Ballistic Missile Warning in Hawai'i due to negligence in a shift change...

Bullshit, anyone with a modicum of experience in a MAJCOM JOC knows it wasn't "a button push".
Multiple mouse clicks asking if you are sure, someone didn't fucking care sent a message then went on a 30 min coffee break.

Yeah, it will be interesting to see what the deal was.

24hr news outlets are talking about it non-stop..... analysing it, pointing fingers...etc.
Thank god for the hard-hitting and insightful analysis coming out of the JLC camp.
It all sounds like some 1980's RomCom: teenager unlucky in love is saved from a near-terminal case of the Blue Balls by his big brother who works for Hawaii's Emergency Broadcast System and decides, what the heck, I'll just make them all think they're about to get nuked for 38 minutes. That should give Matthew plenty of time to get laid, and that's half your movie right there...
Flash forward in time and the same situation/movie would have involved a school shooting in the 2000's.
I can actually see how this can happen. Back in the 80's when I was in high school I was really into computers and used to hack into my school computer and change my grades (along with some of my buddies, for a fee of course!). One afternoon I got bored and tried hacking into NORAD....somehow I freeking got in and was able to see all kinds of crazy shit.

Unfortunately I fucked around where I shouldn't and almost started an international disaster. I'm not really supposed to talk about it (the government made me sign some crazy documents) but if not for the help of my hot girlfriend and a wacky scientist who used the name Joshua for all of his passwords, we'd be living in a very different world today!
Bullshit, anyone with a modicum of experience in a MAJCOM JOC knows it wasn't "a button push".
Multiple mouse clicks asking if you are sure, someone didn't fucking care sent a message then went on a 30 min coffee break.
Is there a possibility this was politically motivated? As in sabotage by a disgruntled employee who isn't happy with the people in office. CalI me crazy, but I just get the feeling that people are acting out based on partisan ties.
I can actually see how this can happen. Back in the 80's when I was in high school I was really into computers and used to hack into my school computer and change my grades (along with some of my buddies, for a fee of course!). One afternoon I got bored and tried hacking into NORAD....somehow I freeking got in and was able to see all kinds of crazy shit.

Unfortunately I fucked around where I shouldn't and almost started an international disaster. I'm not really supposed to talk about it (the government made me sign some crazy documents) but if not for the help of my hot girlfriend and a wacky scientist who used the name Joshua for all of his passwords, we'd be living in a very different world today!

Would you like, to, play, a game?
Is there a possibility this was politically motivated? As in sabotage by a disgruntled employee who isn't happy with the people in office. CalI me crazy, but I just get the feeling that people are acting out based on partisan ties.

Sure. Give it a few years and whoever is responsible will be running for the Senate in, say, Delaware.
1985 - We need Star Wars to shoot down missiles.
"Boo, hiss!"

2018 - "ZOMG!!!!! Why can't we shoot these down?!?!?!!?"