2016 Presidential Race

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I am spending November 8th driving people to the polls.

I have to admit, I can't understand how you got your liberal logic. Honestly, I've always figured you hit your head really hard and suffered from some kind of self inflicted mental retardation. :D

But reading that you are actually going to get out and put your time and money where your mouth is. Helping people who need help and getting involved in the most basic and most important of our constitutional rights. Well it puts a smile on my face. Good on you dude!:thumbsup:
Ben Stein has come out against Trump and makes some very good points for his VP pick to take the helm. Pence 2016!!!!

Trump Must Go | The American Spectator

And I’m not fickle. I have only a few good qualities, and loyalty is at the top of the list. I have never backed down on my support of and love for Richard M. Nixon. To me, he was the ultimate peacemaker, and created two generations of peace. I will never turn my back on him. I have been with my wife for 50 years and would not turn on her no matter what she did. Loyalty is sacred to me.

But I am a Republican and we are supposed to stand for some kind of moral standard. We are the party of Dwight Eisenhower, who never had the slightest moral stain on his character. We’re the party of Reagan, whose charisma was based on his basic dignity. We’re the party of George W. Bush, who made terrible mistakes, but whose fundamental morality was never in doubt. He is a handsome man and was much sought after by women, but never even returned the gaze of flirting women. He was no prude, but he was dignified.

Now comes Donald Trump. He talked on a hot mike about the most lewd acts imaginable on women he had just met or maybe did not even know. He talked on a hot mike about grabbing women by their genitals and getting away with it because he was rich and famous.

He now says that Bill Clinton has said much the same and worse. So what? I wouldn’t want Bill Clinton to be leading the Republican Party either. I want someone clean, after eight years of Barack Obama mess and lies and deceit. I don’t want someone who talks like a dirty-minded eighth grader leading the greatest party on earth.
I have to admit, I can't understand how you got your liberal logic. Honestly, I've always figured you hit your head really hard and suffered from some kind of self inflicted mental retardation. :D

But reading that you are actually going to get out and put your time and money where your mouth is. Helping people who need help and getting involved in the most basic and most important of our constitutional rights. Well it puts a smile on my face. Good on you dude!:thumbsup:

I'm a liberal for many reasons. If you go back a long long way on here and read my posts, I was very much a conservative until about 2011. Becoming a nurse has made me even more so. I currently volunteer at a section 8 housing unit, do home health visits, and volunteer and the refugee access clinic. The people I see make it hard for me to say "it is easy to get an ID." I was for voter ID as recently as 2014. It was easy to be, as I thought like many of you do that getting an ID is as easy as a quick trip to the DMV. The only thing that changed my mind was seeing how hard it is. Realizing that people live a life that is invisible unless you look for it. I use black peoples as an example as that is the main population I work with. In our clinic, the main population is widowed 80+ year old black women, they aren't there because they are shitty people, they are there because after they got to old and infirm to work, they did not have enough money left to afford housing. They live there because otherwise they would be on the street. I had no idea that the old and infirm made up such a huge portion of the public housing. I had always thought it was all thugs and gang types.
I'm a liberal for many reasons. If you go back a long long way on here and read my posts, I was very much a conservative until about 2011. Becoming a nurse has made me even more so. I currently volunteer at a section 8 housing unit, do home health visits, and volunteer and the refugee access clinic. The people I see make it hard for me to say "it is easy to get an ID." I was for voter ID as recently as 2014. It was easy to be, as I thought like many of you do that getting an ID is as easy as a quick trip to the DMV. The only thing that changed my mind was seeing how hard it is. Realizing that people live a life that is invisible unless you look for it. I use black peoples as an example as that is the main population I work with. In our clinic, the main population is widowed 80+ year old black women, they aren't there because they are shitty people, they are there because after they got to old and infirm to work, they did not have enough money left to afford housing. They live there because otherwise they would be on the street. I had no idea that the old and infirm made up such a huge portion of the public housing. I had always thought it was all thugs and gang types.

