I know the other branches have their own problems, so I'm not attempting to pick on the AF, just provide some numbers. I can bet if the AF has this problem, other services do as well. It goes back to leadership and a culture which carries a weapon for a living but is afraid of or "disrespectful to" that weapon. Hell, how many times do we hear about someone ND'ing into their leg while holstering a pistol? And those stories are instructors or LEO's? We have a society were everyone who serves is a "warrior" but we don't allow them to train with their weapons and many are either afraid of them or totally ignorant of what they possess. Mature, safe handling of firearms is almost a dying or dead skill.
IIRC, in Col Hackworth's book About Face, when he was a recruit battalion commander at Ft Lewis during the Vietnam War, his recruits had a blank round chambered at all times. Made it very easy to find out who was violating the weapons handling principles and served as an instant reinforcer of training.