Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Line was crossed already lol.

If China is not already sending covert help to Russia, I'm betting it soon will. And there's not a goddamned thing we can do about it. China alone doesn't fear the US. Or the EU. If China aligns itself with Russia in an actual military pact, that reduces the US to impotence. Together they can do anything they want, forge ahead with their individual agendas as long as they don't step on each other's toes.

I'm betting that happens, too, eventually.

Russia and China Unveil a Pact Against America and the West
If China is not already sending covert help to Russia, I'm betting it soon will. And there's not a goddamned thing we can do about it. China alone doesn't fear the US. Or the EU. If China aligns itself with Russia in an actual military pact, that reduces the US to impotence. Together they can do anything they want, forge ahead with their individual agendas as long as they don't step on each other's toes.

I'm betting that happens, too, eventually.

Russia and China Unveil a Pact Against America and the West
Keep in mind the economics. Even combined, China and Russia's GDP would lag behind the U.S. alone by a few trillion. So, while it would hurt, for now, the U.S. economy, especially when the rest of the world is factored in, still reigns and this important.
With minimal effort China can keep Russia’s economy alive. You think the West will apply sanctions to the country that makes iPhones, Nikes, Lebron James, and our imports?

Comrade, please.
Do you think people are gonna care about Lebron Xin Xiang James, iPhones, and Nikes, when they're shelling out 3 time more at the grocery store, gas pump, and for daily necessities? The US is decoupling from the global world order, multinationals have moved outta China to SE Asia and the America's. China's economy is fucked either way.

Russia will be lucky if China doesn't turn around and try to rape them outta their northern territories. Especially after their lack luster performance in Ukraine.
So I'm not up to speed on all of the details, but it appears that certain wealthy Russian individuals (the "oligarchs") are having their property seized as part of international sanctions.

I find this process interesting, and even concerning, for a number of reasons but that's not the point of this post. It occurred to me that this is more or less modern-day privateering. Any thoughts on that?

Russian-Owned Super Yachts Going Dark to Avoid Sanction Seizure - USNI News
So I'm not up to speed on all of the details, but it appears that certain wealthy Russian individuals (the "oligarchs") are having their property seized as part of international sanctions.

I find this process interesting, and even concerning, for a number of reasons but that's not the point of this post. It occurred to me that this is more or less modern-day privateering. Any thoughts on that?

Russian-Owned Super Yachts Going Dark to Avoid Sanction Seizure - USNI News
Then Russia just became Captain Barbosa. Seizing foreign trademarks for use by the state? Seriously?
Call in the mouse and the clowns. This will not be tolerated.
WSJ News Exclusive | Russian Prosecutors Warn Western Companies of Arrests, Asset Seizures
Paywalled, but I think I got the gist from the headline and first couple of paragraphs. Yikes.
Quick synopsis:
Russian prosecutors have issued warnings to Western companies in Russia, threatening to arrest corporate leaders there who criticize the government or to seize assets of companies that withdraw from the country, according to people familiar with the matter.

Prosecutors delivered the warnings in the past week to companies including Coca-Cola Co. , McDonald’s Corp. , Procter & Gamble Co. , International Business Machines Corp. and KFC owner Yum Brands Inc., the people said. The calls, letters and visits included threats to sue the companies and seize assets including trademarks, the people said.
Quick synopsis:
It's weird that they threatened to "seize trademarks." What are they going to do, go all Fanta and start producing cut-rate Coca-Cola because they're being embargoed or something?

The physical threats are real, though. They could absolutely nationalize every franchise of every US-based fast food restaurant, do police raids on every US corporation with a headquarters, and/or start arresting the shit out of rich and/or famous Americans in Russia.

And they probably will.
start arresting the shit out of rich and/or famous Americans in Russia.

And they probably will.

As an American, I consider any nation holding one of our citizens to be a very serious matter.

As a person, if you are an American still in Russia (outside of US gov't business of course), then you are a moron, but I hope an FSB prison isn't too bad.

What type of idiot (looking at you, Britney Greiner) is still in Russia on business or vacation? No flights out of the country or whatever, I get it, but your plan is to hunker down in a hotel and hope for the best? Yeah, nah.
As an American, I consider any nation holding one of our citizens to be a very serious matter.

As a person, if you are an American still in Russia (outside of US gov't business of course), then you are a moron, but I hope an FSB prison isn't too bad.

What type of idiot (looking at you, Britney Greiner) is still in Russia on business or vacation? No flights out of the country or whatever, I get it, but your plan is to hunker down in a hotel and hope for the best? Yeah, nah.
I generally think the same, but I know that sometimes there are circumstances out of peoples' control. I don't think many of us expected this to turn into what it is, and there's always denial and willful ignorance at play. At the same time, if my business or job depended on being in Russia, I'd probably try to stick it out as best I could. "Why would they take me? I'm nobody..."
A month before she was arrested, State had already put out the evac order for Americans in Russia. This was before any Russian forces hit SP. She's there to take Russian Oligarch blood money clearly.
Interesting premise.


Has Putin Already Lost?

If victory in war is defined by one’s ability to convert tactical and operational gains into strategic victories, then it is becoming increasingly unclear how Putin wins in Ukraine. While Putin may have sought to divide the West, strengthen Russia, and pacify Ukraine, he has failed or is likely to fail at achieving all three of those goals

Today, Putin sits in a far weaker position than he did before the invasion began. In one fell swoop, his actions brought more American Soldiers to his border, reunified NATO, incited a military response from the EU, broke the traditions of neutrality in Sweden, Finland, and Switzerland (two of the three countries are now considering NATO membership), motivated the Germans to increase their defense spending, shattered illusions of Russian military strength, eroded his domestic support, and crippled the Russian economy. Any hopes Putin had of a follow-on invasion in the Baltics are practically gone. His attack, meant to strengthen his position in the world, has backfired.
Interesting premise.
Hard agree with this. I just don't see how engaging major corporations in a threat to their intellectual property was anything but stunningly stupid. The Mouse is halting theatrical releases in Russia. Does that mean Putin-the-terriblystupid is going to infringe on their trademarks? Including Star Wars? He has no idea what he's just done. You can seize someone else's storefronts. But IP? That is a huge no-no. Every corporation on the planet now has reason to fight the Russians so it won't happen to them whether they are invested there or not. Why would Vlad send his goons to personally threaten these things? Because he's a child. He thinks the adults don't talk to each other. He thinks he can haz all the lunch moneyz.
Just remember Vlad, in Soviet Russia, Mouse Mickey's you.