Labradors have been in my family for over a century, both of these are a mix of my old bloodline, my father’s blood line and my sister’s bloodline. It’s a pretty unique thing, due to these blood lines being in our family for so long (my dad’s dating back to his father and grandfather). Anyway, Texas (Black Male) is from Dakota (Yellow Male) & Montana (Chocolate Female). AXE (Yellow Male) is from Dakota and Shelby (Yellow Female).
Dakota is a descendent of my sister’s bloodline, roughly 2 decades in the family bloodline.
Montana was from my father champion field trial bloodline, dates back to my great grandfather.
Shelby is a descendent of MAX (Black Male), my first Lab and by far my favorite dog (passed away during my first deployment), who was also from my father’s bloodline.
Both TX & AXE still have their nuts, but I am keeping them as pets and not breed'ers. I may breed TX down the road due to his outstanding pedigree, but I enjoy just having him standing guard over my children. He is trained as a field dog, and cross trained as a cell phone detection dog (long story, don't ask). lol
Pictures suck because the are from my cell phone,