California Banning the sale of Gas Powered Automobiles

My neighbor hates her Tesla, she says customer service and quality sucks.

Cool. About 50% of my coworkers have varying ones from the 3 to the X, and all my in laws have them. All positives from them.

They are not luxury cars though. If that is what people think they are getting I can see being upset.
Me, I want a Ram 4500/5500 with a Cummins 6.7L turbo diesel. I want thick, black exhaust smoke, looking like the ground version of the ol' F-4 Phantom.

I got rid of my diesel Audi in October. I miss it.
Toyota abandons long-range EV plans to focus on hydrogen fuel cells - report

Toyota North America CEO Jim Lentz told Automotive News the Japanese car maker has conceded that battery-powered electric vehicles are only viable in specific and limited applications, following two decades of attempting to make a long-range pure-electric vehicle a reality.

"In short-range vehicles that take you that extra mile, from the office to the train, or home to the train, as well as being used on large campuses,” Lentz said, “but for long-range travel primary vehicles, we feel there are better alternatives, such as hybrids and plug-in hybrids, and tomorrow with fuel cells.”"

Toyota is trying to soft land people while they reiterate commitment to other technologies.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell tech was ready to go in the early 2000s, even had Shell as part of the Hiwire project to build infrastructure...then guess what? The green lobby came.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell tech was ready to go in the early 2000s, even had Shell as part of the Hiwire project to build infrastructure...then guess what? The green lobby came.
And there's no coincidence that China holds the most materials needed to build batteries and battery manufacturing facilities. At the same time, the majority of politicians and influencers behind the green shift; are connected to the CCP or are just flat out Communists. Trudeau and his ilk are a perfect example. I'm all for saving the environment but it shouldn't be at the expense of our society.