Ukraine - Russia Conflict

I assume this is real (maybe not?) but if so...😳

And with a trailer? YGBFSM

Where are our EOD members to chime in? @racing_kitty

That’s the Russian Roulette mine-laying technique.

But why provide a lane? Assuming that’s real, there are enough mines there to block the road completely. And if you’re making the lane for your own military vehicles, you have inordinate faith in the driving abilities of Russian conscript E3s.
Do we have any air defense in the US against nuclear ICBMs? Out of curiosity could we stop the missiles, or will we just be screwed?
Limited. Launchers in Alaska (AKNG) and Vandenburg AFB, CA (CANG?). Desiged for a small scale (North Korea) attack.
In 2005 they said the warheads were retired. There is a difference in being retired and destroyed. That was one of my questions to the Army. Was the Davy Crockett still in their system. Thus far crickets.
DoD ploicy always has been no comment regarding nukes.
Vodka sucks, unless you use it as hand sanitizer.

Love me some 'gnac.
Polish Vokda rocks, you heathen.
BTW the thumbs down was in jest.
Damn. Ukraine now on the offensive inside Russia. A Doolittle-esque type raid:

This appears to be the second attack into Belgorod in as many days. Yesterday was an apparent ammo depot. These are small, but significant attacks on an already challenged Russian supply line.

The real irony is to hear Russia complaining about Ukraine attacking a fuel depot. Some suggest this could be a false flag, but I don't think so. If that was the case, I'd think they'd choose a school or hospital or something.
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There was an apparent failed or semi-successful helicopter rescue out of Mariupol. Rumors of everyone from Azov commanders to Western advisors, French, US, UK, Polish and possibly more; numbers around 20. Some reports say 4 helo's in, 2 shot down, one fell into the sea and 1 the Russians got to. 17 dead and 2 being interrogated.
