Army to Recommend MultiCam for Entire Force

They are really talking about this now:

The above link goes into a lot of detail on the selection process. Got a headache reading this one

This one is a little more blunt.

Give'em all to your local 3rd world nations army. win-win.

And then lets all go throw eggs at BG James Moran's house! yeah!

More on BG James Moran ret below.

The brigadier general ultimately responsible for the decision, James Moran, who retired from the Army after leaving Program Executive Office Soldier, has not responded to messages seeking comment.
Issa should subpoena his ass in front of Congress and compel him to explain.

If he does that, he should call the SECDEF to Congress and ask why the hell DoD is wasting so much money with every service having a different ground combat uniform.
If he does that, he should call the SECDEF to Congress and ask why the hell DoD is wasting so much money with every service having a different ground combat uniform.
It shows the ridiculous process used in defense contracting. If they truly did objective tests to find the best item for the job, everyone would be using basically the same thing- the best thing.
It shows the ridiculous process used in defense contracting. If they truly did objective tests to find the best item for the job, everyone would be using basically the same thing- the best thing.
But the Marines wouldn't be special.
Remember, we all had common uniforms until the CMC decided to make his "guys" stand out.
Then the Army, AF, and Navy all had to be special. ironically, the AF could have kept DCU's and stood out for less then the ABU cost to design/develop.

No decision yet on fate of universal camo uniform, military officials say!

Just when I thought things were looking up!

"officials from the Army’s Project Manager, Soldier Protection and Individual Equipment, said in an e-mail Tuesday that pixelated camouflage could be retained — either in its current form or in a new set of colors."

No decision yet on fate of universal camo uniform, military officials say!

Just when I thought things were looking up!

"officials from the Army’s Project Manager, Soldier Protection and Individual Equipment, said in an e-mail Tuesday that pixelated camouflage could be retained — either in its current form or in a new set of colors."
I think the cost of replacing all that equipment will prevent it from happening in the near term.
It shows the ridiculous process used in defense contracting. If they truly did objective tests to find the best item for the job, everyone would be using basically the same thing- the best thing.

That could be side stepped by each branch saying they have different jobs and therefore different different camo/uniform requirements.

e.g. The Marines saying they are an expeditionary force that operates primarily within X miles of the coastline, and X % of coasts in the world have XXXX terrain, requiring XXXXX type of camo/uniform, which is different to the Army, who's job/terrain is......
The Army should have learned from the Marines and purchased plate carriers and pouches in Coyote or even OD like the Rangers. That way no matter what the color/ pattern du jour you wouldn't have to replace everything OR leave the MULTICAM for the carriers and such and drive one with a different uniform.

FFS, this is a COMBAT unifrom, you don't need to perfectly match like you're going to the prom or some episode of Queer Eye for the Warrior Guy.

"Oh. My. GOD, Sergeant!!!!! Can you believe they want us to wear this multicam with our new pixiliated tan-based, desert-specific, flame-resistant combat uniform thingies?"
"I know, right? I the fabrics don't even match! 1000D Cordura IOTV with 1000 and 500 Cordura pouches on top of this FR ripstop fabric? We might as well wear horizontal and vertical stripes!"
"Yeth...but at least vertical stripes wouldn't make you look like a member of the "Additonal PT prograaaammmm."
(Pouting)"Its genetics, I can't help it if I'm big-boned."
"There, there, Sergeant, it's alright. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. That was rude of me. Can I make it up to you with a grande double soy latte, half-caff with a skinny cow?"
A plane khaki uniform would cover 95% of our options for camo worldwide. Its the single best cam color ever developed.

The Marine's choice of brown and the Ranger's of green highlights that.
Instead of spending millions of dollars on some nonsensical research into designing a camouflage pattern for the Army, hold a national design competition involving children to create a new camouflage pattern! :-" :D

I am sure some bright/smart child could come up with some great idea and which would probably look tens times better than those who designed the ACU and even the Multicam! Plus, it would probably then save millions of dollars more too at the same time. :thumbsup:
You KNOW when some shit goes down and we're involved in some crazy war in some major urban center that's mostly gray's and such (think NYC) there are gonna be people screaming about our troops needing the old school urban tri color patterns to help them in the fight, or even the Marine urban digi pattern they came up with but never mass produced. Can't WAIT to see the contract wars on that one! Corporate and political money making interests fucking with our national defense continually makes me sick.
You KNOW when some shit goes down and we're involved in some crazy war in some major urban center that's mostly gray's and such (think NYC) there are gonna be people screaming about our troops needing the old school urban tri color patterns to help them in the fight, or even the Marine urban digi pattern they came up with but never mass produced. Can't WAIT to see the contract wars on that one! Corporate and political money making interests fucking with our national defense continually makes me sick.
Actually, a series of pattern sitting on the shelf might not be bad.
That way we can have something produced in a relatively short time.
Let everyone train in a uniform and use a different uniform if required (BDU/MC work well in CentAm/SouthAm/Korea, etc)
or why not this one?

The plot thickens!

Soldiers Could Go Reptilian with New Camo

This article was written last month. Evidently Soldiers are testing this pattern this month.

"The start of the field evaluation comes five months after Army uniform officials announced the finalists that had emerged from the service’s exhaustive Phase IV Camouflage Improvement effort. A handful of vendors were awarded contracts to make camouflage-patterned material for uniforms and equipment. Ultimately, the winner’s pattern could end up replacing the Army’s embattled Universal Camouflage Pattern, known as UCP, which was adopted in 2004."


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Silence all of the haters. It would make PEO Soldier and the fanboys happy, allow everyone with UCP in their closet to have something to match, has OD/ Ranger green, ATACS, Multicam, etc. That's how we should construct our next generation of uniforms and equipment. I think if we add the ABU pattern and at least one of the AOR variants, DOD can go forward with a winner.