The Trump Presidency

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Trump reached new levels of comedy genius with his "last night in Sweden" comment.

The man is on a different planet.
Trump reached new levels of comedy genius with his "last night in Sweden" comment.

The man is on a different planet.
BUTBUTBUT he was talking about a show he saw on Fox News about immigration... :rolleyes:

I'm curious as to what progress we have seen so far. The only real action Pres Trump has taken this far is a handful of executive orders (one of which was ineffective and repealed), most of which simply stated 'examine this process' or 'report findings to the president'.

What progress am I missing?
At this rate, the President is going to run out of people to draw from if he's going to can every person that may have a difference in opinion with him at some point. With leadership, they say it's lonely at the top...but come on.

Ventura was/is a dipshit and had incredibly thin skin as a governor but Trump is taking that thin skin well into the stratosphere. It has quickly become a huge liability. He needs to get over his hard on for the media and someone needs to revoke his access to Twitter; it's become as old as the whining and protests from leftists. I hope he changes his approach soon but won't hold my breath.
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BUTBUTBUT he was talking about a show he saw on Fox News about immigration... :rolleyes:

I'm curious as to what progress we have seen so far. The only real action Pres Trump has taken this far is a handful of executive orders (one of which was ineffective and repealed), most of which simply stated 'examine this process' or 'report findings to the president'.

What progress am I missing?
You can follow along at The First 100 Days
The site appears to be a non-partisan way of tracking the President's progress on campaign promises, staff appointments, and myriad issues.
At this rate, the President is going to run out of people to draw from if he's going to can every person that may have a difference in opinion with him at some point. With leadership, they say it's lonely at the top...but come on.

Ventura was/is a dipshit and had incredibly thin skin as a governor but Trump is taking that thin skin well into the stratosphere. It has quickly become a huge liability. He needs to get over his hard on for the media and someone needs to revoke his access to Twitter; it's become as old as the whining and protests from leftists. I hope he changes his approach soon but won't hold my breath.


Again, Piers Morgan nails it.

PIERS MORGAN: President Trump needs to calm down | Daily Mail Online
More issues with NSC positions/people. Very tumultuous start for the Trump Administration.

Senior Trump appointee fired after critical comments

I saw a Foreign Policy article today that made a similar point - one of the big gaps the administration is struggling with (compared to other administrations in their first 100 days) is filling those 2nd and 3rd tier appointees that actually run things day-to-day. It's a huge practical difficulty in actually executing policy likely exacerbated by the lack of a strong party infrastructure to draw on (much of the intellectual/think-tank/academic Republican party that this pool is normally drawn from is the heart of the 'never-Trump' movement inside the Republican party) and the unconventional style of President Trump where individual loyalty and access are so critical to effectiveness. I imagine you can draw in powerful people from the business and donor world to fill top spots but it's much more difficult to get them to fill spots further down the chain.

I think the FP article does a good job of framing substantive problems with the administration this early in it's tenure. However, if you want to read it you should understand the authors come from a camp that was/is decidedly anti-Trump so there's no attempt to be even-handed (though I still think the criticisms are logical and fact-based). Also, it's coming from the perspective - pretty common in academia and professional journals - that political science and the national security apparatus have a clear and useful purpose. If part of your support for President Trump is that whole 'establishment' is shitty and needs to reform/burn to the ground I don't think any of the base theses are going to hold weight with you.

Here's the article for reference: President Trump’s Terrible One-Month Report Card
No one would know his name without 73 Easting and subsequent books.

I hope he does great in his new position.
No one would know his name without 73 Easting and subsequent books.

I hope he does great in his new position.

Three companies from my old signal battalion were fragged out to support then-COL McMaster during 3ACR's second stint in Iraq. Many of them had served under him and COL. Teeples in 2003, and were of the opinion that McMaster was a much better regimental commander.

His success in Tal Afar could not be denied, and was instrumental in breaking the logjam preventing him from picking up that first star. From my understanding at the time, he'd been blocked by various politicians something like five times because they couldn't stand the man (I think Dereliction of Duty had something to do with it). The gains he made in Tal Afar were plastered all over the news, and his opponents found themselves without a leg to stand on in blocking his ascencion to flag rank.

It's been nearly ten years since I researched the man, so I can't remember all my sources verbatim. But I believe he'll be a great fit in this position.
Three companies from my old signal battalion were fragged out to support then-COL McMaster during 3ACR's second stint in Iraq. Many of them had served under him and COL. Teeples in 2003, and were of the opinion that McMaster was a much better regimental commander.

