That's shitty. Sorry about your buddy - good luck with it all.
We're going to go for a last walk and chocolate ice cream. Regardless, smiles along with tears will abound.
Looks to be a Daschund-Beagle mix. Might be some Chihuahua in there too.
Cute though.
I imitate the call of the Wild Cthulu.
Eyes of the Walking Dead
This... Is Titanescu. Age unknown. He's pretty old but not blind, despite the way his eyes look in photos. He's also a major asshole and fears nothing, he's too f***** old and too f***** tired. He's a Manx, with a short bobtail. He doesn't purr.
If you touch him the wrong way, he'll punch you.
If you touch him, he'll punch you and maybe hiss a foul hiss at you.
If the dog yips, he goes over and punches her. Several times.
What I mean by punch is that he doesn't raise his paw and bring it down in a slashing motion the way cats do, he jabs, straight out and hard, from the shoulder. I think he learned that cage fighting in shelters for years. They told us he'd been returned to the shelter twice by folks who mistakenly thought he might be mellow but got Bad Santa instead..
He likes to perch on my lap. I just can't touch him, really.
The first week we had him, he was perched on the missus and I was f***** with him, out comes the paw, and fast. He hit my hand hard enough it sounded like meat on meat. My wife starts giggling, which makes him shake. He turns to her and let's out a foul, halitosis hiss in her face. Another cat would take off after that, for fear of reprisals. Not him. Never. He looked at us dead calm as if to say "do it again. Go ahead and do it"
We didn't.
Younger cat wants to wrestle with him at times. He's younger and heavier. Next thing you know, the younger cat hits the floor with a thud, Titanescu walks over to the dog's crate and punches her through the bars. It's like he's saying "and f*** you too!"
He's all right as long as we remain aware. But then, we have a high tolerance for "characters".
Funny thing about the rapping: recently, he started doing that when he wants to be fed. I think part of his issues stem from lack of socialization (no purring) and spinal problems endemic to the breed. I do admire him, I'll admit: he has no fear and he takes no shit. He doesn't start any either...
Yup, I can see those. It's an interesting eye, it reminds me of thunderstorm clouds rolling in over a moon.