I completely agree with the earlier comment that it's naive to think all of the aid going to Ukraine (money or materiel) are being properly spent/utilized. Corruption is a fact of life in war time. I have no doubt that there are plenty of Cayman Islands bank accounts being stuffed with the proceeds from arms sales to Ukraine. That is not a reason in my book to block the pipeline. There's a lot more at stake here than the criminality of some of our beneficiaries. I also totally with agree with
@pardus that 300k is a fantasy number when it comes to Putin's "partial mobilization". The anecdotal reports I've seen indicate that the Russian press gangs are rounding up everyone with a pulse. There also are enough reports of flights out of Russia and highways out of Russia being jammed with men who might be subject to the "partial mobilization" that give me the impression that the Russians aren't buying the 300k figure either.
The argument over NATO countries "freeloading" on the US is not simple. As one poster noted, it's always cheater to deter a war than to fight one. So the question arises: are we better off to just look the other way when it comes to a country refusing to pay it's "fair share". We have to decide if getting stiffed on payments is worth the payoff of not having to spend blood and treasure on war.