Ukraine - Russia Conflict

I read the article on the "Russian general deliberately run over by own troops." To me it reads like a whoooole lot of speculation and confirmation bias. In the article I read, the only person attributing the incident to malice was an anonymous "official," which based on the article may have been Ukrainian.

Historically, disease and nonbattle injuries have more of an affect on battle readiness than combat. Anyone who works around vehicles knows how dangerous it is, even in the motor pool. In combat, those dangers are multiplied. If this guy got hit by a vehicle, IMO it was most likely an accident. I've got to imagine that if you deliberately drive a track over someone you're more likely to kill them outright than give them a crippling wound.

I'm happy to hear the war is going poorly for the Russians, and IMO the fewer leaders Russia has on the ground, the better it is for our national interests. I'm willing to change my mind later with additional information, but for now I just find this particular story the latest in sketchy stories that people want to believe is true without solid substantiation.
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He looks feeble and weak. Surprised he didn't mention his crackhead son and his business dealing in the UKR.

Maybe the 82nd didn't let Joes sniff any kids, hence the lackluster performance.

The White House spent the last 5 days walking this back. They said Trump was unstable. Ok fine. 46 is a Senile and dementia riddled old man, if Milley was unwilling to follow orders under Trump, then he better be unwilling to follow this guy. Except he'll actually face Disciplinary action this time because that's how things work these days. 🙃🤷‍♂️
I don't want to turn this into a huge bash on the President rant but I do believe his comments the past couple days have been incredibly unhelpful, to say the least. Whether deliberate or impromptu, his rhetoric has definitely fanned the flames.

It started with his new world order comments and a self proclamation the U.S. will lead it. It's gone downhill from there. The Russians already weren't taking his calls. Does he think they will now? Macron warned him not to call Putin a butcher, etc. because he was still talking with him. As I've said before, there needs to be an off-ramp. That doesn't give Putin a pass but it not everything needs to be verbalized either.

The address to the 82nd was interesting as well. It was all over the place. It even felt odd from the start. SECDEF ask for additional applause just came off weird followed by an awkward attempt at a joke by the President. But no harm there. However, he then went into his new world order mode, including comments toward Xi and China. Then talked about the soldiers actually being in Ukraine - is he sending them there? He repeated this idea. He then spent a couple minutes reminiscing about his son, Beau, which really had no connection to the rest of the content. It was odd to me. Certainly not constructive or inspiring.

There needs to be a lot less rhetoric right now. It doesn't present strength nor does it project confidence the way I believe Biden thinks it does. It simply raises more concerns.
I just had a fascinating Zoom discussion with a young Ukrainian man who is still in Ukraine. He tried to flee the country but was unable to get out before the "military-aged men have to stay" mandate. He is not fighting and has no plans to do so. Interesting insights from an "on the ground" perspective.
I don't want to turn this into a huge bash on the President rant but I do believe his comments the past couple days have been incredibly unhelpful, to say the least. Whether deliberate or impromptu, his rhetoric has definitely fanned the flames.

It started with his new world order comments and a self proclamation the U.S. will lead it. It's gone downhill from there. The Russians already weren't taking his calls. Does he think they will now? Macron warned him not to call Putin a butcher, etc. because he was still talking with him. As I've said before, there needs to be an off-ramp. That doesn't give Putin a pass but it not everything needs to be verbalized either.

The address to the 82nd was interesting as well. It was all over the place. It even felt odd from the start. SECDEF ask for additional applause just came off weird followed by an awkward attempt at a joke by the President. But no harm there. However, he then went into his new world order mode, including comments toward Xi and China. Then talked about the soldiers actually being in Ukraine - is he sending them there? He repeated this idea. He then spent a couple minutes reminiscing about his son, Beau, which really had no connection to the rest of the content. It was odd to me. Certainly not constructive or inspiring.

There needs to be a lot less rhetoric right now. It doesn't present strength nor does it project confidence the way I believe Biden thinks it does. It simply raises more concerns.

This whole administration is a joke. If this was the last one we'd have been through 5 SecDefs, NSAs, and SecStates, by now and they'd all have their own book deal. And then let's get to the actual words spilling out in the verbal diarrhea, talk about pure escalation. Are we ready for that? I don't think the population is. How about you shitcan Llloyd and sign off on the Mig-29 deal Blinken negotiated?
I know it's the Daily Mail but did anyone see this? The ties to the Biden's and Democrat's as a whole; has been obvious. Well unless you're in the Zelensky is a Saint club.

Hunter Biden helped secure millions for biotech research Ukraine
Yeah, there is so much shady shit going on there. Zelensky being made a saint by the same people who covered up the laptop from hell, political corruption, and the current admins ties to China, is suspect.

Where there is smoke there is fire.
The White House spent the last 5 days walking this back. They said Trump was unstable. Ok fine. 46 is a Senile and dementia riddled old man, if Milley was unwilling to follow orders under Trump, then he better be unwilling to follow this guy. Except he'll actually face Disciplinary action this time because that's how things work these days. 🙃🤷‍♂️
Well, we all know that there are rules for us serfs and then there are the rules for the SJW, rainbow haired, kid sniffing DC bureaucrats. :hmm:

Everyone knows this is all a sham. The people in our halls of power are little better than the Russian Oligarchs, only they can't be as abusive as the peasants here are armed.

I don't want to turn this into a huge bash on the President rant but I do believe his comments the past couple days have been incredibly unhelpful, to say the least. Whether deliberate or impromptu, his rhetoric has definitely fanned the flames.

