Presidential Debate Thread

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Interesting. That is contrary to a number of polls (not for-real scientific polls, but rather snap polls) this morning, even on Drudge.
Yeah. A lot of those polls get posted to places like the Trump subreddit and conservative Facebook groups, who then flood the voting.

Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight says that current events are reflected in polling about a week after the event happens. We'll see real reflections of the debates in about a week when the next round of state polling is released.
Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight says that current events are reflected in polling about a week after the event happens. We'll see real reflections of the debates in about a week when the next round of state polling is released.

Nate Silver and FiveThirtyEight are good to go. I like polling by political scientists or colleges much more than those commissioned by any of the media. I think those independent of the media take the methodology much more seriously, and Silver certainly does.

But why Drudge, the snap polls, etc., are so important are not that they are scientifically accurate (because they aren't), but because most people don't care about the science behind polling. If they see a bunch of the little snap polls, subreddit, etc., go for one or the other, they see meaning, just like when we hear "Nine out of 10 dentists recommend..."
A Bean and Cheese burrito made their top four burritos in the burrito, they lost cred with me very early in their life.
Things have gotten so polarized most politicians forget that the Blue Dog democrats still exist, but they do, especially in the south.

I'm not so sure about that. Lived in basically the Deep South my entire life and have friends from all around it, and calling someone a Democrat is basically an insult in regular conversation with most "conservative" people.
I think Trump needs to learn the "less is more" idea and actually steal some of the Clinton camp's lines. For example, when answering the "birther" question, he should have answered JUST like Clinton did regarding her emails: it was a mistake and end it. If pressed, quote Clinton's, Mills', etc lines of "I don't remember" or just ignore and when pressed, claim that Americans want to hear about other real issues instead of turning the debate into a Jerry Springer show.

Additionally, when discussing Clinton's experience as Secretary of State, be honest and highlight that she was a political appointee and, like all the others before and since, that post is given to ruling power loyalists vice career diplomats, who really know the issues concerning various geo-political areas. All cabinet officials are merely mouth pieces for the President and the Senior Executive Service who really run the day-to-day operations of the agencies. If she REALLY made the "go" call on the UBL raid, she would know what we're doing to hunt IS leaders.

Trump would have scored big with female voters had he admitted saying stupid stuff about the Miss America contestant and then mentioned that he stands by victims of habitual sexual predators and will create policies that help women who are manipulated by men.

Finally, after Clinton said nukes are bad, Trump would have won the day by simply saying that our Nation's biggest problem is the opioid epidemic. It's destroying the country, to include Appalachia which has been decimated by President Obama's anti-coal stance, and then tie in the pathway of heroin: it ain't coming in from Canada.

Edit: Are Americans really concerned/curious about candidates positions on the Iraq war, President Obama's birthplace, or views on women?
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I think Trump needs to learn the "less is more" idea and actually steal some of the Clinton camp's lines. For example, when answering the "birther" question, he should have answered JUST like Clinton did regarding her emails: it was a mistake and end it. If pressed, quote Clinton's, Mills', etc lines of "I don't remember" or just ignore and when pressed, claim that Americans want to hear about other real issues instead of turning the debate into a Jerry Springer show.

Additionally, when discussing Clinton's experience as Secretary of State, be honest and highlight that she was a political appointee and, like all the others before and since, that post is given to ruling power loyalists vice career diplomats, who really know the issues concerning various geo-political areas. All cabinet officials are merely mouth pieces for the President and the Senior Executive Service who really run the day-to-day operations of the agencies. If she REALLY made the "go" call on the UBL raid, she would know what we're doing to hunt IS leaders.

Trump would have scored big with female voters had he admitted saying stupid stuff about the Miss America contestant and then mentioned that he stands by victims of habitual sexual predators and will create policies that help women who are manipulated by men.

Finally, after Clinton said nukes are bad, Trump would have won the day by simply saying that our Nation's biggest problem is the opioid epidemic. It's destroying the country, to include Appalachia which has been decimated by President Obama's anti-coal stance, and then tie in the pathway of heroin: it ain't coming in from Canada.

Edit: Are Americans really concerned/curious about candidates positions on the Iraq war, President Obama's birthplace, or views on women?

I agree with everything but views on women... how he talks about women is important. In a country with an ever growing female workforce gender equality and pay are important factors. A candidate that says stuff like Trump does about women speaks about his character, and his views on that evolution.
I agree with everything but views on women... how he talks about women is important. In a country with an ever growing female workforce gender equality and pay are important factors. A candidate that says stuff like Trump does about women speaks about his character, and his views on that evolution.

I fully agree. I don't think Clinton has a leg to stand on when it comes to advocating women's rights in the workplace.

Her reflex was to protect him and his future, and early on, she turned to a longtime Clinton loyalist, Ms. Wright, to defend him against the allegations, according to multiple accounts at the time, documented in books and oral histories.

