this isn't cut-and-dried.

ETA: correct a horrible phrasing oversight
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I would be perfectly fine with some version of "I ordered the raid and this is on me. Our men performed brilliantly and exception courage. With that said we need to remember nothing is perfect in war and that situations are dynamic and complex. I ordered the raid and the family and teammates of the deceased have my sincere condolences for their loss."

He can own it while reminding everyone this isn't cut-and-dried.

Perfectly stated!
Well, I will say that speech was the best that Trump has been recently. He stuck to his teleprompter, and kept on message, and actually behaved like a president.

There were issues, sure, but in my mind this was an uptick.
What is the percentage of illegals from the southern border (more than just Mexicans) compared to Asian? I'm fairly certain that Latin America is responsible for the vast majority of illegal immigrants to the USA. Therefore they should be targeted more.
That's a non brainier.
I guess you haven't been to Hacienda Heights and West Covina recently...

In regards to how the President has handled the raid bit. He just needs to say: "The enemy has a vote in this fight too, you know, it was a well planned mission, executed by our best and sometimes we don't come out unscathed, this is war. His death is but the first of what I hope may be few but could be many that weigh on me as I'm the CinC and I send our men into the night to keep us all safe, etc."
Do you have an actual reply to the Mexican statement or just empty naff?
I don't know what you're on about. But I personally don't like people getting targeted just because they happen to be a certain color, especially when there are plenty of other illegal immigrants in that same area of a different color, so you can just not comment because you have some empty naff right there.

And then there was the Clinton staffer getting mad about Ryan Owens' Wife:
Despicable Dan Grilo Calls The Wife of Fallen Navy Seal an Idiot
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I don't know what you're on about. But I personally don't like people getting targeted just because they happen to be a certain color, especially when there are plenty of other illegal immigrants in that same area of a different color, so you can just not comment because you have some empty naff right there.

And then there was the Clinton staffer getting mad about Ryan Owens' Wife:
Despicable Dan Grilo Calls The Wife of Fallen Navy Seal an Idiot

What he is on about is you seem to honestly be comparing the problem of illegal immigration from and through Mexico with the amount of Asian immigrants, and then using one town in LA as an example.

The two are only comparable as they are both illegal. They are not comparable in the scope or severity of the problem.
This is interesting.

Majority of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president: Poll

It's broken down by race and education also.

A majority of Americans disapprove of the way President Donald Trump is handling his job after a month in office, according to results from the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll, though divisions are wide along party, gender and racial lines.

From today:

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism -

It's amazing what a speech can do to a country's mood.
Disagree because I am a staunch Republican and am still uneasy by our current President and his actions - or future actions.
I thought this was an interesting perspective: Grading Trump on a Curve

My perception of the reaction to the speech - which I did not watch - is it is being graded on an extreme curve across the spectrum. Conservatives are falling over themselves in joy and anticipate major poll shifts from it (even though President Trump is actually polling very well amongst Republicans - his high disapproval numbers, compared to other Presidents, stem from his very high disapproval ratings amongst Democrats and independents), the MSM (defined as major non-Fox news networks) are giving the speech heaps of praise primarily from optics and surprise, while liberals (like me) are still unimpressed - especially if you take a look at any attempt at fact-checking.

Seems like this is a win for the administration on style - business as usual on substance. If you're an administration supporter you should be happy, if not I'm not sure how much cause there is to shift your existing opinion. Will be interesting to see if the conservative joy is well-founded and this pushes the administration into the honeymoon period they haven't received so far.
Even staunch critics noticed something different. When someone such as Van Jones takes notice and says something positive, regarding last night, it becomes a head tilting moment.

I'm only reading the stuff on the back end, as I did something important last night, called watching baseball. I find it better in such that our world is getting extremely partisan and stupid to read it later rather than watch live. To be honest there's a lot of meh crap.

The wearing of white and purple by the Dems and not clapping at certain points that are traditional based on what I'm reading just continues to show the long road we're going down. Not that the Republican party was innocent during the Obama administration.

But if these idiots in Congress seriously think women's rights are going to be curtailed...I really don't get it.

ETA: RU's Douche of the Week-Dan Grilo
Instagram post by Ranger Up • Mar 1, 2017 at 7:13am UTC

ETA2: Sessions being accused of speaking to the Russian Ambassador as a representative of the Trump Campaign and not at a ranking member of the Armed Services committee. I'm getting tired of this shit. If it's true, can him, if not, skewer alive these asshole congress criminals: Sessions Met Twice With Russian Envoy During Trump Campaign
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Did anyone else watch the MSNBC special last night about the POTUS/Putin connection?
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