Ukraine - Russia Conflict

For those paying closer attention to the maps than I am, are the Soviets advancing, stalled, or fighting for mere yards at a time? The “claw” around Kyiv looks little changed from a week ago. For that matter, the assessed territory taken by the Sovs appears to have advanced by only a few miles in some areas over the last week. Their ammo burn rate must be off the charts too.
Wish I could spend more time here, life is hectic atm.

So I guess Ukraine and State have been negotiating this Mig-29 deal since the Russians crossed SP and Ukraine began losing airframes. I'm unsurprised that State actually gets a deal over the line DoD then mucks it up. What a goat rope.

With regards to the MiG's, EU VP (Socialist from Spain) scuttled the deal with his tweet, as a WW Kosovo vet I am not surprised that the traitor is from Spain.
This is a big blow to the volunteer troops. Includes 134 hospitalized. Global News: Russian missile strikes kill 35 at Ukrainian military training base near Polish border. Russian missile strikes kill 35 at Ukrainian military training base near Polish border - National |
One report said the Russian EW tracked non UK cell phones to a location and attacked, Score 1 for the FB Selfie generation.

Putin is losing, has he ever lost? I poo-pood the nuke talk, but now hope his generals refuse the order if he truely goes off the rails.
I have a very difficult time to believe this is true. However, if it is, the Russian military sucks donkey dick.

Eh, not that hard to see. Their LOG is shit and if you look at conflicts they've been in...they haven't done so hot. First Chechen War? Ass got kicked. Second one? They just used heavy artillery and leveled cities and then faced a 15 year insurgency which stopped being covered in the west at all.

Then they started bombing people indiscriminately in Syria.