Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russian forces in Ukraine under pressure as Kherson towns to be evacuated

"The situation in the area of the 'Special Military Operation' can be described as tense," Sergei Surovikin, an air force general named this month to command Russia's invasion forces, told the state-owned Rossiya 24 television news channel.”

It wouldn’t be so tense if you were all dead or not in Ukraine. Still, surprised that the new Russian in charge of the “special military operation” would be so candid.
Alert delivered on Tue Oct 18 2022 17:01:43 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time):

Caption: US intelligence reportedly says IRGC personnel training Russian forces in Crimea to overcome "problems" with drones purchased from Iran: News Outlet via New York Times.

Link: Iran Sends Drone Trainers to Crimea to Aid Russian Military

Would be a real shame if something happened to them à la Saky airfield. :ninja: Maybe a Tochka salvo, if they are located.
Remember when the Russian rhetoric an the beginning of the invasion, was all about removing "Nazi" elements in Ukraine ?
A couple months ago, it switched kind of in a conceding way, to incapacitation of the Ukr government and military.
Now we have reached a point, where total collapse and starvation of the entire populace is not only being openly suggested, but regarded as the only option, because they "were forced to do so as the Ukrainians/West want to destroy them".
Typical, almost comicaly stereotypical Russian victimhood at it's absolute peak, whenever things aren't going their way. Reaching in every way to justify further and further escalation and their mindset. It's become so ludicrous, that even some of their Yes-men start to question that behaviour.
But who knows, maybe those cracks spread further, if they aren't just for show. One can hope.

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The Russians are smoking so much copium even Snoop Dogg is telling them to slow down.

What does concern me is how they are slowly working their way towards options more vile than starving the populace. It is like these guys are grooming the Russian people for open atrocities while also testing the West's response to these "random" or "isolated" thoughts.
Would be a real shame if something happened to them à la Saky airfield. :ninja: Maybe a Tochka salvo, if they are located.

10 Iranians killed in Ukrainian strikes - report

Oh no !

Oh No GIF by The Maury Show