Ballistic Missile Warning in Hawai'i due to negligence in a shift change...

I have to admit, I might have a mild blood pressure moment if I was in Hawaii and had this come across my phone:

Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at 9.54.38 PM.png

That said, at least he "feels really bad" and will be retrained! :thumbsup:

Hawaii sends out 'false alarm' missile threat | Daily Mail Online

A Civil Defense employee is set to be retrained after a shocking blunder on Saturday morning, when a mistaken alert warning of an inbound ballistic missile sent thousands fleeing for shelter.

The false alarm was caused by a Hawaii Emergency Management Agency employee who 'pushed the wrong buttons' during an internal drill timed to coincide with a shift handover at 8.07am. The all-clear phone alert was not sent until 38 minutes later.

Incredibly, officials said the employee who made the mistake wasn't aware of it until mobile phones in the command center began displaying the alert. 'This guy feels bad, right. He's not doing this on purpose - it was a mistake on his part and he feels terrible about it,' said EMA Administrator Vern Miyagi in a press conference Saturday afternoon.
I can actually see how this can happen. Back in the 80's when I was in high school I was really into computers and used to hack into my school computer and change my grades (along with some of my buddies, for a fee of course!). One afternoon I got bored and tried hacking into NORAD....somehow I freeking got in and was able to see all kinds of crazy shit.

Unfortunately I fucked around where I shouldn't and almost started an international disaster. I'm not really supposed to talk about it (the government made me sign some crazy documents) but if not for the help of my hot girlfriend and a wacky scientist who used the name Joshua for all of his passwords, we'd be living in a very different world today!

Well, see, that's what you get for playing war games.... are you MAD, WOPR?
After further was not Trump's fault as Jamie Lee Curtis tweeted, it was actually the incompetent Hawaiian Government. Granted, I'm more inclined to agree with the good sherriff on that thought, but not for the same reasoning he presents. LOL

Arpaio not shocked by erroneous Hawaii alert, points to handling of Obama certificate

Arizona Senate candidate Joe Arpaio, the controversial former sheriff of Maricopa County and an outspoken "birther," said Saturday he is not surprised that Hawaiians received an erroneous emergency mobile alert about an imminent ballistic missile attack because "there's something wrong with that government."
Some asshole teacher was putting her students in storm drains.

A - Have a link? I’m sure there is more context to this. I feel like I keep asking you this.

B - why does this make her an “asshole” teacher? She, and most of the islands had a legitimate reason to believe an ICBM was about to hit and it may or may not be armed with a nuke. Looks to me like she was doing whatever she could to save her students.
Why does that make her an asshole, because a rushing your kids out of the classroom and putting them in a storm drain will not save them.
Just keep teaching, because you're gone.

I asked my buddy who's stationed at Schoffield, they had the day off for a MLK four day pass, went to his fridge and grabbed a beer.
Says who? You?
What's your Nuke experience?
Well you did get me to think

So the last supposed test was a 100KT Yield.

Although, I will say, this is all based on estimates...I'm surprised blast Thermal Radiation Radius would be 3.9kms.

However, 1.2 MT Yield would get you a Thermal Radiation Radius of 13.2kms. However, if one is coming, more are coming.

This is all based on the beer math from this conspiracy dude. NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein
Well you did get me to think

So the last supposed test was a 100KT Yield.

Although, I will say, this is all based on estimates...I'm surprised blast Thermal Radiation Radius would be 3.9kms.

However, 1.2 MT Yield would get you a Thermal Radiation Radius of 13.2kms. However, if one is coming, more are coming.

This is all based on the beer math from this conspiracy dude. NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein

I'd still like to know how the teacher is an "asshole" for trying to do something to save her students?
I guess that would be Mercy.

Out of all the dudes and dudettes with Nuclear capabilities, when they strike first, are they dumb enough to only send one? Nope.

Other than rocket man, once you press the button it's over.

You're making a lot of assumptions. The first is that the strike would always be nuclear. The second is that it would be a mass strike.

Who is "they?"