By Putin's math, the Ukraine will have suffered 1.2 million casualties since the invasion, with about half that number dead. Yeah, nah.
When you go out and try to find casualty numbers, they are all over the place.
As we reported on Sunday, after the attack, the Russian Aerospace Forces-connected Fighterbomber Telegram channel complained bitterly about the lack of proper shelters to ward off such drone strikes. Those complaints continued on Monday, this time from an unnamed Russian colonel claiming 20 years in uniform. He called for an investigation by the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Department Voeinnoi Konttrazvedki (DVKR), the FSB's Military Counterintelligence unit.
“I appeal to the commanders of the airbases of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the heads of the DVKR departments supervising them,” the colonel complained to the Grey Zone Telegram channel. “WHAT OR WHOSE INSTRUCTIONS DO YOU NEED TO CREATE COVERS FOR OUR AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? BY YOUR INACTION YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE ENEMY!”
“I realize that the creation of solid, underground or above-ground reinforced concrete shelters may be an issue that cannot be resolved at your level,” the colonel continued. “At the same time, taking into account that the main damage to our aircraft comes from primary and secondary fragments formed after explosions of UAVs and enemy missiles, to preserve aircraft equipment in most cases, aluminum hangars or hangars made of sandwich panels will be sufficient (the price of one such hangar with an area of 12x6x45 meters less than 1 million rubles [$11,245]).”
Former military pilot Ilya Tumanov, host of the “Fighterbomber” Telegram channel, reported new details of the attack on a military airfield in Akhtubinsk. According to him, two Su-57 fighters were damaged as a result of the Ukrainian drone attack.
The former military pilot said that the second Su-57 received minor damage that could be repaired on the spot. As for the first Su-57, its condition raises more questions. The aircraft, according to him, is a prototype and is of little use for combat use, so a decision on its restoration has yet to be made.
“In order not to get up twice, I will say that two Su-57s were damaged. The second Su-57 received minor damage, which will be repaired on the spot. I already wrote about the first one. They will think about whether it is advisable to restore it or not, because "The board is really a prototype and is of little use for combat," - said Tumanov.
According to the source, the attack involved three drones that reached the airfield.
It should be noted that there have not yet been any official statements in this regard.
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The shrapnel from a drone that close? Even a MiG-21 has to have a working engine will all the panels in place, never mind radar and the canopy damage.
How many F22s did we lose because we thought having a repair facility in a state with hurricanes was a great idea.Another satellite image. Still hard to make out damage. There appear to be two impact craters, also a painted decoy Su-57.
Su-57 Felon Targeted In Ukraine Strike Seen In New Higher-Resolution Satellite Images
Is it just me who thinks it was not a good idea to place several of your very few most advanced fighters on the same airfield and on top of that, so close together, to begin with ? Yeah logistics, but I think its still a bad idea in a war where the enemy can reach and destroy even your strategic bombers. But hey as the saying goes, don't interrupt ...
How many F22s did we lose because we thought having a repair facility in a state with hurricanes was a great idea.
Nearly 10 Percent of the US F-22 Inventory Was Damaged or Destroyed in Hurricane Michael.
0, that was the primary training base because the Gulf of Mexico is a giant training range.How many F22s did we lose because we thought having a repair facility in a state with hurricanes was a great idea.
Nearly 10 Percent of the US F-22 Inventory Was Damaged or Destroyed in Hurricane Michael.
Fact still remains that a single hurricane took out a huge chunk of best fighter.0, that was the primary training base because the Gulf of Mexico is a giant training range.
True,Fact still remains that a single hurricane took out a huge chunk of best fighter.
'ole non-binary Dmytro probably feels the same way as a lot of American cowards that ran to Canada to hide during the war in Vietnam.
Hey Dmytro - fuck you you piece of shit coward.
You say you feel safe in a country that accepts you for who your are?
Well then throw off that mantle of "oppressed Ukrainian" and assimilate.
Become a god damned Canadian.
"Identify" mother fucker
You clearly don't mind pretending that neither objective truth nor science can determine "who you are" - so identify as someone that has told Ukraine to just - hot tip asshole "they" is a plural pronoun you schmuck.
You are looked upon by Ukrainians as a person who is weak and a person who is afraid - because you ARE weak and afraid..
- You are WEAK because you are mentally unable to accept objective truth and science; instead you elect to hide behind your mental weakness as an excuse for why you needed to desert your homeland.
- You are AFRAID because you elected to abandon your homeland and your family - refusing to stay and fight for justice for yourself and others like you.
Because you are AFRAID of the consequences.
You are afraid to put your past behind you and simply "identify"
Become a Canadian citizen - forget about those hateful bastards in Ukraine that look upon you " a person who is weak, a person who is afraid, the person who is working [for] their enemy" - let them look upon you instead as a proud Canadian Citizen that has left them behind.
You don't love your country Dmytro - you love yourself. You fled your nation when your nation needed you the most and you abandoned your family so that THEY could shoulder the risk of dying for a country under siege.
Oh - and on the topic of Ukrainians no longer trusting their government - well, fuck right off Dmytro - and you too Kateryna - both of you
...just fuck right off if you think you somehow have front row seats to the "we no longer trust our government concert"
Americans thrive in a "we don't trust our fucking government" landscape - hell, we damn near invented the concept of "not trusting our government"
Our first two constitutional amendments are all ABOUT not trusting our mother fucking government. One of them lets us talk as much shit about our shitty government as we want and the other lets us fight back when they try to silence us.
It's called reality. You should try it.
In closing, fuck you Dmytro - fuck you too Kateryna, and fuck EVERYONE that thinks like you...
...fuck you ALL very much.
Good day.
We supported the wrong side in Kosovo.A pretty good breakdown of broken treaties and a coup, leading to today.