Not that it requires an explanation, but not business in the profitable sense. ROE, in this case, is the business.
I'm not sure if the drone warfare has upped the stakes or not. It certainly appears more brutal on the outside, but at the core the fundamentals haven't changed. What's so different when we drone strike, read assassinate, non-combatents? When the US government killed an entire family for driving around in a white Toyota Corolla, the only bit of response they gave was "oooopsies". Remember flamethrowers? White phosphorus?
They can drop their gun and run, but once that drone is gone, it's right back to war. You see a prisoner swap, I see a respawn. We are in no place to tell another country how to execute their war. Think China would take POWs? They off their own people for less.
If a foreign nation hits our shores, or starts dropping troops from the skies, I'd bet my last dollar the tune would change for those talking about waving white flags and POW status.
It's Geneva Suggestions at that point.