Most people who live in public housing are good people. The criminals in their midst have a disproportionate effect on the community.

That said, public housing has gone from a temporary measure to a generational entitlement. I've known people who loved their high rise apartment so much they refused offers of paid hotel and room service until a fucking private home was built for them when the high rise was being torn down. In many cases there is simply no desire to leave. The reasons why are the subject of another, long discussion.

Here's the thing though. If your public housing is like mine, you will see a huge effort mounted to get the vote out. I mean people being bussed to the polls. I'd like to see some of that effort--expended by the two-party system, but more so the Dems--redirected to helping people get to where they need to be to get IDs.
I am spending November 8th driving people to the polls.

Nov 8 is also by birthday. I am taking the 8th and 9th off. You are welcome to come to Durham and drive ME to the polls because I will be drunk. Then join me in my drunkeness.

. I had no idea that the old and infirm made up such a huge portion of the public housing. I had always thought it was all thugs and gang types.

I have done EMS in urban areas and rural. This has been my experience as well. My wife, a former social worker, said that 10% of your clients take up 90% of your time and resources, and the same precept holds true in the projects: the thugs and gangs are the minority but account for the majority of time and resources.
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If the state issues a FREE photo ID, I don't care nearly as much about voter ID requirements. Charging upwards of 40-50 dollars is absurd.
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If the state issues a FREE ID, I don't care nearly as much about voter ID requirements. Charging upwards of 40-50 dollars is absurd.

That does seem excessive. Where is it that much?

If the state issues a FREE ID, I don't care nearly as much about voter ID requirements. Charging upwards of 40-50 dollars is absurd.

The argument here is different than it is for a driver's license. Driving is a privilege; voting is a right. If the state requires an ID to exercise a right, then it seems logical non-driver ID cards should be free in order to facilitate the discharge of a citizen's civic duty.
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I was told by someone in a PM they had to help someone fork over $40 to the state for an ID.
IDs are pennies on the dollar to make. All that money gets labelled "administrative costs" and such BS. I think when you register, you get an ID. As it would be an official state ID it would be good to access all of the other services for which you need an "official" ID.
IDs are pennies on the dollar to make. All that money gets labelled "administrative costs" and such BS. I think when you register, you get an ID. As it would be an official state ID it would be good to access all of the other services for which you need an "official" ID.

So this is the issue, That isn't what happens now. If it were people would care less about the voter ID thing. As it is in many places now it costs money, which many say is an unfair burden.
So this is the issue, That isn't what happens now. If it were people would care less about the voter ID thing. As it is in many places now it costs money, which many say is an unfair burden.

I agree, totally. I think the cost is an unfair burden. Who would want to get an ID if it was $20, $30, or $40?? That's nuts.
Waving the bullshit flag that IDs necessary to vote actually cost MONEY. Sure, DLs, state IDs, etc cost but is that the ONLY ID acceptable?

As the Rokita court noted, voters who lack Photo ID undoubtedly exist somewhere, but the fact that Plaintiffs, in spite of their efforts, have failed to uncover anyone "who can attest to the fact that he/she will be prevented from voting" provides significant support for a conclusion that the Photo ID requirement does not unduly burden the right to vote.

Does it cost $25 to obtain a "free" Voter ID in any state?

But GA charges! Does it really?

Voter identification laws by state - Ballotpedia

Holy shit, the rats are jumping the sinking ship. Trump is surely done.

I wonder how Hillary will fare against Pence, assuming he gets the nod after his debate performance.
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Waving the bullshit flag that IDs necessary to vote actually cost MONEY. Sure, DLs, state IDs, etc cost but is that the ONLY ID acceptable?

Does it cost $25 to obtain a "free" Voter ID in any state?

But GA charges! Does it really?

Voter identification laws by state - Ballotpedia

A voter ID and a photo ID are different things friend. Voter ID cards are free and often can be gotten by showing a bill or something else that proves you are you. Not a lot of free photo ID's being given out.
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