Ukraine - Russia Conflict

You act like that's a bad thing.
Maybe a delay in the deployment forces the State Department to do that diplomatic thing they are tasked with doing.
On the Army side, not related to the Ukraine, we seem to go through a full force restructure about every 15 years which has massive effects on readiness. When I was a PL we were already moving away from the BCT model with the re-establishment of Division Artillery. We like still kept the structure, like my FSO did not disappear, but his rating chain got weird. And now, I need to look at exactly what's going on but BCTs aren't going to exist as they had. It's all dumb.

But in reality being able to deploy a division at time, rather than what we did is something to get back to. Because deploying a DIVHQ to a theatre to command units that aren't theirs is just odd.