Verified Military
Obviously no sense among these S/NCOs that they're actually engaged in a military/defense role. It's like they're working for the post office, or the DMV, just fucking around, sucking that government tit.
Therein lies is the real problem - "we the people" have created and cultivated a society that ENCOURAGES people to treat their military service as though they are just doing eye exams for the DMV.
What do you mean I can't play "Pokemon-GO" while I am on shift?
Why can't the Army pay off the student loan debt for my "Advanced Ancient Egyptian Women's Studies" degree?
I'll enlist, but only if the Navy will cover the cost of my transition.
We have too many white guys flying fighter jets in the Air Force!
You can't run the nations defense department like you have spent the last 45 minutes sniffing spray paint from a plastic bag and then wonder why shit is going off the rails...
I get that people want to join the military to learn a life skill then get an MOS that supports that like admin, finance, supply, whatever. But living the 8-4 M-F life in the military does not absolve you from the fact that you are still, in fact, in the military, and the military's job is to kill people and break shit in the name of foreign and national security policy.