Presidential Debate Thread

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You are 17 years old and likely know Trump from his reality TV shows more than anything else. Years before you were even born, hell maybe before your parents even met, Trump was saying some very unkind things about women...publicly. Go onto YouTube and do searches at some of the things he has said. Specifically about Rosie O'Donnell. Now to be fair...i HATE Rosie O'Donnell, but I do not talk poorly about her in front of my wife or children because I respect them, and do not want them to hear me say things I would never want them to repeat. Trump has no such filter...his own camp cannot control him.

I'm getting off track here. The bottom line is that you have not had enough life experiences yet to understand why your statement about his CURRENT wife running off with the money if he was disrespectful to her, is so off base. I try not to use Wiki as a source for much, but it is usually pretty solid for stuff like this...he's known to have had multiple affairs, after his kids were born, which in my world gives him an automatic FAIL on the "respect of women" test.
I have never seen a single one of his reality TV shows. I will do some more research on his past disrespects of women. As far as affairs go you may be correct, but do WE really know if it's true or not? Media always wants a story that will sell, not that they weren't true stories. The only ones who do know the truth are Donald and his mistress(s) and whomever else he may or she(s) may have told. Not saying you are wrong though.
I have never seen a single one of his reality TV shows. I will do some more research on his past disrespects of women. As far as affairs go you may be correct, but do WE really know if it's true or not? Media always wants a story that will sell, not that they weren't true stories. The only ones who do know the truth are Donald and his mistress(s) and whomever else he may or she(s) may have told. Not saying you are wrong though.

You are pretty out of your league here kid. He publicly admitted it, while saying how his wife no longer appealed to him sexually. He then married that woman.

Kid if you are going to talk about the media selling stories, you need to know what has actually happened..
That's because these aren't really structured debates but rather pissing contests.
I think the purpose of debates have long since gone the way of the dinosaur. With the 24/7 news cycle, interwebs, social media, magazines, newspapers, a million TV channels...there are so many ways to get the information. You know the differences in the candidates from day one....debates have no surprises or revelations.
I think the purpose of debates have long since gone the way of the dinosaur. With the 24/7 news cycle, interwebs, social media, magazines, newspapers, a million TV channels...there are so many ways to get the information. You know the differences in the candidates from day one....debates have no surprises or revelations.

I thought it was interesting to listen to them when flustered. Clinton sounded very poor when talking about the economy, thoughts on causes for current economic state and such. I doubt if she was scripted by her handlers with nobody badgering she wouldn't have come off like that. Trump when losing focus did not appear to be a strong enough communicator to explain more complex thoughts succinctly.

For what it is worth I was very interested to see that Trump never once pushed Clinton on a number of topics which she is vulnerable on. He didn't bite on Libya when she brought up his deal in 2011 with Gaddafi, and I wonder if his handlers want to play the long con. Why ruin a media frenzy this far away from the election?
You are pretty out of your league here kid. He publicly admitted it, while saying how his wife no longer appealed to him sexually. He then married that woman.

Kid if you are going to talk about the media selling stories, you need to know what has actually happened..
As I stated I would research the subject and now I have. I agree about his affairs. I wasn't able to find that he admitted to them though.
As I stated I would research the subject and now I have. I agree about his affairs. I wasn't able to find that he admitted to them though.

There are articles on Donald admitting to infidelity while he was married the first time around. He even said that comments about those events would be fair game in political discussion. He also wrote about it in his own book The Art of the Deal.

Your "research" needs some work.
There are articles on Donald admitting to infidelity while he was married the first time around. He even said that comments about those events would be fair game in political discussion. He also wrote about it in his own book The Art of the Deal.

Your "research" needs some work.
Never read the book. Can you post a link where he admits to it. Couldn't find any in my searches.
Is anyone excited at all for the VP debate? I mean, it's basically between Senator Kelly from the X-Men comics versus your lame uncle, so personally I'm not expecting much. Will Mike Pence hulk out and smash the moderator? Will Tim Kaine insult us in Spanish? Who knows? Who cares?
Is anyone excited at all for the VP debate? I mean, it's basically between Senator Kelly from the X-Men comics versus your lame uncle, so personally I'm not expecting much. Will Mike Pence hulk out and smash the moderator? Will Tim Kaine insult us in Spanish? Who knows? Who cares?

Who are these people??

I think your last two questions sum it all very well....."Who knows? Who cares?"
One candidate is a fembot with 1 bionic foot in the grave, another is 70 going on 90, over weight, not active and married to a beautiful woman half his age....:-"

Honest Observation....These 2 VP choices might be more important then ever!!!!

One candidate is a fembot with 1 bionic foot in the grave, another is 70 going on 90, over weight, not active and married to a beautiful woman half his age....:-"

Honest Observation....These 2 VP choices might be more important then ever!!!!


Watching a debate involving someone who believes, for instance:

- That the NRA should be training our military on how to carry weapons
- That there should be funding for LGBT conversion therapy programs
- That AGW isn't happening
- Who believes Intelligent Design provides the only "rational" explanation for the universe

Hellz yeah, I'm there.

One candidate is a fembot with 1 bionic foot in the grave, another is 70 going on 90, over weight, not active and married to a beautiful woman half his age....:-"

Honest Observation....These 2 VP choices might be more important then ever!!!!

He plays golf ;-)
you know trump plays golf but couldn't find anything in your research about the stuff he said about women?
Yet to find any reliable news websites that show it. Most are not known names, or clearly biased.
^^^ The lack of genuine evidence for this conspiracy only demonstrates how clever the conspirators are. :hmm:O_o

Red is the color of anger and danger, too! That needs to be on the Twitterverse...

^^^ The lack of genuine evidence for this conspiracy only demonstrates how clever the conspirators are. :hmm:O_o

Red is the color of anger and danger, too! That needs to be on the Twitterverse...


If there was evidence, it wouldn't be a conspiracy, right?? Just need a wee hint of assumption and off you go....

Agreeing with you.....
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