Ukraine - Russia Conflict

A little under an hour, but a great video breaking down some Soviet propaganda, capabilities, shortcomings in equipment and munitions, SEAD, Ukrainian capabilities...basically most topics influencing the air war over the Ukraine.

I saw those; I had the appropriate reaction. These days though…I believe the pics are legit, of course they are. But I’m becoming so jaded I find it difficult not to at least ask myself if I should doubt their validity.

At the risk of sounding like some heartless evil fuck and Russkie sympathizer, I think you should doubt the validity of some of the claims.

I found myself intently studying the images of the corpses; looking for blood pools, injuries, odd skin color, disheveled clothing, limbs at unusual angles, brain matter, exposed sinews, anything.

Honestly, some of the “dead” seemed to be just a little too neat and tidy.

I’m sure a number of civilians have been killed by the Russians, and quite possibly executed outright. But it also wouldn’t shock me to learn that some enterprising spin doctors among the Ukrainians saw an opportunity to inflate the numbers and decided to have some of their buddies play dead.

It’s healthy to be skeptical of battlefield claims.
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At the risk of sounding like some heartless evil fuck and Russkie sympathizer, I think you should doubt the validity of some of the claims.

I found myself intently studying the images of the corpses; looking for blood pools, injuries, odd skin color, disheveled clothing, limbs at unusual angles, brain matter, exposed sinews, anything.

Honestly, some of the “dead” seemed to be just a little too neat and tidy.

I’m sure a number of civilians have been killed by the Russians, and quite possibly executed outright. But it also wouldn’t shock me to learn that some enterprising spin doctors among the Ukrainians saw an opportunity to inflate the numbers and decided to have some of their buddies play dead.

It’s healthy to be skeptical of battlefield claims.
Thank you, I have been thinking this from day 1
At the risk of sounding like some heartless evil fuck and Russkie sympathizer, I think you should doubt the validity of some of the claims.

I found myself intently studying the images of the corpses; looking for blood pools, injuries, odd skin color, disheveled clothing, limbs at unusual angles, brain matter, exposed sinews, anything.

Honestly, some of the “dead” seemed to be just a little too neat and tidy.

I’m sure a number of civilians have been killed by the Russians, and quite possibly executed outright. But it also wouldn’t shock me to learn that some enterprising spin doctors among the Ukrainians saw an opportunity to inflate the numbers and decided to have some of their buddies play dead.

It’s healthy to be skeptical of battlefield claims.
War crimes is exactly what I would expect from a poorly-equipped conscript force who are getting their asses kicked and whose officers keep getting killed. Lack of professional forces + lack of moral compass + watching your buddies get blown up = recipe for disaster.

That said, I agree with the above assessment. The Ukrainians are doing whatever it takes to protect their country, and I admire them for it. But the truth went out the window from day one, from the "Ghost of Kiev," to the "glorious warriors who all died after saying "fuck you" to the Russian warship," to the "look at our supermodel women defending the motherland!" which turned out to be Glamor Shots of models holding Airsoft rifles.

The Palestinians, for example, are very, very good at creating fake civilian casualties. Just because a dead person is wearing civilian clothes doesn't mean they were a non-combatant. Just because someone looks dead on TV doesn't mean they are dead. And it's hard to tell by looking who killed someone who is actually dead, how they died, and whether it was an unfortunate accident, and act of war, or a straight up war crime.

But it's working, so I bet we see more of it, real or not.
War crimes is exactly what I would expect from a poorly-equipped conscript force who are getting their asses kicked and whose officers keep getting killed. Lack of professional forces + lack of moral compass + watching your buddies get blown up = recipe for disaster.

That said, I agree with the above assessment. The Ukrainians are doing whatever it takes to protect their country, and I admire them for it. But the truth went out the window from day one, from the "Ghost of Kiev," to the "glorious warriors who all died after saying "fuck you" to the Russian warship," to the "look at our supermodel women defending the motherland!" which turned out to be Glamor Shots of models holding Airsoft rifles.

The Palestinians, for example, are very, very good at creating fake civilian casualties. Just because a dead person is wearing civilian clothes doesn't mean they were a non-combatant. Just because someone looks dead on TV doesn't mean they are dead. And it's hard to tell by looking who killed someone who is actually dead, how they died, and whether it was an unfortunate accident, and act of war, or a straight up war crime.

But it's working, so I bet we see more of it, real or not.
To your first point of the Russian troops being nonprofessional and lacking moral compass, this has been evident in numerous reports - and goes beyond this conflict. This is well illustrated by the unit in which a dude deliberately ran over his own commander with a tank. Discipline is apparently sorely lacking. That incident occurred in the same general area outside of Kiev, although not with a unit tied to the atrocities in Bucha.

For the reasons you stated, as well as those above, I believe crimes were committed. There certainly seems to be enough independent evidence to support it. That said, I also believe Ukraine is guilty of crimes as well and, similarly, there seems to be evidence to support this as well. It's a very slippery slope.
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Does anyone know what the casualties are for Ukraine? I suspect it must be higher than the Russians
To your first point of the Russian troops being nonprofessional and lacking moral compass, this has been evident in numerous reports - and goes beyond this conflict. This is well illustrated by the unit in which a dude deliberately ran over his own commander with a tank. Discipline is apparently sorely lacking. That incident occurred in the same general area outside of Kiev, although not with a unit tied to the atrocities in Bucha.

For the reasons you stated, as well as those above, I believe crimes were committed. There certainly seems to be enough independent evidence to support it. That said, I also believe Ukraine is guilty of crimes as well and, similarly, there seems to be evidence to support this as well. It's a very slippery slope.
I'm not entirely convinced that the bolded part above happened, either. The only reporting I saw on it was from Ukrainian second-hand accounts. It seems apocryphal to me.
I'm not entirely convinced that the bolded part above happened, either. The only reporting I saw on it was from Ukrainian second-hand accounts. It seems apocryphal to me.
Who knows. The Russians also reported the commanders death and photos had blankets covering his lower body. So, at least that much of the story is real.
Who knows. The Russians also reported the commanders death and photos had blankets covering his lower body. So, at least that much of the story is real.
Yeah, it definitely seems like *something* happened to the guy. I just haven't seen much in the way of substantiation that it was a deliberate act by his own troops.
I checked out the site. I understand what the pictures say they show, but I don't see it.

Dead bodies? Where, the smudged black blobs in the middle of the circle? I zoomed in as much as a could and I can't clearly see any bodies, alive or dead.

View attachment 39245

Their methodology seems to be that they've georeferenced the bodies to landmarks by way of video taken by Ukrainians.
Not worried about OPSEC and PERSEC? You should be.

This is an interesting and dangerous path being travelled down to publicly identify personnel in the Russian unit accused of atrocities in Bucha:

On a similar note, some video was published today of Ukrainian soldiers reportedly executing Russian POWs in the Eastern part of the country. As many stated in earlier posts, everyone has dirty hands.
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Considering it looks like a staging area or rally point for the press in general, plus their location and what they've seen, you're goddamn right I would stop to pet a cat given the chance. That cat is probably the closest thing to "normal" they have seen since arriving in country.

I just hope the cat doesn't catch anything from the press. Fucking vermin.