Ukraine - Russia Conflict

I agree. I also wonder how much of it is attributable to A) the extraordinary about of foreign assistance the Ukrainians are getting; the kind of stuff that doesn't make the news and/or B) maybe the Russians are a whole lot serious about this whole thing than we think

Yeah but the Ukrainians have working cell phones and internet and power. I feel like those would have been the first things targeted in a US invasion….
Yeah, if we were doing this, there wouldn't be a single Ukrainian plane flying after day 1 or 2. I also cannot believe the Russians didn't destroy the Ukrainian power and telecommunications grid.

From what I understand, and I may be misinformed, a single EA-18G can degrade the telecommunications capability of like the entire east coast of the United States, and wipe out the GPS navigation capabilities in a similarly sized region. This happens occasionally during training, and NOTAMs are sent out for basically the entire east coast. Does Russia not have this capability, or is just choosing not to use it? It seems like what I was taught about the electronic capabilities of the Russians was vastly overestimated.

Your guess is as good as mine but I’d lean toward “not being employed” vs “overestimated”.
Attached are two documents related to the current discussion produced by the Ranger Regiment's MI battalion. They are completely unclassified. I found them very interesting and useful.


  • Insights to Russian failed JFE.pdf_safe.pdf
    619.6 KB · Views: 24
  • RUS_UKR Weapon System Analysis LPD Primer.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 16

Your guess is as good as mine but I’d lean toward “not being employed” vs “overestimated”.
Which is odd considering how much the Soviets* used GPS jamming in Syria.

* - I’m bringing “Soviets” back because that’s what they are these days. Let’s not kid ourselves. When Poo Poo is gone we can upgrade them to “Russians.”
Attached are two documents related to the current discussion produced by the Ranger Regiment's MI battalion. They are completely unclassified. I found them very interesting and useful.
These are awesome. Not entirely accurate IMHO ("Despite having the most modern equipment available...") but very good intel. Thanks for posting!
No wonder Putin is taking all comers for this war. They've already lost 40k bodies in combat power between KIA/WIA/MIA/POWs.

NATO: Up to 40,000 Russian Troops Killed, Wounded, Taken Prisoner or Missing in Ukraine

Those NATO EKIA numbers don’t sound right. Even low end 7000 dead Russians in what, three weeks? That even tops Iwo Jima-type KIA numbers—5000 dead Americans in 29 days.

And high end 15000? Jesus, if the Ukrainians are that good, and the Russians that bad…
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Yeah but the Ukrainians have working cell phones and internet and power. I feel like those would have been the first things targeted in a US invasion….

Well, Elon put Starlink online in Ukraine in less than what 48 hours after the decision was made and sent a couple hundred repeaters into the country. Their network for internet and cellular service is probably more robust than any other European country right now. :-)

Ummm… did the President just tell our troops in Poland that they are going to be in Ukraine?

There is going to be a second impeachment trial regarding Ukraine...

Those NATO EKIA numbers don’t sound right. Even low end 7000 dead Russians in what, three weeks? That even tops Iwo Jima-type KIA numbers—5000 dead Americans in 29 days.

And high end 15000? Jesus, if the Ukrainians are that good, and the Russians that bad…

Pravda, which is a tabloid but wholly controlled by the Kremlin, had Russian KIA at 9k on Tuesday.
Well the article about the soldiers killing their commander was interesting in the Why.

So let's say 80% of Soviet military funds end up in the pockets of command and oligarchs according to Bill Browder. Soldiers don't have enough in the way of pay to send home. So what do they do? Sell the gas out of the tanks. The tanks get stalled when the commanders order the soldiers to invade "fur realz" cuz no one is telling the truth. So they stall. All of them. They are sitting ducks. Soldiers blame command.

I'll stop there cuz the rest is conjecture by yours truly but the one word that comes to mind is corruption. All the way up to Putin and his "other" wife and kids. Interesting transcript of a podcast below. Bill Browder is now my new gotta-read author.
The man who fought to sanction Putin and Russian oligarchs, with Bill Browder
Just about everything in his 10 min address is pretty much a WTFO:

He looks feeble and weak. Surprised he didn't mention his crackhead son and his business dealing in the UKR.

Maybe the 82nd didn't let Joes sniff any kids, hence the lackluster performance.