His success in Tal Afar could not be denied, and was instrumental in breaking the logjam preventing him from picking up that first star. From my understanding at the time, he'd been blocked by various politicians something like five times because they couldn't stand the man (I think Dereliction of Duty had something to do with it). The gains he made in Tal Afar were plastered all over the news, and his opponents found themselves without a leg to stand on in blocking his ascencion to flag rank.

It's been nearly ten years since I researched the man, so I can't remember all my sources verbatim. But I believe he'll be a great fit in this position.

I saw a very short article from a couple years ago where LTG(R) Barno praised LTG McMaster and claimed he had been in the room where senior officers were discussing how to end his (McMaster's) career. I don't believe he provided any more details but it supports what you're talking about.

I think the triple threat of 73 easting, dereliction of duty, and Tal Afar make LTG McMaster someone with credentials that can't be balked at by any source - that kind of person is likely very dangerous for senior officers. Still, it might also free him from some of the politicking other GOs frequently have to do - in the service and with their press clippings (GEN Patreaus always comes to my mind as a leader with a preternatural affinity for his press profile, at least until the end). I've never served under him but I know a number of people who have. All describe him as a good commander and leader but very harsh - very willing to relieve people, stop meetings, and berate folks. Most have talked about him being very fair with it - he was the same asshole to everyone, never played favorites, and always rested his criticisms in competence.

It makes his selection as the NSA really interesting. His reputation and credentials will lend significant weight to the administration - and he'll likely have significant credibility with the press and the establishment from day one. However, an NSA's main role is to influence the President and corral a truculent group of personalities at the highest levels of government. Those are significant political and interpersonal skills. The President has demonstrated a desire for a specific kind of loyalty at every turn - especially insisting his obvious untruths/lies/mistakes are backed by his subordinates. He also seems especially influenced by conjecture and fanciful claims - a briefly seen cable news clip can make it's way into speeches, tweets, and policy maybe (not 100% clear how much of what the President says is really policy at this point). That seems like a recipe to put LTG McMaster's experience to the test.
I'm honestly surprised Prime Minister Little Potato wasn't there in person to hand out hugs and parkas. ;-)

This is honestly out of control and happening at all sections of the border; even the Yukon/Alaska border. But I think they are smart enough up there not to travel this time of year. There's a "Safe Third Country" agreement between the US and Canada, so if they claimed asylum at a border crossing; they are processed through your system. If they cross a farmers field, they get detained, medical care and once they pass a criminal background check, released. There's been private immigration lawyers offering services to any of them that cross, if not they get legal aid. In a few weeks they can apply for a work permit or as most do, collect social assistance. It's turning into the European situation, they keep travelling to whatever country offers the better/easier benefits.

It's so nice of your country to welcome our scumbags. :thumbsup::D

At this rate, the President is going to run out of people to draw from if he's going to can every person that may have a difference in opinion with him at some point. With leadership, they say it's lonely at the top...but come on.

Ventura was/is a dipshit and had incredibly thin skin as a governor but Trump is taking that thin skin well into the stratosphere. It has quickly become a huge liability. He needs to get over his hard on for the media and someone needs to revoke his access to Twitter; it's become as old as the whining and protests from leftists. I hope he changes his approach soon but won't hold my breath.

Trump has never held an elected office. He's never had to answer to anybody. His companies are private, no stockholders. He's used to being a virtual dictator in the private sector. Do what I say or your fired. When he makes a business decision, his employees oppose it at their peril. Eventually he may finally realize the limitations of Presidential power...and that you get more with honey than you do with vinegar.
Trump has never held an elected office. He's never had to answer to anybody. His companies are private, no stockholders. He's used to being a virtual dictator in the private sector. Do what I say or your fired. When he makes a business decision, his employees oppose it at their peril. Eventually he may finally realize the limitations of Presidential power...and that you get more with honey than you do with vinegar.
I will say- I am hoping (against all hope, it seems) to see a steep learning curve while President Trump figures out how to navigate those waters. I don't want to see ANY president fail, because America pays a price there.

I am just not seeing it yet.
I'm still unconvinced on this Rouge POTUS twitter account. It's really hard to tell if it's legit or not.
I'm still unconvinced on this Rouge POTUS twitter account. It's really hard to tell if it's legit or not.
Yeah, same here. They're putting out less and less material recently and mostly just retweeting stuff about #theresistance or whatever. I'm willing to bet that they had some tertiary access at one point, or at least had some secondhand access to insider info, but that has since been cut off. I mean, in the days right after the inauguration they did put out some stuff that scooped the news media and established their bona fides, but that seems to have quieted down. Now it's just "@POTUS is so pissed off about protesters!! #resist is working!!"
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