Ukraine - Russia Conflict

A pretty good breakdown of broken treaties and a coup, leading to today.

I generally don't support secessionism and breaking up of nations. Especially through 3rd party Involvement and annexation. Big part of that is because my old and other countries are suffering from such circumstances. I also agree with some of the POV regarding certain events like the Iraq Invasion. Partially disagree with others. I think global intervention is always necessary when terrible events like genocides or ethnic cleansings are taking place. But shouldn't be abused as pretext for ulterior motives like for example the aforementioned.

That said however, much of the rest is loaded. The "first war in Europe after WW2" wasn't the US bombing of anything.
Feel free to correct me, but if we want to be pedantic about that, the first major European conflict immediately after WW2 was the Greek Civil War afaik. Later in 1974 war for Cyprus between both NATO members Greece and Turkey. The Baltic conflict also continued long into the 50s alongside many other anti-communist uprisings and wars. Let's also not forget Operation Danube, even if it wasn't so bloody.

If he meant, first US war / US involvement in Europe, he should have phrased it better but even that would have been wrong. The Kosovo War didn't break out because of NATO bombing, but fighting between KLA and Serbs. Which was part of the greater Yugoslav Wars that began nearly a decade earlier and in between you also had the Chechen Wars. Like ... come on.

Anyway Its tiresome and disappointing to see that some people still regurgitate Kremloganda hypocrisy and try whitewashing the aggressors actions and role in the conflict like that. Yes, Western impatience and agenda contributed in enabling it. But the whole argument is always whataboutism. In my eyes it never excuses the wrongs and premeditated acts committed by others to begin with. Russia's actual pretext is weaker than even that. To put all the blame solely on one actor on top of that, is just comical misinformation. Russia has a long history of nose deep meddling in other, particularly those neighboring countries affairs, before the US and EU were even a thing on the map. Most recently, since 1991.
Maybe they know much about US history and its dirty secrets, but its an unserious position, when ignoring the skeletons in the closet and warmongery list of the side they are supporting right now. Maybe he should also check the treaties they violated, like the 1994 Nonproliferation and 1997 Friendship pact.
We are talking about the successor of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, entities that consisted of annexed and occupied countries. It are states Putin and their old guard still pine on and are trying to restore in their imagination. In the 2022 speech, they questioned the existence of all those nations. Like ... idk what more rhetoric and and full blown war of conquest, is required to make those people come to their senses already.
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I cant wait until we get just a LITTLE closer to the election so we can do a war
...its probably the best way to lock down Bidens reelection if we cant get Trump put in prison before then.
I'm not sure thousands of dead Americans will get him re-elected.
The left spent years screaming "Trump will start a war" then watching them react when their guy starts another war.
dead bodies dont impact the outcome - this nations voters are just too fucking stoopid to change horses midstream - especially when the incumbent is promising bread and circuses at the wartime discount rate - its how that guy in the wheelchair stayed in office for 12 years

besides - its ok when democrats do a war - because democrats aren't warmongers
Interesting piece on a Ukrainian drone crew. According to the reporter over half of drone missions end up as failures. Also interesting to see how Russians are using portable jamming to keep Ukrainian drone crews at bay.

I used to be one of the SUAV guys for my Infantry Company back in the day. It's interesting to see how much the technology has evolved. Seeing some of the shit we used to shoot the shit about in the smoke pit has been surreal. There is still so much more that can be done with drones and EW.
One of the reasons I became disillusioned with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is that the people we were ostensibly there to support didn't want to be there themselves. Almost every Afghan and Iraqi I met wanted to be somewhere else. Most of them wanted to come to America.

I'm not saying that I blame them; after all, I choose to live in the US instead of somewhere like Iraq or Afghanistan. But if the locals don't think that their country is worth fighting for, why should I? Especially after it became clear that we were never going to be allowed to do what it took to win in either of those conflicts.

Ukraine... was different. They were/are at least willing to fight. It's not pretty and sometimes it's downright coercive, but they're still fighting. Good on them.

I haven't met or talked to many Ukrainians, but I do know the one who wrote this article. To sum up: he went to Yale, graduated, and went back to Ukraine to work in their defense industry. He joined Ukraine's officer corps in the Artillery, and according to the article he went to the front at least once.

As discussed many times on this site, there are many ways to serve. I hope he spends more time working Western connections and pushing the tech front than he does on the front line, but I am encouraged that someone who had some pretty good options outside of the war zone chose to return to fight for his own country.

My decision to come back to war-time Ukraine after Yale
Sooo, not sure if this is Russian retardation or garbage from the media and intel agencies. If Russia had been able to assassinate the Rheinmetall ceo, would that have emboldened the Euro's of would they have cucked even more? I get sending a message or trying to win a symbolic victory for Russians back home, but I'm unsure how this would have affect output.

Granted Rheinmetall is setting up new manufacturing lines, but I was under the assumption that the European commitment to Ukraine was still lagging.

Russia plotted to kill CEO of German firm that makes weapons for Ukraine, sources say
Sooo, not sure if this is Russian retardation or garbage from the media and intel agencies. If Russia had been able to assassinate the Rheinmetall ceo, would that have emboldened the Euro's of would they have cucked even more? I get sending a message or trying to win a symbolic victory for Russians back home, but I'm unsure how this would have affect output.

Granted Rheinmetall is setting up new manufacturing lines, but I was under the assumption that the European commitment to Ukraine was still lagging.

Russia plotted to kill CEO of German firm that makes weapons for Ukraine, sources say
There was an article that popped up in one of my feeds (don't remember the source) that said NATO Countries could invoke Art 5 as a response to Russia's asymetrical attacks (like this).

I don't think Putin is the Chess Master some folks think he is.

He got away with it twice (Georgia, and the initial partial Ukraine takeover), he gambled a third time and hasn't won. Though a victory will still go into the books a a "L".

Meanwhile China, North Korea and Iran are watching us burn through stocks and laughing.
Clinton and Rumsfeld both mismanaged us into a hole.
There was an article that popped up in one of my feeds (don't remember the source) that said NATO Countries could invoke Art 5 as a response to Russia's asymetrical attacks (like this).

I don't think Putin is the Chess Master some folks think he is.

He got away with it twice (Georgia, and the initial partial Ukraine takeover), he gambled a third time and hasn't won. Though a victory will still go into the books a a "L".

Meanwhile China, North Korea and Iran are watching us burn through stocks and laughing.
Clinton and Rumsfeld both mismanaged us into a hole.
Do you think Russia and Putin are betting on weak European govts to roll over? The Russian govt has shown themselves to be little better than a group of thugs, but the Europeans and their liberal govts have shown a lot of weakness.

That said, we're not much better ourselves. O_o