Ballistic Missile Warning in Hawai'i due to negligence in a shift change...

Well, I'm PCSing to Hawaii this summer. The good news is, it looks like there's at least one new job opening. And I'm pretty sure I can do "don't press this button" with the best of them. :)
I'm still trying to figure out what shift change process involves the nuclear option.

(pilot A to pilot B): Maintain 270. (pilot B): Roger, crashing the plane.

(The firehouse): "Quiet night boys, don't forget to wash the truck." "Got it, burn down the station."
A short read on how EMPs work. Particularly interesting given the false alarm in Hawaii.

, or EMP, has something of a mythical status in science fiction as the all powerful killer of anything and everything electronic. Every so often, some politician or news agency reads a book or watches a show where the bad guys detonate an EMP over America, and the resulting blackout results in the apocalypse.

Like most myths, however, a grain of truth has been buried under heaping mounds of horse crap. Given the tensions with North Korea, and that whole “oops did I just accidentally send out a false incoming missile warning to the entire state of Hawaii” incident, I figure it’s a good idea to take a look at EMPs to understand what, exactly, would happen if the Hermit Kingdom somehow manages to set one off over the US.
Pornhub has released Hawaii's viewing graph during the missle alert.Hawaii on Alert – Pornhub Insights

Mods, feel free to delete if so desired. Nothing is actually NSFW other than the website.

The porn industry apparently drives internet tech innovation and capabilities because of its prevalence. At least that's what I've heard. The above does not surprise me. Hawaii is full of wankers.