Your 2014 Relieved Naval Commander Thread

Just curious -
- is the money that needed to be spent maintaining our own strategic defense being spent on the much more profitable destruction of Ukrainian and Russian hardware ???
Maybe the maintenance budget for our military is being redirected to Hamas under the guise of humanitarian aid for the children?

...asking for a friend

A friend came up from Bragg to visit for the morning. He's the senior 18D on an ODA and we have not connected for a while. He said that morale is horrible as is recruitment/retention, for a whole host of problems, one of which their training budget was eliminated by 2/3. The remainder went to the Ukraine aid package. I am 100% sure maintenance budgets were similarly affected, and this is not a SOF-specific issues.

I agree all the NCOs and officers need to fry. But you know who else is going to be round up in this? Poor little Seaman Apprentice Schmuckitelli who never had the correct training in the first place as well as piss-poor leadership, and that pisses me off.
A lot of bodies need to hit the floor. Those are strategic assets and they are being treated like a humvee in a Guard motor pool. In fact, a Guard motor pool would probably take better care of the ship...

Meanwhile, the 15th MEU's ground force element, 1/5, is doing all it's MV-22B boarding/disembarking drills in the dirt at Pendleton in an LZ marked off to the same dimensions as an LPD's flight deck...and the Ospreys go back to Miramar.