Army to Recommend MultiCam for Entire Force

My buddies in Regiment have not confirmed this yet, I got others looking into it.
-Word of mouth from a former S-1 buddy the other day.

I certainly hope its true. I know a lot of folks are looking forward to a change. At this point almost any change!
They were her own ACUs, and since she never deployed in them I'm sure they were very clean and pleasant-smelling.
As far as I know they haven't started issuing out the multi can to the basic training pvts, usually they start with them. Back in August we were supposed to get the Multicam/ new uniform but they held off because of fire retardency test, or at least that's what they told us. I will keep my ear to the ground.
As far as I know they haven't started issuing out the multi can to the basic training pvts, usually they start with them. Back in August we were supposed to get the Multicam/ new uniform but they held off because of fire retardency test, or at least that's what they told us. I will keep my ear to the ground.
I heard Defender M squared this away??.........................
The Army should have learned from the Marines and purchased plate carriers and pouches in Coyote or even OD like the Rangers. That way no matter what the color/ pattern du jour you wouldn't have to replace everything OR leave the MULTICAM for the carriers and such and drive one with a different uniform.

FFS, this is a COMBAT unifrom, you don't need to perfectly match like you're going to the prom or some episode of Queer Eye for the Warrior Guy.

"Oh. My. GOD, Sergeant!!!!! Can you believe they want us to wear this multicam with our new pixiliated tan-based, desert-specific, flame-resistant combat uniform thingies?"
"I know, right? I the fabrics don't even match! 1000D Cordura IOTV with 1000 and 500 Cordura pouches on top of this FR ripstop fabric? We might as well wear horizontal and vertical stripes!"
"Yeth...but at least vertical stripes wouldn't make you look like a member of the "Additonal PT prograaaammmm."
(Pouting)"Its genetics, I can't help it if I'm big-boned."
"There, there, Sergeant, it's alright. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. That was rude of me. Can I make it up to you with a grande double soy latte, half-caff with a skinny cow?"

I actually laughed my ass off...see...there it goes, down the hall.:ROFLMAO:
They would choose bunny because someone on the uniform board would have cadbury as a backer and we'd start seeing creme eggs in mre's