Ukraine - Russia Conflict

If only some sort of world leader that could actually impose *any* DIMEFIL cost on Russia would say "enough" and bring everyone to the table.

Oh well! Guess we are too busy with Trans Interviews, displaying a remarkable misunderstanding of State's rights and responsibilities.

Just acknowledging the DIMEFIL reference.
I can't believe you people, I have to be first to mention this?

I'd hit that like a Cat 5 into Puerto Rico.
I'd learn Russian just to hear her tell me how bad I sucked in bed.
To me she looks like that woman who did a porno while her boyfriend was off at basic training. The one that this meme was based on:

Serious question: at what point will nations start running out of ammo to "sell" to Russia? NK's only going so deep into its reserves. China...don't see it. Belarus certainly can't possess massive stocks of viable ammo to give away AND reserve some for national defense. If Russia's industry could keep up, none of this would happen. Russia is expending more ammo than it can beg, borrow, buy, steal, or manufacture, and is still losing the war.