A pretty good breakdown of broken treaties and a coup, leading to today.
I generally don't support secessionism and breaking up of nations. Especially through 3rd party Involvement and annexation. Big part of that is because my old and other countries are suffering from such circumstances. I also agree with some of the POV regarding certain events like the Iraq Invasion. Partially disagree with others. I think global intervention is always necessary when terrible events like genocides or ethnic cleansings are taking place. But shouldn't be abused as pretext for ulterior motives like for example the aforementioned.
That said however, much of the rest is loaded. The "first war in Europe after WW2" wasn't the US bombing of anything.
Feel free to correct me, but if we want to be pedantic about that, the first major European conflict immediately after WW2 was the Greek Civil War afaik. Later in 1974 war for Cyprus between both NATO members Greece and Turkey. The Baltic conflict also continued long into the 50s alongside many other anti-communist uprisings and wars. Let's also not forget Operation Danube, even if it wasn't so bloody.
If he meant, first US war / US involvement in Europe, he should have phrased it better but even that would have been wrong. The Kosovo War didn't break out because of NATO bombing, but fighting between KLA and Serbs. Which was part of the greater Yugoslav Wars that began nearly a decade earlier and in between you also had the Chechen Wars. Like ... come on.
Anyway Its tiresome and disappointing to see that some people still regurgitate Kremloganda hypocrisy and try whitewashing the aggressors actions and role in the conflict like that. Yes, Western impatience and agenda contributed in enabling it. But the whole argument is always whataboutism. In my eyes it never excuses the wrongs and premeditated acts committed by others to begin with. Russia's actual pretext is weaker than even that. To put all the blame solely on one actor on top of that, is just comical misinformation. Russia has a long history of nose deep meddling in other, particularly those neighboring countries affairs, before the US and EU were even a thing on the map. Most recently, since 1991.
Maybe they know much about US history and its dirty secrets, but its an unserious position, when ignoring the skeletons in the closet and warmongery list of the side they are supporting right now. Maybe he should also check the treaties they violated, like the 1994 Nonproliferation and 1997 Friendship pact.
We are talking about the successor of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, entities that consisted of annexed and occupied countries. It are states Putin and their old guard still pine on and are trying to restore in their imagination. In the 2022 speech, they questioned the existence of all those nations. Like ... idk what more rhetoric and and full blown war of conquest, is required to make those people come to their senses already.