It started with his new world order comments and a self proclamation the U.S. will lead it. It's gone downhill from there. The Russians already weren't taking his calls. Does he think they will now? Macron warned him not to call Putin a butcher, etc. because he was still talking with him. As I've said before, there needs to be an off-ramp. That doesn't give Putin a pass but it not everything needs to be verbalized either.

The address to the 82nd was interesting as well. It was all over the place. It even felt odd from the start. SECDEF ask for additional applause just came off weird followed by an awkward attempt at a joke by the President. But no harm there. However, he then went into his new world order mode, including comments toward Xi and China. Then talked about the soldiers actually being in Ukraine - is he sending them there? He repeated this idea. He then spent a couple minutes reminiscing about his son, Beau, which really had no connection to the rest of the content. It was odd to me. Certainly not constructive or inspiring.

There needs to be a lot less rhetoric right now. It doesn't present strength nor does it project confidence the way I believe Biden thinks it does. It simply raises more concerns.
Not to sound like a pessimist, but what are the chances that boots are out on the ground in an attempt to keep this admin in power. With all the crazy stuff that's coming out I see the current admin and their cronies doing everything they can to keep their ill gotten power.

I suspect FSB teams are shadowing most of these sanctioned fatcats...just in case they entertain any ideas about bucking the agenda. It's not surprising...but it is revealing. Putin is obviously fantastically paranoid of any possible betrayals or faint hearts.

So a warning. Next stop vyshaya mera...Highest Measure. The old KGB euphemism for whacking somebody.
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Not Russian-Ukraine, but related. In the late 90s I went to a national security symposium at a university, and on the panel was a former KGB officer (as was a CIA officer and some others). Someone asked the question about how the US approached intelligence and espionage after the fall of the Curtain vice the USSR/Russia.

The CIA guy basically admitted that when the Soviet Union dissolved they cut back their intel activities as much as 90% to focus elsewhere; after all, the US and USSR were friends now. The KGB guy said they doubled down in their efforts with the US because everyone liked them and trusted them. He said the intel haul was a goldmine compared to the USSR days.

Just difference of perspectives and insight to how the Russian mind works.
Not Russian-Ukraine, but related. In the late 90s I went to a national security symposium at a university, and on the panel was a former KGB officer (as was a CIA officer and some others). Someone asked the question about how the US approached intelligence and espionage after the fall of the Curtain vice the USSR/Russia.

The CIA guy basically admitted that when the Soviet Union dissolved they cut back their intel activities as much as 90% to focus elsewhere; after all, the US and USSR were friends now. The KGB guy said they doubled down in their efforts with the US because everyone liked them and trusted them. He said the intel haul was a goldmine compared to the USSR days.

Just difference of perspectives and insight to how the Russian mind works.

Well, both KGB and CIA were critically compromised before the Soviet collapse: because of Gordievsky, the MI6 mole; and Aldrich Ames, the CIA traitor. So both outfits were reeling. The KGB got smacked down again after its failed coup during the Gorbachev years, so when the collapse came KGB activity fell into low gear.

It revved up under Putin. It's been through a few sets of different's just a new version of the same old thing.
I would have thought a flurry of GLCMs and AGMs would have thoroughly crushed them a week into the fighting. If not the airframes, the airfields and support facilities.

Which is odd considering how much the Soviets* used GPS jamming in Syria.

* - I’m bringing “Soviets” back because that’s what they are these days. Let’s not kid ourselves. When Poo Poo is gone we can upgrade them to “Russians.”
Can we jam their system? Maybe that's why Growlers are going to Europe.
Ummm… did the President just tell our troops in Poland that they are going to be in Ukraine?
Maybe, I am hoping he was just trying to say some day when you are in a war zone you will see this, otherwise that sucks. Dems would be hard-pressed to justify anything more then Peace Enforcement/Keeping.
Those NATO EKIA numbers don’t sound right. Even low end 7000 dead Russians in what, three weeks? That even tops Iwo Jima-type KIA numbers—5000 dead Americans in 29 days.

And high end 15000? Jesus, if the Ukrainians are that good, and the Russians that bad…
I just cut the Uk numbers in half. I don't see a ton of aircraft losses either, are stingers ineffective? not being used? or just misused?
I just cut the Uk numbers in half. I don't see a ton of aircraft losses either, are stingers ineffective? not being used? or just misused?

Stingers are pretty old and out of production in the US. Maybe it's all of what you suggest.
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I just cut the Uk numbers in half. I don't see a ton of aircraft losses either, are stingers ineffective? not being used? or just misused?
Latest numbers from Ukraine:
While probably on the high side, these numbers are generally in the ballpark of other sources I've seen as well

As for air defense/air combat, check out this article:
DISPATCH: Interview With a Ukrainian MiG-29 Pilot

All things considered, appears they've been very effective. Air space is still contested virtually throughout the country. No one expected that at this juncture.
Do we have any air defense in the US against nuclear ICBMs? Out of curiosity could we stop the missiles, or will we just be screwed?

We die.

No nation has the tech in sufficient quantities to defend its country. We have some capability, but there are so many limitations (time, "tyranny of distance", number of assets) related to a successful defense that there's no question about how the story ends. Israel is probably the only nation with a chance, but even the Iron Dome can be overwhelmed through volume. Plus, Israel has a helluva lot smaller area to defend.
We die.

No nation has the tech in sufficient quantities to defend its country. We have some capability, but there are so many limitations (time, "tyranny of distance", number of assets) related to a successful defense that there's no question about how the story ends. Israel is probably the only nation with a chance, but even the Iron Dome can be overwhelmed through volume. Plus, Israel has a helluva lot smaller area to defend.
Well, that's a bummer. Thank you for the response, Sir.