Re: Waygu

It's game on, Saturday after Easter. 14oz ribeye was the smallest cuts we could get; all of the 'cheaper' stuff was scarfed up within minutes after the site went online. Fortunate the the dude doing the cooking is fantastic!
Saturday evening. I'll send pics of what a $150 steak looks like!!!

It was good, but maybe too rich and naturally greasy.

I am glad I tried it, I don’t know that I would spend that kind of money again.

The flavor was interesting, It’s like nothing I’ve ever had before and the steak literally melted in your mouth.

We may do this again next year, but instead of having a full portion, cut one steak into 3 or 4 portions. With everything else we ate throughout the day it would be just enough.

It was good, but maybe too rich and naturally greasy.

I am glad I tried it, I don’t know that I would spend that kind of money again.

The flavor was interesting, It’s like nothing I’ve ever had before and the steak literally melted in your mouth.

We may do this again next year, but instead of having a full portion, cut one steak into 3 or 4 portions. With everything else we ate throughout the day it would be just enough.

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It sounds like your portions were too big. Typically waygu is served in very small 3-4 oz portions for an entree. It shouldn't be greasy, rich yes, greasy no. It has a different flavor from other steak. Typically it is like eating a stick of steak flavored butter. Bigger portions like you have in the pic would be on the very edge of palatability. It's a very rare person that would enjoy a 12 oz waygu steak, especially a cut like ribeye. You'll enjoy it more next year if you cut it into 4 portions. Quite often it will be served as a carpaccio. Raw thin slices, sometimes with a warming source like a hot stone for someone to cook to taste at the table. Because the fat melts at body temperature, the raw steak will literally dissolve in your mouth.

If you are going with a bigger cut, say 6 oz, go for the tenderloin. There is much less (but still plenty) of fat in the tenderloin.

I'd have warned you about the sizes, but thought you were having it served at a restaurant where they were preparing it.

Side note: That steak is overcooked for waygu, the small end of the steak should look like the top end and the top end should look like the main muscle. You can tell it's over because on the outside edge (left in the pic) the protein is seized.
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Woke up and felt like waffles this morning. Wish I had thought about it last night so I could do the real version which use yeast and require rising... Anyhow, I give you Blueberry Waffles from scratch in under 30 minutes...

Waffles and Eggs.jpg

I have a spare if anyone wants it... Seriously though, if you make a big batch of waffles, you can freeze them and throw them in the toaster throughout the month (on bagel setting if your toaster has it).

Spare Waffle.jpg

Recipe - Makes one test waffle and 3 full 10" Belgian Waffles

1 cup berries of any type
2 cups flour, sifted
2 large eggs, separated (for you Rangers, that means separate the whites and yolks, not go looking for divorced eggs)
1 Tbsp sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1-1/2 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup melted butter

Butter and syrup to taste

Heat the waffle iron (duh!)
beat the egg whites until stiff, set aside
sift together the dry ingredients in a large bowl
beat or whisk to mix the egg yolks and milk
add melted butter to dry ingredients and mix to cool it
add milk and yolk mixture slowly while stirring
fold in the berries
fold in the egg whites

Spray the waffle iron with Pam baking spray (vanilla) once every two waffles

Do a test waffle to make sure that the iron is hot enough. Just put enough on the iron in the center so that the four quadrants will each have a section that is a full height. When you plate your first waffle, put the test waffle in the center and set the full one on top. It makes your waffles look extra fluffy.

Resist the temptation to add the melted butter to the milk and yolks. Unless you temper the eggs, you will end up with scrambled eggs in your waffle, not as good as it sounds...
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Come to Cincinnati and I will get you a good Steak. For $100 I can get you drunk and get you one of the best steaks you have ever eaten.
Forget Bern's Steakhouse. Mrs O sez it's for anniversary couples, newlyweds and same-sex marriage proposals. Bad suggestion on my part. Only manly steakhouses for me, where you knock the horns off the cow right at the table.
What to do in a snowstorm? Scratch spagatti sauce and meatballs of course!

Let the garlic soak and the onions simmer....

Add a little of this and that....

Start the meatballs....

That looks to be about the right size....

A nice sear before soaking in the sauce...

Bye-bye meatballs....see you in a few hours!

Time to taste test yet?