“We have to destroy her story,” Mrs. Clinton said in 1991 of Connie Hamzy, one of the first women to come forward during her husband’s first presidential campaign, according to George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton administration aide who described the events in his memoir, “All Too Human.” (Three people signed sworn affidavits saying Ms. Hamzy’s story was false.)

When Gennifer Flowers later surfaced, saying that she had had a long affair with Mr. Clinton, Mrs. Clinton undertook an “aggressive, explicit direction of the campaign to discredit” Ms. Flowers, according to an exhaustive biography of Mrs. Clinton, “A Woman in Charge,” by Carl Bernstein.

Mrs. Clinton referred to Monica Lewinsky, the White House intern who had an affair with the 42nd president, as a “narcissistic loony toon,” according to one of her closest confidantes, Diane D. Blair, whose diaries were released to the University of Arkansas after her death in 2000.

Ms. Lewinsky later called the comment an example of Mrs. Clinton’s impulse to “blame the woman.”
Things have gotten so polarized most politicians forget that the Blue Dog democrats still exist, but they do, especially in the south.

I grew up in a Blue Dog Democrat household, but Blue Dogs were practically wiped out because of the Tea Party and polarization along political lines. I'm a Republican (maybe the first in my family) and now my parents vote a straight Democratic ticket. My dad HATES President Obama but voted for him because he "couldn't vote for a damn Republican." My folks are a part of the problem in this country, but there are obviously enough on both sides of the aisle and that's placed us where we are today.

I think Blue Dogs exist, but they are negated by internal politics. Blue Dogs traditionally voted against anti-gun measures so their loss is a blow to pro-gun rights in America.

Political moderates are the closest thing we've had to a third party but they are a dying breed whether Dem. or Rep.
"I can't remember." "I don't recall." "I don't recollect." "I'm not certain."

How many times when questioned, has the woman used these terms God knows how many times, but when it came to singling out talking points, statements and dates during this debate, she was johnny on the spot. Now, I don't know exactly what's up under the back of her dress without actually seeing it, but it sure seems suspicious. Maybe, SOMEONE should ask her about it, or in the next debate? This isn't the first time the issue of her wearing an ear piece and being fed answers has come up.

ScreenHunter_892 Sep. 27 23.43.jpg
"I can't remember." "I don't recall." "I don't recollect." "I'm not certain."

How many times when questioned, has the woman used these terms God knows how many times, but when it came to singling out talking points, statements and dates during this debate, she was johnny on the spot. Now, I don't know exactly what's up under the back of her dress without actually seeing it, but it sure seems suspicious. Maybe, SOMEONE should ask her about it, or in the next debate? This isn't the first time the issue of her wearing an ear piece and being fed answers has come up.

View attachment 16724
It's the pack for her lapel mic.

You can clearly see it here
I disagree. I believe wholeheartedly that Hillary will do, and has done so much more for women's rights, and issues than any other candidate.

As long as the women aren't Republican, don't own a business, don't have a weapon, don't live in "coal country", and give to the Foundation...then I would agree.

As President, what could she do that Obama hasn't done?
I grew up in a Blue Dog Democrat household, but Blue Dogs were practically wiped out because of the Tea Party and polarization along political lines. I'm a Republican (maybe the first in my family) and now my parents vote a straight Democratic ticket. My dad HATES President Obama but voted for him because he "couldn't vote for a damn Republican." My folks are a part of the problem in this country, but there are obviously enough on both sides of the aisle and that's placed us where we are today.

I think Blue Dogs exist, but they are negated by internal politics. Blue Dogs traditionally voted against anti-gun measures so their loss is a blow to pro-gun rights in America.

Political moderates are the closest thing we've had to a third party but they are a dying breed whether Dem. or Rep.

Yes, I totally agree. Blue Dog Democrats have been marginalized by their party, just as "moderate Republicans" have been shunned by the GOP.
As long as the women aren't Republican, don't own a business, don't have a weapon, don't live in "coal country", and give to the Foundation...then I would agree.

As President, what could she do that Obama hasn't done?

Maybe nothing? But it will be better than Trump.

Hillary's positions:

Hillary Clinton on women's rights and opportunity

I tried to find a similar page for Trump, but it does not seem to be a thing...
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Maybe nothing? But it will be better than Trump.

Hillary's positions:

Hillary Clinton on women's rights and opportunity

I tried to find a similar page for Trump, but it does not seem to be a thing...

Kidding, I don't know a lot about his actual policy positions- serious question does someone have a link where Trump outlines foreign policy, economy, etc?
I must admit I am torn about the debate. Clinton look polished and Trump not so much. Both had good lines and counter lines. Trump should have not interrupted and Clinton shouldn't have reacted at times, although overall she looked calmer.
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